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Draft: add prototype function to AngularDimension to link objects
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At the moment the user must manually modify `FirstAngle`
and `LastAngle` to obtain a new `Angle`, but since the values
are manually entered the result is not tied to any actual object
in the document.

We introduce a function `measure_two_obj_angles`
to calculate the corresponding parameters from a pair of objects
and their edges.
Currently this function is deactivated because it is intended
for testing purposes only.

This needs to be improved because at the moment it only gives
two possible angles. We should be able to get the four angles
of a two-line intersection. Maybe a new property is required
to indicate the quadrant to choose and display.
  • Loading branch information
vocx-fc authored and yorikvanhavre committed Jun 17, 2020
1 parent 4ef2063 commit 96d81c7
Showing 1 changed file with 141 additions and 0 deletions.
141 changes: 141 additions & 0 deletions src/Mod/Draft/draftobjects/
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
# ***************************************************************************
# * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Yorik van Havre <> *
# * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Ken Cline <> *
# * Copyright (c) 2020 Eliud Cabrera Castillo <> *
# * *
# * This file is part of the FreeCAD CAx development system. *
# * *
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -29,11 +30,75 @@
in an object; it includes radial dimensions of circular arcs.
The second one creates an arc between two straight lines to measure
the angle between both.
To Do
1. Currently the angular dimension does not use linked geometrical
elements, meaning that it cannot update its `Angle` by picking lines or edges
from objects. If fact, `LinkedGeometry` is hidden to prevent the user
from picking any object.
At the moment the user must manually modify `FirstAngle` and `LastAngle`
to obtain a new `Angle`, but since the values are manually entered
the result is not parametrically tied to any actual object in the document.
We introduced a function `measure_two_obj_angles` to calculate
the corresponding parameters from a pair of objects and their edges.
Currently this function is deactivated because we don't consider it
to be ready; it is there for testing purposes only.
This needs to be improved because at the moment it only gives
one possible angle. We should be able to get the four angles
of a two-line intersection. Maybe a new property is required
to indicate the quadrant to choose and display.
2. In general, the `LinkedGeometry` property must be changed in type,
as it does not need to be an `App::PropertyLinkSubList`.
A `LinkSubList` is to select multiple subelements (vertices, edges)
from multiple objects (two lines). However, since we typically measure
a single object, for example, a single line or circle, the subelements
that we can choose must belong to this object only.
Therefore, just like in the case of the `PathArray` class the best property
that could be used is `App::PropertyLinkSub`.
Then in the property editor we will be unable to select more than one object
thus preventing errors of the subelements not matching the measured object.
3. Currently the `LinearDimension` class is able to measure the distance
between two arbitrary vertices in two distinct objects.
For this case `App::PropertyLinkSubList` is in fact the right property
to use, however, neither the `make_dimension` functions
nor the Gui Command are set up to use this type of information.
This has to be done manually by picking the two objects and the two vertices
in the property editor. That is, this functionality is not entirely intuitive,
so it is somewhat 'hidden' from the user.
So, the make function and the Gui Command should be expanded to consider
this case.
Another possibility would be to use one property (LinkSub) for single-object
measurements (linear, radial), and a second property (LinkSubList)
for two-object measurements (linear, angular). This would require adjustments
to the `execute` method to handle both cases properly. It may be necessary
to have another property to control which type to use.
4. The `Support` property is not used at all, so it should be removed.
It is just set at creation time by the `make_dimension` function
but it actually isn't used in the `execute` code.
5. In fact the `DimensionBase` class is not the best base class
than can be used as parent for all dimensions because it defines `Normal`,
`Support`, and `LinkedGeometry`, which aren't used in all cases.
In some of the derived classes, these properties are hidden.
So, together with what is explained in point 3, we probably need to use
a more generic base class, while at the same time improve the way
the link properties are used.
## @package dimension
# \ingroup DRAFT
# \brief Provides the object code for the Draft Dimensions.

import math
from PySide.QtCore import QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP

import FreeCAD as App
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -496,6 +561,24 @@ def execute(self, obj):
Nothing is actually done here, except update the viewprovider,
as the lines and text are created in the viewprovider.
# TODO: introduce the calculation of 'Angle' by taking a pair of
# objects and edges in the 'LinkedGeometry' property.
# We introduced a function `measure_two_obj_angles` to calculate
# the corresponding parameters from a pair of objects and their edges.
# Currently this function is deactivated because we don't consider it
# to be ready; it is there for testing purposes only.
# if obj.LinkedGeometry and len(obj.LinkedGeometry) == 2:
# (obj.FirstAngle,
# obj.LastAngle) = measure_two_obj_angles(obj.LinkedGeometry[0],
# obj.LinkedGeometry[1])

# TODO: move the calculation of 'Angle' from the viewprovider
# to this object class.
# The viewprovider should modify visual properties only, not real
# properties. It can react to real properties by using the 'updateData'
# method.
if App.GuiUp and obj.ViewObject:

Expand All @@ -516,5 +599,63 @@ def onChanged(self, obj, prop):
obj.setPropertyStatus('LinkedGeometry', 'Hidden')

def measure_two_obj_angles(link_sub_1, link_sub_2):
"""Measure two edges from two different objects to measure the angle.
This function is a prototype because it does not determine all possible
starting and ending angles that could be used to draw the dimension line,
which is a circular arc.
link_sub_1: tuple
A tuple containing one object and a list of subelement strings,
which may be empty. Only the first subelement is considered, which
must be an edge.
link_sub_1 = (obj1, ['EdgeN', ...])
link_sub_2: tuple
start = 0
end = 0

obj1 = link_sub_1[0]
lsub1 = link_sub_1[1]

obj2 = link_sub_2[0]
lsub2 = link_sub_2[1]

# The subelement list may be empty so we test it first
# and pick only the first item
if lsub1 and lsub2:
subelement1 = lsub1[0]
subelement2 = lsub2[0]

if "Edge" in subelement1 and "Edge" in subelement2:
n1 = int(subelement1[4:]) - 1
n2 = int(subelement2[4:]) - 1
start = obj1.Shape.Edges[n1].Curve.Direction
end = obj2.Shape.Edges[n2].Curve.Direction

# We get the angle from the direction of the line to the U axis
# of the working plane; we should be able to also use the V axis
start_r = DraftVecUtils.angle(start, App.DraftWorkingPlane.u)
end_r = DraftVecUtils.angle(end, App.DraftWorkingPlane.u)
start = math.degrees(start_r)
end = math.degrees(end_r)

# We make the angle positive because when tested, some errors
# were produced in the code that calculates the 'Angle'.
# This code is actually inside the viewprovider.
if start < 0:
start = abs(start)
if end < 0:
end = abs(end)

return start, end

# Alias for compatibility with v0.18 and earlier
_AngularDimension = AngularDimension

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