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Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

The new version of the portal.


Please see the happy-deployer requirements and setup instructions:

HOST: Environment Setup Instructions:

  1. Clone the repo:

    git clone eiti-local
  2. For PREPROD and PRODUCTION environments always use the stable branch.

    git checkout master

    For LOCAL and STAGING environments switch to the main develop branch.

    git checkout develop
  3. Build the VM and install all required software.

    cd deployer/
    vagrant up --provision


    • This might take a while! You can add time before the command name to see the execution time, it should take about 10 minutes.

      time vagrant up --provision
    • Ignore this message, it just means your computer is slow :p

      default: Error: Remote connection disconnect. Retrying...
    • This one means that you don't have any VirtualBox Guest Additions in the VM, and that you should have patience.

      No installation found.
  4. Make sure that your /etc/hosts file has been updated and contains the following entries:  # ...  # ...
  5. You can now SSH into the VM.

    vagrant ssh

    NOTE: On windows you can run vagrant ssh-config to view the information required for PuTTY.

  6. For now the visualisations can be be access on To setup the Drupal project continue with the next set of instructions.

GUEST: Environment Setup Instructions:

  1. Once inside the VM, run to go into the project folder:

    cd /var/www/eiti-local/public_html/
  2. Prepare drupal for installation, run these inside the VM in the project folder:

    • Prepare the environment by running one of the following commands for your environment:

      # Prepare environment for local development.
      make prepare-local
      # Prepare environment for staging.
      make prepare-staging
      # Prepare environment for preprod.
      make prepare-preprod
      # Prepare environment for production.
      make prepare-production

      For staging, preprod and production environments you will need to update the database credentials in settings.custom.php.

    • Check the database connection settings of the project:

      drush sqlc

      You should see the DB prompt with the project database selected. To quit, just execute \q.

    • For local development environments copy the sample update script:

      cp sites/default/update_scripts/environment/setup.local{_sample,}.php

      Please note that other setup.*.php files exist for other environments.

  3. Install the project.

    • If you have a database dump, you can import it using:

      zcat DUMP.sql.gz | drush sqlc
      # Make sure to update the project settings for the current environment.
      make update
    • Alternatively, if you want a new and clean installation run:

      make install
  4. Check if the project has been installed properly, for local development go to: eiti.local

More Info:

  • Please follow the GitFlow Workflow
  • Please configure your IDE with EditorConfig. This helps define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs.