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MobX tools for effective lazy reactive one way stream (support 3-layer architect)


Layer = a subset of the entire set of components (classes, functions, variables) divided into categories:

  • System (prefix S) = implementation of the data source from the outside. Has access to the device. Knows about the methods of data transfer and storage.
  • Domain (prefix D) = implementation of a business idea using program code.
  • View (prefix V) = implementation of the interface for the data consumer, i.e. the User. How the user WILL SEE the data. Data transfer (input data by EVENT) from the User to the server. DTO = an object containing ONLY properties. It comes from the System Layer.

The flow of changes.

It can be divided into 2 parts:

  • EVENT distribution flow (VIEW > DOMAIN > SYSTEM)
  • DATA distribution flow (SYSTEM > DOMAIN > VIEW)

DATA flow

To create a data stream, you need components from the "reactive" folder:

  1. LambdaX - is a way to make a "reactive bridge" for transferring data from one place to another (an alternative to @computed, where it is not convenient to use it).

  2. AsynX - is the source of asynchronous data (most often it is data from the server / hardware API). It extracts data from the outside (server, device) as is (DTO).

  3. ModelX - is the basis for reactive models, it is needed to expand the DTO functionality. Adds new properties (@observable), properties calculated from the DTO (@computed), methods (@action) to work in the context of this model.

  4. MapX - is a mutator that is needed for more productive transformation/updating of pure data from the source (DTO) into models.

  5. EventX - sometimes it is necessary that the data flow is discrete. For example, we need errors to pop up in layers in turn, so that we can process each one separately. In fact, this is just an EventEmitter.


use IoC for instantiate classes.

system layer

// S.User.transport.ts
class SUserTransport {
  public async self(request: ISUserSelfRequest): Promise<ISUserSelfResponse> {
    return fetch(`/user/self`, request);
  // IResponse = { code: 0 = OK, message?, data }
// S.User.adapter.ts
class SUserAdapter implements IDUserAdapter {
  public self(request: IDUserSelfRequestDTO): Promise<IDUserSelfResponseDTO> {
    return this._transport.self(request /* here we can adapt request */).then(res => res /* here we can adapt response */);

domain layer

// D.UserSelf.model.ts
class DUserSelfModel extends ModelX<IDUserSelfResponseDTO> {
  public get nameFull() {
    return `${this.dto.nameFirst} ${this.dto.nameLast}`
  public get birthday() {
    return new Date(this.dto.birthday);
// D.User.gateway.ts
class DUserGateway {
  public self(opts: IAsynXOpts<IDUserAdapter['self']>) {
    const source = new AsynX(this._adapter.self.bind(this._adapter), opts);
    return new MapX(source, () =>, lv => new DUserSelfModel(lv));
class DUserStore {
  public selfX = this._gateway.self({
    name: 'DUserStore.selfX', req: () => this._authStore.authenticated /* <- reactive property */ ? {} : undefined,
class DUserSelfCase {
  public get selfX() {
    return this._store.selfX;

view layer (platform independent)

// V.UserSelf.model.ts
class VUserSelfModel extends VModelX<DUserSelfModel> {
  public get nameFull() {
    return `your full name - ${this.domain.nameFull}`
  public get birthday() {
    return `your birthday - ${}`;
// V.UserSelf.present.ts
class VUserSelfPresent {
  public selfX = new MapX.View(this._case.selfX.source,
    () => this._case.selfX.model, (m) => new VUserSelfModel(m));
  // in View model we can format / localize / etc.

we need react / react-native / angular / vue depenedency ONLY in this level

view MOBILE layer

// V.UserSelf.screen.ts
class VUserSelfScreen extends React.component<...> {
  public render() {
    const { name, birthday /* formatted & localized */ } = this._present.selfX.model;
    const { isLoading, isEmpty, error } = this._present.selfX.source /* this is AsynX instance */;
    if (isLoading) ...
    if (isEmpty) ...
    if (error) ...
    // or just make a component that will handle the source states
    return (

view WEB layer

// V.UserSelf.screen.ts
class VUserSelfScreen extends React.component<...> {
  public render() {
    const { name, birthday /* formatted & localized */ } = this._present.selfX.model;

    return (
      // handle isLoading / isEmpty / isError
      <VStub mapXList={[this._present.selfX]}>{() => (


(!) There is no need to pull the request for obtaining user data with your hands (write ~ api.getUser().then(...).catch(...)) (!). At the moment when the data is needed in the VIEW layer (inside MobX autorun), they will start loading themselves.

Thus, we get a continuous data stream, which we don't need to worry about, think about synchronizing its state (we just call AsynX.refresh, or it will update itself when the req object\lambdaValue passed to AsynX changes)


MobX tools for effective lazy reactive one way stream (support 3-layer architect)







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