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JSON Validation Service

The JSON Validation Service (JVS) is a validator that allows a user to check JSON objects for compliance with the JSON grammar according to RFC 7159§.



A Simple Way

JSONValidationService service;

try {
    service = new JSONValidationService(); // use default parameters
} catch (JVSException e) {
    LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Service exception", e);

Customize Options

You have several ways to build JVSOptions and pass it to the JSONValidationService class constructor.

/* use default options */
JVSOptions options1 = new JVSOptions();
/* populate parameters from the configuration file */
JVSOptions options2 = new JVSOptions("config.file");
/* manually build your JVSOptions instance */
JVSOptions options3 = new JVSOptionsBuilder("localhost", 8081)
/* or tune parameters from the file at runtime */
JVSOptions options4 = new JVSOptions("config")

/* and use like this */
new JSONValidationService(options4);

Configuration File

The configuration file is in JSON format with the following fields:

  • host - a hostname or an IP address for the service to bind
  • port - a port number that is used by the service
  • backlog - a maximum number of incoming TCP connections
  • path - a location of the service on a given host
  • delay - the maximum time in seconds to wait until exchanges are finished

See file for an example.

Handling the Responses

  1. If a received JSON is valid it is formatted to human-readable form and sent back.

  2. If data in a request do not conform to the JSON grammar, the following response is sent:

         "errorCode"  : 12,
         "errorMessage" : "plain language description of the problem",
         "errorPlace" : "the point where error has occurred",
         "resource"   : "filename taken from a URI",
         "request-id" : "the request id for easier tracking of errors"

Below is a list of known errors:

Code Meaning
1 Unterminated array
2 Unterminated object
3 Expected name
4 Expected ':'
5 Unexpected value
6 Expected value
7 Unterminated string
8 Unterminated comment
9 Malformed JSON
10 Unterminated escape sequence
11 Invalid escape sequence
12 JSON forbids NaN and infinities

Normally, JVS sends HTTPS OK responses with Content-Type: application/json in either case.


Run and build the Docker image:

$ cd "the path where the Dockerfile is placed"
$ docker build -t jvs .
$ docker run --rm -d -p 80:80 jvs

Or you can fork this project, change it as you want to, and commit the changes. Then you can simply run:

$ docker run --rm -d -p 80:80 jvs

To test that JVS is working properly, make a POST request as shown below:

$ cat file.json # example of a JSON file
    "key" : "value"
$ curl -s --data-binary @file.json[:port]/file.json


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details



JSON Validation Service







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