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Data Analyzer

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Know your market (c)

Web based market research tool. Based on thousands personal classified ads, analyzed and put together in beautiful interface. We put this data into real numbers, real value. Know your market, know your customer.


- Asynchronous, non-blocking, extendable web spider (tornado/aiohttp)
- Ansible playbooks, scalable configuration
- Django web interface, d3 graphs
- ElasticSearch data aggregation, Web-based rules editor (separate technical complexity and business needs)


- Back-end
    - ElasticSearch 2 (full-text search, data aggregation)
    - Apache Cassandra 3.0 (NoSQL storage, intermediate/aggregated data)
    - Django 1.8
    - Spider
- Front-end
    - webpack / jslint / mocha / d3
- Deployment
    - Ansible
- Continuous integration
    - Travis CI


alt tag

Code structure

- docs          (documentation)
- conf          (asnible playbooks)
- src/analytics (web interface)
- src/collector (data spiders)
-   (runs python and javascript tests)


curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo npm install

Running tests

make test