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msJinLei committed Feb 29, 2024
1 parent 3a27e6a commit f9438d9
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Showing 100 changed files with 62,977 additions and 32,590 deletions.
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -1,3 +1,74 @@
## 11.4.0 - March 2024
#### Az.Accounts 2.16.0
* Added a preview feature to detect secrets and sensitive information from the output of Azure PowerShell cmdlets to prevent leakage. Enable it by 'Set-AzConfig -DisplaySecretsWarning True'. Learn more at
* Fixed 'CacheDirectory' and 'CacheFile' out-of-sync issue in AzureRmContextSettings.json and the customers are not allowed to change these 2 properties.
* Redirected device code login messages from warning stream to information stream if use device authentication in 'Connect-AzAccount'.

#### Az.Cdn 3.1.2
* Fixed the case sensitive issue when do preparing migration steps for 'Start-AzFrontDoorCdnProfilePrepareMigration'

#### Az.Compute 7.1.2
* Fixed 'New-AzVM' when a source image is specified to avoid an error on the 'Version' value.

#### Az.CosmosDB 1.14.1
* Fixed validation issues in same-account collection/container/graph and database/table/Gremlin restores, affecting the following cmdlets:
- Restore-AzCosmosDBSqlDatabase
- Restore-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer
- Restore-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase
- Restore-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection
- Restore-AzCosmosDBGremlinDatabase
- Restore-AzCosmosDBGremlinGraph
- Restore-AzCosmosDBTable
* Upgraded SDK 'Azure.Security.KeyVault.Keys' TO 4.6.0-beta.1.
* Added breaking change message for ListConnectionStrings changes

#### Az.DataFactory 1.18.2
* Supported Snowflake V2 in ADF

#### Az.KeyVault 5.2.1
* Supported 'HsmPlatform' in 'KeyAttributes'.

#### Az.LogicApp 1.5.1
* Removed the *.deps.json file that caused false positive security alerts. [#23603]

#### Az.Monitor 5.1.0
* Added support for the Metric Data Plane

#### Az.RedisCache 1.9.0
* Upgraded API version to 2023-08-01
* Added support for flush operation
* Added support for update channels
* Added support for Microsoft Entra Authentication

#### Az.Resources 6.16.0
* Added breaking change warnings for Azure Policy cmdlets.
* Added 'AuxTenant' parameter in 'New-AzResourceGroupDeployment'to support cross-tenant deployment.
* Fixed bug with custom types and deployments whatif. [#13245]
* Fixed bug with nullable array parameters & outputs.
* Fixed bug with TemplateParameterUri not downloading parameters correctly.

#### Az.Security 1.6.0
* Added new cmdlets for Security Connectors
* Added new cmdlets for ApiCollections Security

#### Az.StackHCI 2.3.1
* Updated 'Set-AzStackHCI' to use HTTP PATCH for updating cluster resource instead of HTTP PUT and to only send updated properties.

#### Az.StackHCIVM 1.0.1
* Reported image download progress

#### Az.Storage 6.1.2
* Fixed parser logic when downloading blob from managed disk account with Sas Uri and bearer token on Linux and MacOS
- 'Get-AzStorageBlobContent'
* Added warning messages for upcoming breaking changes in Queue cmdlets for removing references to 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Queue'
- 'New-AzStorageQueue'
- 'Get-AzStorageQueue'
- 'New-AzStorageQueueSASToken'
* Added warning messages for an upcoming breaking change when uploading a file using SAS token without read permission
- 'Set-AzStorageFileContent'
* Added warning messages for an upcoming breaking change when upgrading a Storage account to StorageV2
- 'Set-AzStorageAccount'

