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Computer simulator

This is the simple computer system simulator which started as a course project at Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University.

User interface

Main window

Instructions Table

Here's a set of possible mnemonics for the machine codes that the computer recognizes:

Operation Code Mnemonic
Load 0b0001 LOD
Store 0b1000 STO
Add 0b0010 ADD
Subtract 0b0011 SUB
Add with Carry 0b0100 ADC
Subtract with Borrow 0b0101 SBB
Jump 0b0110 JMP
Jump If Zero 0b1010 JZ
Jump If Not Zero 0b1001 JNZ
Halt 0b0111 HLT


There are examples of programs for the simulator below:

First example:
;  Multiply 8-bit values 0xA7 and 0x1C
BEGIN:  LOD A, [RESULT+1] ; Load  byte at address RESULT+1 into accumulator
        ADD A, [NUM1+1]   ; Add byte at address NUM1+1 to accumulator
        STO [RESULT+1], A ; Store contents of accumulator at address RESULT+1

        LOD A, [RESULT]   ; Load  byte at address RESULT into accumulator
        ADC A, [NUM1]     ; Add with carry byte at address NUM1 to accumulator
        STO [RESULT], A   ; Store contents of accumulator at address RESULT

        LOD A, [NUM2+1]   ; Load  byte at address NUM2+1 into accumulator
        ADD A, [DEC]      ; Add byte at address DEC to accumulator
        STO [NUM2+1], A   ; Store contents of accumulator at address NUM2+1

        JNZ BEGIN         ; Jump if not zero to the instruction at BEGIN
        HLT               ; Halt
DEC:    FF                ; On the 28 (0x1C) time through value 1 will be added
                          ;  to 0xFF and the result will be zero, so
                          ;  the JNZ instruction will not jump back to BEGIN
                          ;  Instead, the next instruction is a Halt.

NUM1:   00, A7
NUM2:   00, 1C
RESULT: 00, 00            ; 16-bit value goes here
Second example
; Add two 8-bit numbers together and subtract a third
       LOD A, [NUM1]
       ADD A, [NUM1+1]
       SUB A, [NUM1+2]
       STO [SAVE], A

NUM1: 45, A9, 8E
SAVE: 00 ; Final result goes here

NOTE: don't try to place labels before or between instructions: it doesn't work temporarily. Type labels only after all commands.


A simulator of a basic computer system






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