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Plugin Configuration

PoutineQc edited this page Jun 28, 2016 · 1 revision
## Table of Contents ### Installation [(top)](#top)

CubeRunner is compatible with servers running 1.7.9 and above only.

Download a compatible version of CubeRunner from Spigot.

Put that jar file in the /plugin folder of your server.

CubeRunner will automatically create the default configuration files when you start your server. You don't have to edit those generated config files unless you want to use the MySQL connector or you want to adjust plugin settings. Continue reading if you want to customize further, otherwise continue to the Commands section.

### CubeRunner Configuration File [(top)](#top) Here is the file config.yml that is generated by default To edit achievements and challenges' rewards, this is in the [CubeRunner Achievements File](#achievement).
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                       Notes                          | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# CubeRunner plugin
# Made by PoutineQc
# config.yml - Config File

# If you want to edit the challenges' rewards
# Go in the achievements.yml file in the plugin/CubeRunner folder

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |         CubeRunner general configuration             | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Currently available languages:
# "fr" - Francais
# "en" - English
# "de" - Deutsch
# You may make another YAML file with another language
# Simply put it in the LanguageFiles folder and write it's name here (without the ".yml")
# This will option will be the "CR server language".. The signs will be in this language.
# Warning: If you change this, a simple /dac reload won't do, you'll have to restart the server.
language: 'en'

# Set to true if you have a MySQL database and fill the information below
# Warning: If you change this, a simple /dac reload won't do, you'll have to restart the server.
mysql: false
port: 3306
user: ''
password: ''
database: 'minecraft'
tablePrefix: 'cuberunner_'

# If you want the Plugin's "logo" ([cr] if not changed) to be displayed in front of every messages
prefixInFrontOfEveryMessages: true

# True : The game starts automaticly as soon as there are enough players in the lobby
# False : Players have to manually start the game
autostart: true

# The countdown from the moment a players starts the game to the beginning of the block shower. (in seconds)
# Players may still join the game during this countdown
countdownTime: 15

# Set to true if you want player's inventories to be cleared during a game and returned after it.
# Note : If the server crash of the plugin throws an error (which should not happend) during a game,
#   the player will permenantly loose it's inventory
saveAndClearInventory: true

# Set to true if you want players to get back to their original location after the end of the game
teleportAfterEnding: true

# Broadcasts
# True to enable - False to disable
  startup: true
  achievement: true
    singleplayer: true
    multiplayer: true

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |           Rewards and end game commands              | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Economy Rewards
# Requires Vault and an economy plugin
economyRewards: false

# Reward at the end of the game
# The reward will be the amount selected below times the score of the player
# Choose the reward amounts depending on the values of your server's economy
pricePerScore: 0.05

# if true, when completing a challenge gives a money reward
# will be false in all cases if you disable the economy rewards
achievementsRewards: true

# Commands that the console will execute at the end of the game
# (Examples below)
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# | Key Words | Commands with this node are executed :                                                  |
# |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
# | %winner%  | when the last player from a multiplayer game is eliminated where %winner% is the winner |
# | %player%  | whenever a player is eliminated where %player% is the eliminated player                 |
# | (nothing) | at the end of a game                                                                    |
# |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
# | %all%     | Everybody playing and watching                                                          |
# | %arena%   | Name of the arena the game is being played in                                           |
# | %prefix%  | CubeRunner's prefix as in all CubeRunner's messages                                     |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
#  - minecraft:playsound minecraft:entity.zombie.death hostile %player%
#  - minecraft:give %winner% minecraft:apple 10
#  - send %all% hub
#  - minecraft:tell @a %prefix% The CubeRunner's arena %arena% is now ready for a new game
#  - minecraft:weather clear