## 11.3.1 - February 2024
#### Az.Resources 6.15.1
* Fixed deadlock in Bicep CLI execution. [#24133]
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23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions documentation/SyntaxChangeLog/
@@ -1,3 +1,25 @@
## 11.4.0 - March 2024
#### Az.Accounts 2.16.0
* Modified cmdlet `Clear-AzConfig`
- Added parameter `-DisplaySecretsWarning`
* Modified cmdlet `Get-AzConfig`
- Added parameter `-DisplaySecretsWarning`
* Modified cmdlet `Update-AzConfig`
- Added parameter `-DisplaySecretsWarning`
#### Az.Monitor 5.1.0
* Added cmdlet `Get-AzMetricsBatch`
#### Az.RedisCache 1.9.0
* Modified cmdlet `New-AzRedisCache`
- Added parameter `-UpdateChannel`
* Modified cmdlet `Set-AzRedisCache`
- Added parameter `-UpdateChannel`
* Added cmdlet `Clear-AzRedisCache`, `Get-AzRedisCacheAccessPolicy`, `Get-AzRedisCacheAccessPolicyAssignment`, `New-AzRedisCacheAccessPolicy`, `New-AzRedisCacheAccessPolicyAssignment`, `Remove-AzRedisCacheAccessPolicy`, `Remove-AzRedisCacheAccessPolicyAssignment`
#### Az.Resources 6.16.0
* Modified cmdlet `New-AzResourceGroupDeployment`
- Added parameter `-AuxTenant`
#### Az.Security 1.6.0
* Added cmdlet `Get-AzSecurityApiCollection`, `Get-AzSecurityConnector`, `Get-AzSecurityConnectorAzureDevOpsOrg`, `Get-AzSecurityConnectorAzureDevOpsOrgAvailable`, `Get-AzSecurityConnectorAzureDevOpsProject`, `Get-AzSecurityConnectorAzureDevOpsRepo`, `Get-AzSecurityConnectorDevOpsConfiguration`, `Get-AzSecurityConnectorGitHubOwner`, `Get-AzSecurityConnectorGitHubOwnerAvailable`, `Get-AzSecurityConnectorGitHubRepo`, `Get-AzSecurityConnectorGitLabGroup`, `Get-AzSecurityConnectorGitLabGroupAvailable`, `Get-AzSecurityConnectorGitLabProject`, `Get-AzSecurityConnectorGitLabSubgroup`, `Invoke-AzSecurityApiCollectionApimOffboard`, `Invoke-AzSecurityApiCollectionApimOnboard`, `New-AzSecurityAwsEnvironmentObject`, `New-AzSecurityAwsOrganizationalDataMasterObject`, `New-AzSecurityAwsOrganizationalDataMemberObject`, `New-AzSecurityAzureDevOpsScopeEnvironmentObject`, `New-AzSecurityConnector`, `New-AzSecurityConnectorActionableRemediationObject`, `New-AzSecurityConnectorDevOpsConfiguration`, `New-AzSecurityCspmMonitorAwsOfferingObject`, `New-AzSecurityCspmMonitorAzureDevOpsOfferingObject`, `New-AzSecurityCspmMonitorGcpOfferingObject`, `New-AzSecurityCspmMonitorGithubOfferingObject`, `New-AzSecurityCspmMonitorGitLabOfferingObject`, `New-AzSecurityDefenderCspmAwsOfferingObject`, `New-AzSecurityDefenderCspmGcpOfferingObject`, `New-AzSecurityDefenderForContainersAwsOfferingObject`, `New-AzSecurityDefenderForContainersGcpOfferingObject`, `New-AzSecurityDefenderForDatabasesAwsOfferingObject`, `New-AzSecurityDefenderForDatabasesGcpOfferingObject`, `New-AzSecurityDefenderForServersAwsOfferingObject`, `New-AzSecurityDefenderForServersGcpOfferingObject`, `New-AzSecurityGcpOrganizationalDataMemberObject`, `New-AzSecurityGcpOrganizationalDataOrganizationObject`, `New-AzSecurityGcpProjectEnvironmentObject`, `New-AzSecurityGitHubScopeEnvironmentObject`, `New-AzSecurityGitLabScopeEnvironmentObject`, `New-AzSecurityInformationProtectionAwsOfferingObject`, `Remove-AzSecurityConnector`, `Remove-AzSecurityConnectorDevOpsConfiguration`, `Update-AzSecurityConnector`, `Update-AzSecurityConnectorAzureDevOpsOrg`, `Update-AzSecurityConnectorAzureDevOpsProject`, `Update-AzSecurityConnectorAzureDevOpsRepo`, `Update-AzSecurityConnectorDevOpsConfiguration`

## 11.3.1 - February 2024

## 11.3.0 - February 2024
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141 changes: 141 additions & 0 deletions documentation/breaking-changes/
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,14 @@
- Parameter `DisableErrorRecordsPersistence` will be deprecated, a new parameter `EnableErrorRecordsPersistence` will be added instead. Writing error records to file system will become opt-in instead of opt-out. This change will happen around May 2024
- This change is expected to take effect from Az.Accounts version: 2.X and Az version: 12.0.0

## Az.CosmosDB

### `Get-AzCosmosDBAccountKey`

- Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
- Output type for -Type ConnectionStrings will be changed to List<DatabaseAccountConnectionString> in next major version.
- This change is expected to take effect from Az.CosmosDB version: 2.0.0 and Az version: 12.0.0

## Az.KeyVault

### `Invoke-AzKeyVaultKeyOperation`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,6 +69,104 @@
- The following properties are being added to the output type : 'ResourceType'
- This change is expected to take effect from Az.RecoveryServices version: 7.0.0 and Az version: 12.0.0

## Az.Resources

### `Get-AzPolicyAssignment`

- Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
- The output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.Implementation.Policy.PsPolicyAssignment' is changing
- The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'Properties'
- The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Description' 'DisplayName' 'EnforcementMode' 'Metadata' 'NonComplianceMessages' 'NotScopes' 'Parameters' 'PolicyDefinitionId' 'Scope'
- This change is expected to take effect from Az.Resources version: 7.1.0 and Az version: 12.0.0

