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Calculation of pivot points.
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mlampert committed Nov 13, 2016
1 parent c58852a commit 9a93a57
Showing 1 changed file with 123 additions and 58 deletions.
181 changes: 123 additions & 58 deletions src/Mod/Path/PathScripts/
Expand Up @@ -47,18 +47,20 @@ def translate(context, text, disambig=None):
movecommands = ['G0', 'G00', 'G1', 'G01', 'G2', 'G02', 'G3', 'G03']
movestraight = ['G1', 'G01']

debugDogbone = False
debugDogbone = True

def debugPrint(msg):
if debugDogbone:

def debugMarker(vector, label):
def debugMarker(vector, label, color = None):
if debugDogbone:
obj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Sphere", label)
obj.Label = label
obj.Radius = 0.5
obj.Placement = FreeCAD.Placement(vector, FreeCAD.Rotation(FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,1), 0))
if color:
obj.ViewObject.ShapeColor = color

def debugCircle(vector, r, label):
if debugDogbone:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,9 +155,20 @@ def moveToParameters(self, params):
def moveBy(self, x, y, z):
return self.moveTo(self.End + FreeCAD.Vector(x, y, z))

def move(self, distance, angle):
dx = distance * math.cos(angle)
dy = distance * math.sin(angle)
return self.moveBy(dx, dy, 0)

def asVector(self):
return self.End - self.Start

def asLine(self):
return Part.Line(self.Start, self.End)

def asEdge(self):
return Part.Edge(self.asLine())

def getLength(self):
return self.asVector().Length

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,18 +207,21 @@ def getAngle(self, refChordOrVector):
def getAngleXY(self):
return self.getAngle(FreeCAD.Vector(1,0,0))

def offsetBy(self, distance):
angle = self.getAngleXY() - math.pi/2
dx = distance * math.cos(angle)
dy = distance * math.sin(angle)
d = FreeCAD.Vector(dx, dy, 0)
return Chord(self.Start + d, self.End + d)
def withLength(self, length):
return Chord(self.Start, self.Start).move(length, self.getAngleXY())

def g1Command(self):
return Path.Command("G1", {"X": self.End.x, "Y": self.End.y})

def arcCommand(self, orientation):
return self.g1Command()
def arcCommand(self, cmd, center):
d = center - self.Start
debugPrint("arc (%.2f, %.2f) (%.2f, %.2f) (%.2f, %.2f)" % (self.Start.x, self.Start.y, center.x, center.y, self.End.x, self.End.y))
return Path.Command(cmd, {"X": self.End.x, "Y": self.End.y, "I": d.x, "J": d.y, "K": 0})

def g2Command(self, center):
return self.arcCommand("G2", center)
def g3Command(self, center):
return self.arcCommand("G3", center)

def isAPlungeMove(self):
return self.End.z != self.Start.z
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,6 +272,16 @@ def perpendicular(self):
def footOfPerpendicularFrom(self, vector):
return self.intersection(Chord(vector, vector + self.perpendicular()))

def offsetBy(self, distance, direction):
if direction == Side.Left:
angle = addAngle(self.getAngleXY(), math.pi/2)
angle = addAngle(self.getAngleXY(), -math.pi/2)
dx = distance * math.cos(angle)
dy = distance * math.sin(angle)
d = FreeCAD.Vector(dx, dy, 0)
return Chord(self.Start + v, self.End.v)

class ObjectDressup:

def __init__(self, obj):
Expand All @@ -275,6 +301,7 @@ def __init__(self, obj):
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "Custom", "Dressup", QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Dogbone_Dressup", "Dressup length if Incision == custom"))
obj.Custom = 0.0
obj.Proxy = self
self.shapes = {}

def __getstate__(self):
return None
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,67 +360,89 @@ def adaptiveBoneLength(self, obj, inChord, outChord, boneAngle):
debugPrint("corner=%.2f * %.2f -> bone=%.2f * %.2f" % (cornerDistance, cornerAngle, boneDistance, boneAngle))
return boneDistance

def smoothChordCommands(self, inChord, outChord, side, smooth):
def smoothChordCommands(self, obj, inChord, outChord, edge, bone, corner, smooth, color):
if smooth == 0:
debugPrint(" No smoothing requested")
return [ inChord.g1Command(), outChord.g1Command() ]
debugPrint("(%.2f, %.2f) -> (%.2f, %.2f) -> (%.2f, %.2f)" % (inChord.Start.x, inChord.Start.y, inChord.End.x, inChord.End.y, outChord.End.x, outChord.End.y))
inAngle = inChord.getAngleXY()
outAngle = outChord.getAngleXY()
debugPrint(" inAngle = %.2f outAngle = %.2f" % (inAngle/math.pi, outAngle/math.pi))
if inAngle == outAngle: # straight line, outChord includes inChord
debugPrint(" ---> (%.2f, %.2f)" %(outChord.End.x, outChord.End.y))

