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Codid-19 Live Sentiment Analysis

Live Sentiment Analysis on COVID-19 tweets from Twitter

The project represents the Live Sentiment Analysis on Covid-19 tweets. Here, I have used Twitter developer credentials to collect live tweets in a database file. The sentiment analyzer app will analyze the live tweets from the database continuously and evaluates the sentiment scores for each tweet. Finally, the application plots the graphical representation of the cumulative sentiment scores based on date and time.

The Sentiment Analysis Application will perform the following operations -

  1. First the application is fetching the tweets on "COVID-19" from Twitter I have used the tweepy API for python to do so. I have created a Twitter developer account for creating an application to generate the Twitter credentials for the app These are - consumer key, consumer secret key, access token key, access secret key.
  2. The fetched tweets are cleaned and preprocessed by using the NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) package thus the stop words can be removed.
  3. The cleaned and pre-processed tweets are stored in an SQLite Database File (.db format).
  4. The Sentiment ratings for each tweet are calculated using the vaderSentiment package in python and stored those values in the database.
  5. Finally, after calculating the sentiment of the tweets the Sentiment Polarities are visualized through graphs using the plotly, dash packages in python.

Required Packages

Please install the following packages to execute all the codes.

  • tweepy==4.4.0
  • pandas==1.3.4
  • plotly==5.9.0
  • dash==2.0.0
  • preprocessor==1.0.2
  • nltk==3.6.5
  • vaderSentiment==3.3.2
  • unidecode==1.2.0

Project Demonstration

Click here to watch the demonstration video.

By Arunava Kumar Chakraborty


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