### `Get-AzPolicyDefinition`

- Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
- The output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.Implementation.Policy.PsPolicyDefinition' is changing
- The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'Properties'
- The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Description' 'DisplayName' 'Metadata' 'Mode' 'Parameters' 'PolicyRule' 'PolicyType'
- This change is expected to take effect from Az.Resources version: 7.1.0 and Az version: 12.0.0

### `Get-AzPolicyExemption`

- Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
- The output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.Implementation.Policy.PsPolicyExemption' is changing
- The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'Properties'
- The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Description' 'DisplayName' 'ExemptionCategory' 'ExpiresOn' 'Metadata' 'PolicyAssignmentId' 'PolicyDefinitionReferenceIds'
- This change is expected to take effect from Az.Resources version: 7.1.0 and Az version: 12.0.0

### `Get-AzPolicySetDefinition`

- Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
- The output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.Implementation.Policy.PsPolicySetDefinition' is changing
- The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'Properties'
- The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Description' 'DisplayName' 'Metadata' 'Parameters' 'PolicyDefinitionGroups' 'PolicyDefinitions' 'PolicyType'
- This change is expected to take effect from Az.Resources version: 7.1.0 and Az version: 12.0.0

### `New-AzPolicyAssignment`

- Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
- The output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.Implementation.Policy.PsPolicyAssignment' is changing
- The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'Properties'
- The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Description' 'DisplayName' 'EnforcementMode' 'Metadata' 'NonComplianceMessages' 'NotScopes' 'Parameters' 'PolicyDefinitionId' 'Scope'
- This change is expected to take effect from Az.Resources version: 7.1.0 and Az version: 12.0.0

### `New-AzPolicyDefinition`

- Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
- The output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.Implementation.Policy.PsPolicyDefinition' is changing
- The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'Properties'
- The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Description' 'DisplayName' 'Metadata' 'Mode' 'Parameters' 'PolicyRule' 'PolicyType'
- This change is expected to take effect from Az.Resources version: 7.1.0 and Az version: 12.0.0

### `New-AzPolicyExemption`

- Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
- The output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.Implementation.Policy.PsPolicyExemption' is changing
- The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'Properties'
- The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Description' 'DisplayName' 'ExemptionCategory' 'ExpiresOn' 'Metadata' 'PolicyAssignmentId' 'PolicyDefinitionReferenceIds'
- This change is expected to take effect from Az.Resources version: 7.1.0 and Az version: 12.0.0

### `New-AzPolicySetDefinition`

- Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
- The output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.Implementation.Policy.PsPolicySetDefinition' is changing
- The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'Properties'
- The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Description' 'DisplayName' 'Metadata' 'Parameters' 'PolicyDefinitionGroups' 'PolicyDefinitions' 'PolicyType'
- This change is expected to take effect from Az.Resources version: 7.1.0 and Az version: 12.0.0

### `Set-AzPolicyAssignment`

- Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
- The output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.Implementation.Policy.PsPolicyAssignment' is changing
- The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'Properties'
- The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Description' 'DisplayName' 'EnforcementMode' 'Metadata' 'NonComplianceMessages' 'NotScopes' 'Parameters' 'PolicyDefinitionId' 'Scope'
- This change is expected to take effect from Az.Resources version: 7.1.0 and Az version: 12.0.0

### `Set-AzPolicyDefinition`

- Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
- The output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.Implementation.Policy.PsPolicyDefinition' is changing
- The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'Properties'
- The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Description' 'DisplayName' 'Metadata' 'Mode' 'Parameters' 'PolicyRule' 'PolicyType'
- This change is expected to take effect from Az.Resources version: 7.1.0 and Az version: 12.0.0

### `Set-AzPolicyExemption`

- Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
- The output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.Implementation.Policy.PsPolicyExemption' is changing
- The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'Properties'
- The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Description' 'DisplayName' 'ExemptionCategory' 'ExpiresOn' 'Metadata' 'PolicyAssignmentId' 'PolicyDefinitionReferenceIds'
- This change is expected to take effect from Az.Resources version: 7.1.0 and Az version: 12.0.0

### `Set-AzPolicySetDefinition`

- Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
- The output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.Implementation.Policy.PsPolicySetDefinition' is changing
- The following properties in the output type are being deprecated : 'Properties'
- The following properties are being added to the output type : 'Description' 'DisplayName' 'Metadata' 'Parameters' 'PolicyDefinitionGroups' 'PolicyDefinitions' 'PolicyType'
- This change is expected to take effect from Az.Resources version: 7.1.0 and Az version: 12.0.0

