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HangFire background job activator based on Castle Windsor IoC Container.


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HangFire background job activator based on Castle Windsor IoC Container. Installation

HangFire.Windsor is available as a NuGet Package. Type the following command into NuGet Package Manager Console window to install it:

Install-Package HangFire.Windsor


In order to use the library, you should register it as your JobActivator class:

// Global.asax.cs or other file that initializes Windsor bindings.
public partial class MyApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
    private WindsorContainer _container;

    protected void Application_Start()
    	_container = new WindsorContainer();            

    	/* Register types */
    	/* _container.Register(Component.For<ISomeInterface>().ImplementedBy<SomeImplementation>()); */
	JobActivator.Current = new WindsorJobActivator(_container.Kernel);


This is pretty much a conversion of HangFire.Ninject including this Readme!