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PSDavidSt edited this page Jul 20, 2017 · 4 revisions

Manage Projects

Create Projects

To create a new project all you have to do is to click on "create new project" in the menu.

You have the following possibilities to create a new project:

  1. You can use a valid .json file which contains the project data. The .json file can be uploaded by using a local file from your pc or by providing a link to the .json file if you have it for example on github. After your upload you will be directed to a formular in which your json is parsed. You can change details or add tags if you want.

  2. If you dont have a valid json, you can also fill a formular with the project data. You can only add projects if you add at least one author and one link to the ressource. Also you have to provide a title and a description. You can choose tags to describe your project from a list of known tags or add new ones.

Manage Projects

After you created a project you can still modify projects, if you click on projects in the menubar you see your projects and you are able to edit them. You can also update projects you found in the database. Its also possible to comment on projects and share them with people who have a knex account. If you share a project the person you shared the project with gets a notification.