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Switched Multi-ported SRAM-based Memories

Ameer M. S. Abdelhadi and Guy G. F. Lemieux

The University of British Columbia (UBC) 2014

{ ameer.abdelhadi; guy.lemieux } @

A fully parameterized and generic Verilog implementation of the suggested modular switched multi-ported SRAM-based memory, together with previous approaches are provided as open source hardware. A run-in-batch flow manager to simulate and synthesize various designs with various parameters in batch using Altera's ModelSim and Quartus is also provided.

LICENSE: BSD 3-Clause ("BSD New" or "BSD Simplified") license.

This package is part of a journal paper submission to:
ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS); Special Issue on Reconfigurable Components with Source Code.

  • Paper title: Modular Switched Multi-ported SRAM-based Memory
  • Authors: Ameer M.S. Abdelhadi and Guy G.F. Lemieux - UBC

CAD Tools Requirements

This project has been tested intensively using Altera's Design Suite version 14.0 Specifically:

  1. Quartus II version 14.0 has been used to synthesize the Verilog implementation
  2. ModelSim Altera Edition version 10.0d (modelsim_ase) has been used to simulate the Verilog implementation.

Furthermore, the run-in-batch synthesis and simulation flow managers have been implemented using C-Shell, hence a /bin/csh should be available in the machine

Files and directories in this package

  • README: Read this first!
  • LICENSE: BSD 3-Clause ("BSD New" or "BSD Simplified") license.
  • altera.12.0.ubc.csh: C-shell script: Setup environment variables and Altera 12.0 CAD flow from The University of British Columbia (UBC). Change parameters to your environment if required.
  • altera.13.1.ubc.csh: C-shell script: Setup environment variables and Altera 13.1 CAD flow from The University of British Columbia (UBC).
  • altera.14.0.ubc.csh: C-shell script: Setup environment variables and Altera 14.0 CAD flow from The University of British Columbia (UBC).
  • altera.14.0.fab.csh: C-shell script: Setup environment variables and Altera 14.0 CAD flow from FAbRIC (FPGA Research Infrastructure Cloud); Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC); UT Austin -
  • sim: C-shell script: A run-in-batch simulation flow manager .
  • syn: C-shell script: A run-in-batch synthesis flow manager.
  • config.vh: Verilog: Generated by 'syn' script, contains design parameters.
  • utils.vh: Verilog: Design pre-compile utilities.
  • mrram.v: Verilog: Multiread-RAM based on bank replication using generic dual-ported RAM with optional single-stage or two-stage bypass/ for normal mode ports.
  • mrram_swt.v: Verilog: Multiread-RAM based on bank replication using generic dual-ported RAM with optional single-stage or two-stage bypass and switched read ports support.
  • dpram.v: Verilog: Generic dual-ported RAM .
  • dpram_bbs.v: Verilog: Generic dual-ported RAM with optional single-stage or two-stage bypass.
  • mpram_reg.v: Verilog: Generic register-based multiported-RAM. Reading addresses are registered and old data will be read in case of RAW. Implemented in FF's if the number of reading or writing ports exceeds one.
  • mpram_xor.v: Verilog: Multiported-RAM based on XOR implementation.
  • lvt_reg.v: Verilog: Register-based binary-coded LVT (Live-Value-Table).
  • lvt_bin.v: Verilog: Binary-coded I-LVT (Invalidation Live-Value-Table).
  • lvt_1ht.v: Verilog: Onehot-coded I-LVT (Invalidation Live-Value-Table).
  • mpram_lvt.v: Verilog: LVT/I-LVT-based Multiported-RAM for register-base and SRAM-based one-hot/binary-coded I-LVT.
  • smpram.v: Verilog: Switched multiported-RAM: register-based, XOR-based ,register-based LVT, SRAM-based binary-coded and one-hot-coded I-LVT.
  • smpram_tb.v: Verilog: Switched multiported-RAM testbench.
  • smpram.qpf: Quartus II Project File.
  • smpram.qsf: Quartus II Settings File.
  • sim.res: A list of simulation results, each run in a separate line, including all architectures.
  • syn.res: A list of synthesis results, each run in a separate line, including: frequency, resources usage, and runtime.
  • log/: A directory containing Altera's logs and reports.
  • syn.res.example: Example synthesis results.
  • sim.res.example: Example simulation results.
  • log.example.tar.xz: xz tarball: archived log directory example (for the runs listed in syn.res.example). To extract invoke: tar -xavf log.example.tar.xz

Switched multi-ported RAM module instantiation

All .v &.vh files in this package should be copied into your work directory. Copy the following instantiation into your Verilog design, change parameters and connectivity to fit your design.

