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Note:This long-formed approach has been carried out in order to leverage and understand various concepts of advanced c++ programming, especially the concept of smart pointers.

File Functions:

1. maze_main.cpp : This is the driver code which reads input, calls our solution and then prints the solution.
2. maze.h : declares the problem class and base tree classes
3. bfs.h : declares the BFS class;  here we need to decide what data structures to use and define any helper functions
4. dfs.h : declares the DFS class; here we need to decide what data structures to use and define any helper functions
5. maze_impl.cpp : This file implements some of the methods declared in maze.h , dfs.h and bfs.h
6. maze_impl_student.cpp : Here we implement the remaining methods that were not defined in maze_impl.cpp. This includes
7. ProblemDefinition::validStates (which returns the successors of a state, dependent on if you allow for diagonal traversal),
8. TreeSearch::extractPath (which extracts the actual path from start to goal from a solved goal node into path_ (solved using BFS or DFS), and
9. BFS::solve , DFS::solve , BFS::addNode , and DFS::addNode (used to find the goal node w.r.t. corresponding search strategy)
10. CMakeLists.txt : defines the project for CMake to link together all the executable files (since implementation is spread across multiple .cpp    files)

Input, Output and Maze

• The first line is starting x coordinate, starting y coordinate and allow_diagonal variable respectively. (allow_diagonal controls whether
  the robot can take diagonal actions i.e. 1 means diagonal movement allowed and 0 means no diagonal movement allowed).
• The second line is the x and y coordinates of the goal cell.
• The following lines constitute the components of the maze (0 = free space; X = collision)
• The output coordinates are displayed in the output.txt file.

In order to visualize the input and output trajectories "" file comes into play. The final graphical plots from the python file are as follows: (BFS trajectory is blue; DFS trajectory is red; obstacles represented as X in input files are represented as black patches)

When allow diagonal = 0 (no diagonal movement allowed) (Input: "input.txt" ; Output: "output.txt") image

When allow diagonal = 1 (diagonal movement allowed)(Input: "input_diagonal.txt" ; Output: "output_diagonal.txt") image