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β2.0.2 - SpriteTools? More like AnimationTools!

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@BtheDestroyer BtheDestroyer released this 31 Dec 02:49
· 106 commits to master since this release

Icon SpriteTools Beta 2.0.2

Time to animate those sprites we made in the last version!

Make sure you read the ReadME before asking questions. Many of them are answered there.

How to Use

Extract the Source, copy everything into your project's respective folders (include goes to include, source goes to source), then you can start using any of the functions in this project in your own.

NOTE: SpriteTools currently have the following dependencies that must be installed: ctrulib, citro3d, sf2d (sf2d will eventually not be needed, but for now it is)

Attached is an file as an example of how to use the debugging functions.

There will be a more detailed tutorial coming up in the future with an official release of 2.0 on the wiki.

New Features

Sprite Rendering

There was a thing or two we missed last time, so let's add them now:

  • ST_RenderSpriteAdvanced(st_frame *frame, int x, int y, double scale, double rotate, u8 red, u8 green, u8 blue, u8 alpha) adds all features of frame rendering.
  • ST_RenderCurrentScreen() will give you the current screen being rendered to


  • You can use the function ST_Splashscreen(u64 time) to display a "Made with SpriteTools" splashscreen after ST_Init(). It's not a requirement, but we appreciate it when people give credit this way.


Animation Frames

  • st_frame is a datatype that stores a frame of animation or sprite from a spritehseet.
  • You can use ST_AnimationCreateFrame(st_spritesheet *spritesheet, unsigned int xleft, unsigned int ytop, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) to get a pointer to an st_frame.
  • You can use ST_AnimationFreeFrame(st_frame *frame) to free an st_frame.

The following functions render frames:

Function Description
ST_RenderFramePosition(st_frame *frame, int x, int y) Draws a frame at a given position
ST_RenderFrameScale(st_frame *frame, int x, int y, double scale) Draws scaled frame at given position
ST_RenderFrameRotate(st_frame *frame, int x, int y, double rotate) Draws rotated frame at given position
ST_RenderFramePositionAdvanced(st_frame *frame, int x, int y, double scale, double rotate, u8 red, u8 green, u8 blue, u8 alpha) Draws scaled, rotated, and blended frame at given position


  • st_animation is a datatype that stores a list of frames as well as information about how they should be played.

  • You can use ST_AnimationCreateAnimation(u16 fpf, u16 loopFrame, u16 length, ...) to make a pointer to an st_animation. Make sure you free your animation and its frames with ST_AnimationFreeAnimation(st_animation *animation) ie:

    st_animation *link_o_walk_down = ST_AnimationCreateAnimation(3, 0, 10,
      ST_AnimationCreateFrame(link_overworld_s, 30, 2, 18, 24),
      ST_AnimationCreateFrame(link_overworld_s, 30, 2, 18, 24),
      ST_AnimationCreateFrame(link_overworld_s, 56, 1, 18, 25),
      ST_AnimationCreateFrame(link_overworld_s, 82, 0, 18, 26),
      ST_AnimationCreateFrame(link_overworld_s, 108, 0, 18, 26),
      ST_AnimationCreateFrame(link_overworld_s, 134, 1, 18, 25),
      ST_AnimationCreateFrame(link_overworld_s, 160, 2, 18, 24),
      ST_AnimationCreateFrame(link_overworld_s, 186, 1, 18, 25),
      ST_AnimationCreateFrame(link_overworld_s, 212, 0, 18, 26),
      ST_AnimationCreateFrame(link_overworld_s, 238, 0, 18, 26),
      ST_AnimationCreateFrame(link_overworld_s, 264, 1, 18, 25));
    /* -- CODE -- */

Rendering Animations

You can modify how animations play with the following functions:

Function Description
ST_AnimationSetFrame(st_animation *animation, u16 frame) Sets the current frame of an animation
ST_AnimationNextFrame(st_animation *animation) Adds 1 to the current frame of an animation. Wraps to 0 if needed
ST_AnimationPreviousFrame(st_animation *animation) Subtracts 1 from the current frame of an animation. Wraps to last frame if needed
ST_AnimationSetSpeed(st_animation *animation, s16 speed) Sets the playback speed of an animation

You can use the following functions to display animations:

Function Description
ST_RenderAnimationCurrent(st_animation *animation, int x, int y) Draws the current frame of an animation at the given position
ST_RenderAnimationNext(st_animation *animation, int x, int y) Draws the next frame of an animation at the given position
ST_RenderAnimationPrevious(st_animation *animation, int x, int y) Draws the previous frame of an animation at the given position
ST_RenderAnimationPlay(st_animation *animation, int x, int y) Plays an animation at the given position. This also accounts for the animation's speed.