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Doug-Pardee edited this page Nov 8, 2011 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the LightZombie wiki!

The LightZombie Project is an unofficial, volunteer, open-source project that aims to keep the LightZone photo editor usable for as long as practical. LightZone's creator, Light Crafts Inc., ceased operations in September 2011.

New LightZone licenses are no longer being sold, but existing licenses continue to work. The activation process goes through Digital River's eSellerate, not through Light Crafts, so activation isn't a problem. LightZone for Linux doesn't use activation. Lost your license key?

LightZone hasn't been updated to support new digital camera models since about the beginning of 2010, which means that most modern camera models aren't supported. One of the primary aims of the LightZombie Project is to add that support in.

The most recent versions of the LightZone software are available from's Wayback Machine:

Purchasers of Roxio Creator 2010 Pro CD/DVD received a free version of LightZone. Those versions can be redownloaded here:

A not-too-out-of-date version of the Help files can be found here:

Trademark acknowledgement: Light Crafts, LightZone, ZoneFinder, ZoneMapper, ToneMapper, and RegionMapper are trademarks of Light Crafts, Inc.