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Running Hydra as a service on Windows

jonaslindmark edited this page May 4, 2012 · 1 revision

Hydra can be setup to run a Windows service using Apache Daemon tools and in particular the tool Procrun.

Setting it up

  1. First step is to accuire these two binaries from here
  2. Unzip the binaries related to your operating system architecture (x86/x64/ia64) to the folder where you have your hydra instance.
  3. For convenience rename prunsrv.exe to hydra.exe and prunmgr to hydraw.exe
  4. Open a command prompt in administrator mode where you have placed your binaries and run hydra.exe //IS to initate the service
  5. From here on you can either use the service manager (hydraw.exe) to configure your service or do it the old-fashioned commandline way. Commandline is preferred for making an installation script. More details on how that is done can be found here. Or you can use the Manager launched by executing hydraw.exe in administrator mode.

Set your java settings. Java class path must be the full path to your hydra core jar. For logging add the java flag -Dlogback.configurationFile=PATH_TO_LOGBACK.xml

Startup class is com.findwise.hydra.Main.

NOTE: There is currently no shutdown hook implemented for Hydra