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Sketcher: Use move semantics wherever sensible
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Take advantage of PropertyGeometryList setValues() move overload in order to make code more readable and prevent
memory leaks (mostly by inadvertedly not deleting cloned geometry and constraints).

PropertyGeometryList and PropertyConstraintList are vectors of heap allocated pointers. Copying a vector
makes a shallow copy, not a deep copy (the pointers are the same in the copy).

For property management, setValues() function taking a const reference effectively make a deep copy of all
pointed objects. This means that heap allocated pointers of the client class passed to these functions must be
released by the client. While this sounds sensible, forgetting to is easy. In the cases where the developer
remembered to release these pointers, extra code is needed just for memory management.

This commit does not seek a substantial performance increase that would justify rewritting the code, although code
may be slightly faster sometimes.

Functions where setValues() is conditional are not changed to move semantics, as it makes no sense to make a deep copy to sometimes
perform a second deep copy later on. This code still uses const ref setValues().

CHECKS performed to refactored functions with this commit:

1) That the vector is NOT used after moving its content.

2) That whereever there is a clone(), there must be EITHER
    -a std::move if using rvalue setValues()
    - a delete to free the heap memory after setValues if using the const ref setValues()

3) That memory is released if an exception occurred.

N.B.: A couple of memory leaks are fixed in this commit too.
  • Loading branch information
abdullahtahiriyo committed Jul 1, 2020
1 parent fe993ab commit 926625b
Showing 1 changed file with 261 additions and 154 deletions.

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