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xkb-switch-lib API port to Win32/Win64. Needed for vim-xkbswitch plugin (GitHub: ) .

Installation and configuring

In windows you need not only the plugin, but DLL-files from latest release. If you have 64-bit Vim, you need libxkbswitch64.dll. For 32-bit version use libxkbswitch32.dll. If you do not know - you can get both, plugin detects version automatically.

By default you need to put DLL-file into top directory of Vim (where vim.exe is located). Or you need to set g:XkbSwitchLib variable:

let g:XkbSwitchLib = 'c:\path\to\dll\libxkbswitch32.dll' 

Character maps

Currently only Russian winkeys layout translation map ('ru') is supported out of the box for vim-xkbswitch. But you can create your own layout-file, and 'charmapgen' can help you.

Charmap generator outputs current installed in system charmaps to console. The easiest way to do that - download 'charmapgen32.exe' and 'charmapgen.bat' from /charmap directory. Than double click on bat-file - a new file will be appeared in current directory.

Than put 'charmap.txt' to your top directory of Vim (where vim.exe is located). You can see languages in this file. Than add needed languages to vimrc :

let g:XkbSwitchIMappingsTrData = 'charmap.txt'
let g:XkbSwitchIMappings = ['ru', 'by', 'ua']

You can see samples of charmap files in /charmap directory.


Author: Dmitry Hrabrov a.k.a. DeXPeriX

Original xkb-switch for Linux: