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React Project with Context API and Duck Pattern

This is a TypeScript project using Vite as a bundler, Node.js v20.11.0, and graphql-request to make calls to the API The application uses the Duck Pattern to manage the application state with Context API.


To run the project locally, follow the steps below:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Install the dependencies:
cd react-context-api-duck-pattern
npm install
  1. Start the development server:
npm run dev

Context API and Duck Pattern

The Context API is used to provide the application state globally, making it easier to access and update the state in different parts of the application. The Duck Pattern is a code organization pattern that groups actions, types, and the reducer related to a specific part of the state in a single file, making the code easier to maintain and understand.


The middleware is used to intercept and process actions before they reach the reducer, allowing additional logic to be added, such as asynchronous calls or error handling.


  • useCombineReducers
    The useCombineReducers hook combines the reducers from different parts of the application state, such as the reducers related to pokemons and the counter, making it easier to create the global state of the application.

  • useStore
    The useStore hook provides access to the global state of the application and the dispatch function, allowing consuming components to access and update the application state.


The use of the Context API with the Duck Pattern makes it easier to organize and maintain the application state in React projects, making it more scalable and easier to understand.


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