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GCP Deployment using Docker, Kubernetes and enabling CI/CD using Cloud Build

  • Create the model and save it in the models folder
  • Move to GCP console and clone the repository
  • Create a kubernetes cluster by specifying the name of cluster, region, instance type, nodes etc.
  • Create deployments.yaml file with docker image and ports of container for deploying the pods
  • Create service.yaml file for exposing our application to website by linking the web port with the container port
  • To enable CI/CD we can use Cloudbuild in which we can write all the steps and set the trigger so once we push a code change new docker image gets build and gets pushed to GCR and starts running the pods in the kubernetes cluster using the deployment.yaml and service.yaml files.

Kubernetes Cheatcodes

Building the container image -

gcloud builds submit --tag<image_name> .

List the image -

gcloud builds list --filter <image_name>

Checking logs of built image -

gcloud builds log

Create Kubernetes Cluster -

gcloud container clusters create <cluster_name> --zone "us-west1-b" --machine-type "n1-standard-1" --num-nodes "1" --service-account <service_account_name>

Create Kubernetes Deployment -

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

Get details on deployed application -

kubectl get deployments

Get info of created pods via deployment -

kubectl get pods

Decribe deployed pod -

kubectl describe pod

Get pod logs -

kubectl logs

Create service for deployment -

kubectl apply -f service.yaml

Get service details -

kubectl get services

Add nodes to cluster -

gcloud container clusters resize <cluster_name> --num-nodes 3 --zone us-west1-b

Get details on cluster -

gcloud container clusters list

Scale pod replicas -

kubectl scale deployment <deployment_name> --replicas 2

Auto Scale setting in deployment -

kubectl autoscale deployment <deployment_name> --max 6 --min 2 --cpu-percent 50

Get details on horizontal pod autoscaler -

kubectl get hpa


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