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#Free Software Thought Forms – A Tulpa Revolution

The basic premise is that there is a living creature on your iPhone.

Each of these creatures are unique to the iPhone, using the UDID of the device.

The main mechanism of the “game” is that you hold up the device to a part of your body and the tulpa creature animates so that it looks like it is digging into your body – transferring from the phone to inside of YOU. The phone will vibrate to add an extra sensation to all of this.

There will be instructions on how you have to imagine that it is entering your body.

You have to meditate on it and ‘feel’ it going up your spine and into your mind, resting there.

There will be a screen to show where the tulpa is in your body, like a human profile xray screen and a beeping green dot to represent where

it is inside of you. Those are the basic mechanics. From there we could have a million different kinds of interesting gameplay.

Simple things like having to return the tulpa to it’s ‘home’ in your device every eight hours.

More complex things like perhaps having a mental/internal mission that you must accomplish each day by communicating with the tulpa inside your mind/body.


So, this all stems from the idea of ‘tulpas’ and/or thought forms. I read about this obscure Buddhist idea that there are entities totally created by the human mind. These ‘tulpas’ can eventually become so powerful that they can break away from the creator and take a life of their own (roam freely and independent of the human). The iPhone game is a way to sort of ‘envision’ these invisible entities and allow humans to ‘give them life’.

The APP IDEA is then a chance to invent a ‘gigapet’ type game propped up with the marketing allure of shit like furby’s & petrocks, but with a more metaphysical focus. Eventually we’re going to get tired of looking at our screens all of the time, let’s make games that exist mostly in your mind?

The tulpa idea could be something like an invisible friend, but one that particularly inspires you to create.

Something like Miranda July’s ”Learning To Love Your More’ assignments:



So like I said, this could go a lot of places. A really simple example I had was a ‘Clean Your Room’ fairy. Parents load up the phone, press it to their child, and tell them the fairy is going to enter their kids body and together The Child / Fairy hybrid will be able do their chores together!

The app could go further than that though….

“It’s 2012, and humans have nearly ruined the planet to a point of no return. By participating in the tulpa-incubation project, you will be able to mind-meld your memories and personality into an entity that will be able to exist outside of the normal o2 / co2 reality. Start cultivating your symbioant relationship before the apocalypse! Allow your legacy to be carried on in tulpa form when humans have ceased to exist! Clean up your room!”

I thought another idea would be that there could be some sort of ‘queen bee’ concept. This Queen could send periodic ‘push notifications’ directly to your phone – perhaps with warnings, advice, or some such.These notifications are an Apple standard alert that we as content creators could push to some or all devices running the app. A lot of power to do amazing things there, I think. See:

Another game play idea might be a sort of ESP training game. So basically you put the tulpa in you, and then try to infuse an idea or a word into it. Then you take the tulpa out and a friend puts the tulpa in their body. The Game is then that the friend tries to communicate with the tulpa internally and get the secret message you passed along.

#Other References

You ever see Deep Space Nine?

“The symbionts are helpless, worm-shaped lifeforms who contain the memories of their previous hosts, and who inhabit the abdomens of the humanoid hosts. When a host and a symbiont are joined, the resulting individual is considered a new being. When a host dies, the symbiont is transplanted into a new host. Ninety-three hours after the joining, the host and symbiont are completely interdependent, but up to then, the joining may be reversed without killing the host. A symbiont who is neither implanted into a new host nor returned to their habitat (pools of nutrient-rich liquid on the Trill homeworld) will quickly die, as will a joined Trill host within one to two days of the symbiont being removed.”


Free Software Thought Forms - A Tulpa Revolution






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