## Az.Sql

### `New-AzSqlDatabaseFailoverGroup`
Expand All @@ -75,3 +181,38 @@
- The default value of FailoverPolicy will change from Automatic to Manual
- This change is expected to take effect from Az.Sql version: 5.0.0 and Az version: 12.0.0

## Az.Storage

### `Get-AzStorageQueue`

- Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
- The child property CloudQueue and EncodeMessage from deprecated v11 SDK will be removed. Use child property QueueClient instead of CloudQueue.
- This change is expected to take effect from Az.Storage version: 6.0.0 and Az version: 11.0.0

### `New-AzStorageQueue`

- Cmdlet breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
- The child property CloudQueue and EncodeMessage from deprecated v11 SDK will be removed. Use child property QueueClient instead of CloudQueue.
- This change is expected to take effect from Az.Storage version: 6.0.0 and Az version: 11.0.0

### `New-AzStorageQueueSASToken`

- Parameter breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
- `-Protocol`
- The type of parameter Protocol will be changed from SharedAccessProtocol to string.
- This change is expected to take effect from Az.Storage version: 7.0.0 and Az version: 12.0.0

### `Set-AzStorageAccount`

- Parameter breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
- `-UpgradeToStorageV2`
- A prompt that needs users' confirmation will be added when upgrading a storage account from StorageV1 or BlobStorage to StorageV2. Suppress it with -Force.
- This change is expected to take effect from Az.Storage version: 7.0.0 and Az version: 12.0.0

### `Set-AzStorageFileContent`

- Parameter breaking-change will happen to all parameter sets
- `-Path`
- When uploading using SAS token without Read permission, the destination path will be taken as a file path, instead of a directory path previously.
- This change is expected to take effect from Az.Storage version: 7.0.0 and Az version: 12.0.0

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion setup/generate.ps1
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ if( (-not (get-command -ea 0 light)) -or (-not (get-command -ea 0 heat)) -or (-n
$outputName ="Az-Cmdlets"

# generate the product name from the current month/year.
$productName = "Microsoft Azure PowerShell - February 2024"
$productName = "Microsoft Azure PowerShell - March 2024"

# where to put temp files
$tmp = Join-Path $env:temp azure-cmdlets-tmp
Expand Down
14 changes: 5 additions & 9 deletions src/Accounts/Accounts/Az.Accounts.psd1
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# Generated by: Microsoft Corporation
# Generated on: 1/30/2024
# Generated on: 2/29/2024

Expand All @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# RootModule = ''

# Version number of this module.
ModuleVersion = '2.15.1'
ModuleVersion = '2.16.0'

# Supported PSEditions
CompatiblePSEditions = 'Core', 'Desktop'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,13 +147,9 @@ PrivateData = @{
# IconUri = ''

# ReleaseNotes of this module
ReleaseNotes = '* Upgraded the reference of Azure PowerShell Common to 1.3.90-preview.
* Upgraded Azure.Identity to 1.10.3 [#23018].
- Renamed token cache from ''msal.cache'' to ''msal.cache.cae'' or ''masl.cache.nocae''.
* Enabled Continue Access Evaluation (CAE) for all Service Principals login methods.
* Supported signing in with Microsoft Account (MSA) via Web Account Manager (WAM). Enable it by ''Set-AzConfig -EnableLoginByWam True''.
* Adjusted output format to be more user-friendly for ''Get-AzContext/Tenant/Subscription'' and ''Invoke-AzRestMethod''.
* Fixed the multiple ''x-ms-unique-id'' values issue.'
ReleaseNotes = '* Added a preview feature to detect secrets and sensitive information from the output of Azure PowerShell cmdlets to prevent leakage. Enable it by ''Set-AzConfig -DisplaySecretsWarning True''. Learn more at
* Fixed ''CacheDirectory'' and ''CacheFile'' out-of-sync issue in AzureRmContextSettings.json and the customers are not allowed to change these 2 properties.
* Redirected device code login messages from warning stream to information stream if use device authentication in ''Connect-AzAccount''.'

# Prerelease string of this module
# Prerelease = ''
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Accounts/Accounts/
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@

## Upcoming Release

## Version 2.16.0
* Added a preview feature to detect secrets and sensitive information from the output of Azure PowerShell cmdlets to prevent leakage. Enable it by `Set-AzConfig -DisplaySecretsWarning $true`. Learn more at
* Fixed `CacheDirectory` and `CacheFile` out-of-sync issue in AzureRmContextSettings.json and the customers are not allowed to change these 2 properties.
* Redirected device code login messages from warning stream to information stream if use device authentication in `Connect-AzAccount`.
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Accounts/Accounts/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
Expand Up @@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers
// by using the '*' as shown below:

[assembly: AssemblyVersion("2.15.1")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("2.15.1")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("2.16.0")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("2.16.0")]
#if !SIGN
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Accounts.Test")]
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