// instantiate a multiported-RAM
mpram #(
  // parameters
  .MEMD (MEMD ), // positive integer: memory depth
  .DATW (DATW ), // positive integer: data width
  .nRPF (nRPF ), // positive integer: number of fixed (simple) read  ports (nRPF>=1              )
  .nWPF (nWPF ), // positive integer: number of fixed (simple) write ports (nWPF>=0              )
  .nRPS (nRPS ), // positive integer: number of switched       read  ports (nRPS<=nRPF           )
  .nWPS (nWPS ), // positive integer: number of switched       write ports (nWPS>=0; nWPF+nWPS>=1)
  .ARCH (ARCH ), // string: multi-port RAM architecture:
                 //   "AUTO"  : Choose automatically
                 //   "REG"   : Register-based
                 //   "XOR"   : XOR-based
                 //   "LVTREG": Register-based LVT
                 //   "LVTBIN": Binary-coded I-LVT-based
                 //   "LVT1HT": Onehot-coded I-LVT-based
  .BYPS (BYPS ), // string: Bypassing type:
                 //   "WAW": Allow Write-After-Write
                 //   "RAW": New data for Read-after-Write
                 //   "RDW": New data for Read-During-Write
  .FILE (""  )   // text: initialization file, optional
) mpram_inst (
  // ports
  .clk  (clk  ), // clock                                                          - input 
  .rdWr (rdWr ), // switch read/write (write is active low)                        - input 
  .WEnb (WEnb ), // write enables   - packed from nWPF fixed & nWPS switched ports - input : [            (nWPF+nWPS)-1:0]
  .WAddr(WAddr), // write addresses - packed from nWPF fixed & nWPS switched ports - input : [`log2(MEMD)*(nWPF+nWPS)-1:0]
  .WData(WData), // write data      - packed from nWPF fixed & nWPS switched ports - input : [DATW       *(nWPF+nWPS)-1:0]
  .RAddr(RAddr), // read  addresses - packed from nRPF fixed & nRPS switched ports - input : [`log2(MEMD)*(nRPF+nRPS)-1:0]
  .RData(RData)  // read  data      - packed from nRPF fixed & nRPS switched ports - output: [DATW       *(nRPF+nRPS)-1:0]

sim: A Run-in-batch Simulation Flow Manager


./sim <Depth List> <Width List> <#Write Ports List (Fixed-Switched)> <#Read Ports List (Fixed-Switched)> <Bypass List> <#Cycles> [verbose]

  • Use a comma delimited list.
    • No spaces.
    • May be surrounded by any brackets (), [], {}, or <>.
  • RAM depth, data width, and simulation cycles are positive integers.
  • Numbers of read and write ports are:
    • Pairs of "fixed-switched" port numbers delimited with hyphen "-", or,
    • Fixed port number only, if switched ports are not required.
      • numbers of read/write ports are integers.
      • #switched_read_ports < = #fixed_read_ports
  • Bypassing type is one of: NON, WAW, RAW, or RDW.
    • NON: No bypassing logic
    • WAW: Allow Write-After-Write
    • RAW: new data for Read-after-Write
    • RDW: new data for Read-During-Write
  • "verbose" is an optional argument; use if verbosed logging is required


  • ./sim 1024 32 1-2 2-2 NON 1000000 verbose
    • Simulate 1M cycles of a 1K lines RAM, 32 bits width, 1 fixed / 2 switched write & 2 fixed / 2 switched read ports, no bypassing, verbose logging,
  • ./sim 512,1024 8,16,32 2,3,4 1,2,3,4 RAW 1000000
    • Simulate 1M cycles of RAMs with 512 or 1024 lines, 8, 16, or 32 bits width, 2,3, or 4 fixed write ports, 1,2,3, or 4 fixed read ports, with RAW bypass.

The following files and directories will be created after simulation :

  • sim.res : A list of simulation results, each run in a separate line, including all design styles.

syn: A Run-in-batch Synthesis Flow Manager


./syn <Depth List> <Width List> <#Write Ports List (Fixed-Switched)> <#Read Ports List (Fixed-Switched)> <Bypass List> <Architecture List>

  • Use a comma delimited list.
    • No spaces.
    • May be surrounded by any brackets (), [], {}, or <>.
  • RAM depth, data width, and simulation cycles are positive integers.
  • Numbers of read and write ports are:
    • Pairs of "fixed-switched" port numbers delimited with hyphen "-", or,
    • Fixed port number only, if switched ports are not required.
      • numbers of read/write ports are integers.
      • #switched_read_ports < = #fixed_read_ports
  • Bypassing type is one of: NON, WAW, RAW, or RDW.
    • NON: No bypassing logic
    • WAW: Allow Write-After-Write
    • RAW: new data for Read-after-Write
    • RDW: new data for Read-During-Write
  • Architecture is one of: REG, XOR, LVTREG, LVTBIN, or LVT1HT.
    • REG : Register-based multi-ported RAM
    • XOR : XOR-based multi-ported RAM
    • LVTREG: Register-based LVT multi-ported RAM
    • LVTBIN: Binary-coded I-LVT-based multi-ported RAM
    • LVT1HT: Onehot-coded I-LVT-based multi-ported RAM


  • ./syn 1024 32 1-2 2-2 NON XOR
    • Synthesis a XOR-based RAM with no bypassing, 1K lines RAM, 32 bits width, 1 fixed / 2 switched write and 2 fixed / 2 switched read ports.
  • ./syn 512,1024 16,32 3,4 2,3 RAW,RDW LVTBIN,LVT1HT
    • Synthesis LVTBIN & LVT1HT RAM with new data RAW & RDW bypassing, 512 & 1024 lines, 16 & 32 data width, 3 & 4 fixed write ports, 2 & 3 fixed read ports.

The following files and directories will be created after compilation:

  • syn.res : A list of results, each run in a separate line, including: frequency, resources usage, and runtime
  • log/ : Altera's logs and reports


Switched SRAM-based Multi-ported RAM







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