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                      Updates                         | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #

checkForUpdates: true
### Configuration file description table [(top)](#top)
Node Description
language Contains the default language of the CubeRunner plugin when they first join. Players are later able to change their own language with the /cr language command. This node will also be the language for the signs on the server.
mysql Whether or not the storing system is MySQL or flatfiles. Default is false.
host The address to connect to the MySQL server. Usually is '' or 'localhost'.
port The port to connect to the MySQL server. Usually is '3306'
user The user of the database.
password The password for the user.
database The name of the database.
tablePrefix The prefix for the tables in the database.
prefixInFrontOfEveryMessages Whether or not the plugin's prefix ([cr] if not changed) is displayed in front of every messages sent by the plugin. Default is true.
autostart Whether or not games start automatically when the minimum amount of players required to start the game is reached. Default is true.
countdownTime The amount of time in seconds the countdown lasts before a game starts. Players may still join the game during this countdown. Default is '15'.
saveAndClearInventory Whether or not the inventories of the players are saved and cleared for the duration of the game. Note : If the server crash of the plugin throws an error (which should not happen) during a game, the player will permanently loose it's inventory. Default is true.
teleportAfterEnding Whether or not players are teleported back to their original location before joining the game at the end of it. Default is true.
broadcasts.startup Whether or not a message is sent to all players on the server when a game of CubeRunner is about to start. Default is true.
broadcasts.achievement Whether or not a message is sent to all players on the server when a player achieves an CubeRunner's achievement or a challenge. Default is true.
broadcasts.ending.singleplayer Whether or not a message is sent to all players on the server when a singleplayer game of CubeRunner ends. Default is true.
broadcasts.ending.multiplayer Whether or not a message is sent to all players on the server when a multiplayer game of CubeRunner ends, congratulating the winning player. Default is true.
economyRewards Whether or not to activate the economy rewards. Requires Vault and an economy plugin. Default is false.
pricePerScore Amount of money given to players at the end of games multiplied by their score. Default is '0.05'.
achievementsRewards Whether or not monetary rewards are given to players when they achieve an achievement or a challenge. Default is true.
commands Commands to be executed by the console when players get eliminated. More details in the Configuration File Commands Directives.
checkForUpdates Whether or not the server tries to check for updates for the plugin on Spigot. Default is true.
### Configuration File Commands Directives [(top)](#top)

Diferent keywords may be put inside the command.

Key Words Commands with this node are executed :
%winner% when the last player from a multiplayer game is eliminated where %winner% is the winner
%player% whenever a player is eliminated where %player% is the eliminated player
(nothing) at the end of a game
Key Words These keywords are replaced with :
%all% Everybody playing and watching
%arena% Name of the arena the game is being played in
%prefix% CubeRunner's prefix as in all CubeRunner's messages
### CubeRunner Achievements File] [(top)](#top)
# File to edit the achievements
# Maximum of 7 achievements per categories
# Minimum of 0 if you want to disable them
# Don't worry about this file if you have set
# the economy rewards to false in the config.

# How to use:
# - amount_to_achieve;reward amount

  - 10;10.0
  - 50;50.0
  - 150;200.0
  - 500;1000.0
  - 100;5.0
  - 1000;40.0
  - 3600;100.0
  - 15000;750.0
  - 1;5.0
  - 5;10.0
  - 20;50.0
  - 100;200.0

  - 2;5.0
  - 20;40.0
  - 75;100.0
  - 250;300.0

# Challenge Rewards
rewardSurvive5Minutes: 25.0
rewardFillTheArenasFloor: 50.0
rewardReachHeight10: 100.0
rewardTheRageQuit: 15.0
rewardTheKillerBunny: 15.0
rewardTheAnswerToLife: 15.0
### Achievements File Description Table] [(top)](#top)
Achievement Description
amountOfGamesPlayed; totalScore; amountPlayerKills; multiplayerGamesWon Under each node, write a YAML list containing the two informations needed per achievement ; the level and the monetary reward. If the config.yml option 'economyRewards' is set to false, put any number for the monetary reward. Each element of the list should be two numbers separated by a semi-colon. Maximum of 7 achievements per categories and minimum of 0 if you want to disable them.
Challenge Description
rewardSurvive5Minutes; rewardFillTheArenasFloor; rewardReachHeight10; rewardTheRageQuit; rewardTheKillerBunny; rewardTheAnswerToLife If the config.yml option 'economyRewards' is set to false, do not care about this category. For each option, chose the amount of money to be given to players per challenge.
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