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Filtering, paginating and ordering results

Agustín Borrego edited this page Dec 6, 2022 · 1 revision

Silence provides all user-defined GET endpoints with automatic filtering, paging and ordering via URL query params:

  • _sort determines the field by which the results will be ordered (default: order determined by the database)
  • _order determines the sorting order ("asc" or "desc", default: "asc")
  • _limit determines the maximum amount of results to show (default: no limit)
  • _page determines the page of results to show (to be combined with _limit for easy paging, default: 0)
  • All other query parameters will be interpreted as a field that has to be filtered on

For example:

Get all departments whose city is Seville:

GET /api/departments?city=Sevilla

(200 OK)
    "departmentId": 1,
    "city": "Seville",
    "name": "Computer Science"
    "departmentId": 4,
    "city": "Seville",
    "name": "Literature"

Get all departments whose city is Seville AND their name is Literature:

GET /api/departments?city=Seville&name=Literature

(200 OK)
    "departmentId": 4,
    "city": "Seville",
    "name": "Literature"

Get all departments ordered by decreasing departmentId:

GET /api/departments?_sort=departmentId&_order=desc

(200 OK)
        "departmentId": 4,
        "city": "Seville",
        "name": "Literature"
        "departmentId": 3,
        "city": "Manchester",
        "name": "Artificial Intelligence"
        "departmentId": 2,
        "city": "New York",
        "name": "Physics"
        "departmentId": 1,
        "city": "Seville",
        "name": "Computer Science"

Get the second page of the previous query, with 2 results per page:

GET /api/departments?_sort=departmentId&_order=desc&_limit=2&_page=1

(200 OK)
        "departmentId": 2,
        "city": "New York",
        "name": "Physics"
        "departmentId": 1,
        "city": "Seville",
        "name": "Computer Science"

These parameters can be combined in any way and work for all GET endpoints.