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Hikka Filters

Filters for updates-handlers for Telegram UserBot Hikka

external-install-basic-ui-elements-2.3-sbts2018-outline-color-sbts2018 Install

Install via GitHub:

pip3 install --upgrade

Stable version from PyPi:

pip3 install hikka-filters

For Windows: pip3 > pip


# requires: hikka-filters>=0.2.0

from .. import loader, utils
from hikka_filters import check_filters, user, chat, text, media, content_types, args

class TestModule(loader.Module):
    """Test module for `hikka-filters` library"""

    strings = {
        "name": "TestHikkaModule"

    async def media_watcher(self, message):
        """Watcher for messages with media"""
    @check_filters(content_types("forwarded") & text(startswith="!", endswith="cmd", lower=True))
    async def forwarded_cmd_watcher(self, message):
        """Watcher for forwarded messages with text starstwith "!" and endswith "cmd" """
    async def command(self, message):
        """Command with args: `(args = message.args = utils.get_args_raw(message))`"""
        args = message.args
    @check_filters(chat([ID1, ID2, ID3]))
    async def watcher_in_chats_with_ids(self, message):
        """Watcher for messages in chats with IDs"""
    @check_filters(user([ID1, ID2, ID3]))
    async def watcher_for_sended_users_with_ids(self, message):
        """Watcher for users, sended message, by IDs"""


Thanks @hikariatama for making a great userbot for Telegram: Hikka!