d = 'in'
if smooth == Smooth.Out:
d = 'out'

if DraftGeomUtils.areColinear(inChord.asEdge(), outChord.asEdge()):
debugPrint(" straight edge %s" % d)
return [ outChord.g1Command() ]
debugPrint("%s :: %s" % (inChord, outChord))
inEdge = DraftGeomUtils.edg(inChord.Start, inChord.End)
outEdge = DraftGeomUtils.edg(outChord.Start, outChord.End)
#wire = Part.Wire([inEdge, outEdge])
#debugPrint(" => %s" % wire)
#wire = wire.makeOffset2D(self.toolRadius)
#debugPrint(" ==> %s" % wire)
#wire = wire.makeOffset2D(-self.toolRadius)
#debugPrint(" ===> %s" % wire)
radius = self.toolRadius
while radius > 0:
lastpt = None
commands = ""
edges = DraftGeomUtils.fillet([inEdge, outEdge], radius)
if DraftGeomUtils.isSameLine(edges[0], inEdge) or DraftGeomUtils.isSameLine(edges[1], inEdge):
debugPrint("Oh, we got a problem, try smaller radius")
radius = radius - 0.1 * self.toolRadius
debugPrint("we're good")
#for edge in wire.Edges[:-1]: # makeOffset2D closes the wire
for edge in edges:
if not lastpt:
lastpt = edge.Vertexes[0].Point
lastpt, cmds = PathUtils.edge_to_path(lastpt, edge, inChord.Start.z)
commands += cmds
path = Path.Path(commands)
return path.Commands

pivots = []
for e in bone.Edges:
for pt in DraftGeomUtils.findIntersection(edge, e, True):
if pt != corner and not pt in pivots:
debugPrint(" corner intersect %s (%.2f, %.2f) (%.2f, %.2f)" % (d, corner.x, corner.y, pt.x, pt.y))

for p in pivots:
debugMarker(p, "pivot.%d-%s" % (self.boneId, d), color)

return [ inChord.g1Command(), outChord.g1Command() ]

def inOutBoneCommands(self, obj, inChord, outChord, angle, fixedLength, smooth):
def inOutBoneCommands(self, obj, inChord, outChord, boneAngle, fixedLength, smooth):
cornerDistance, cornerAngle = self.cornerDistanceAndAngle(obj, inChord, outChord)
corner = inChord.move(cornerDistance, cornerAngle).End

debugPrint("corner = (%.2f, %.2f)" % (corner.x, corner.y))
#debugMarker(corner, 'corner', (1., 0., 1.))

length = fixedLength
if obj.Incision == Incision.Custom:
length = obj.Custom
if obj.Incision == Incision.Adaptive:
length = self.adaptiveBoneLength(obj, inChord, outChord, angle)
length = self.adaptiveBoneLength(obj, inChord, outChord, boneAngle)

if length == 0:
# no bone after all ..
return [ inChord.g1Command(), outChord.g1Command() ]

x = length * math.cos(angle);
y = length * math.sin(angle);
boneInChord = inChord.moveBy(x, y, 0)
boneInChord = inChord.move(length, boneAngle)
boneOutChord = boneInChord.moveTo(outChord.Start)

bones = []

#debugCircle(boneInChord.Start, self.toolRadius, 'boneStart')
debugCircle(boneInChord.End, self.toolRadius, 'boneEnd')
#debugCircle(boneInChord.End, self.toolRadius, 'boneEnd')

bones = []
bones.extend(self.smoothChordCommands(inChord, boneInChord, obj.Side, 0)) #smooth & Smooth.In))
bones.extend(self.smoothChordCommands(boneOutChord, outChord, obj.Side, 0)) #smooth & Smooth.Out))
if smooth == 0:
return [ inChord.g1Command(), boneInChord.g1Command(), boneOutChord.g1Command(), outChord.g1Command()]

# reconstruct the corner and convert to an edge
offset = corner - inChord.End
iChord = Chord(inChord.Start + offset, inChord.End + offset)
oChord = Chord(outChord.Start + offset, outChord.End + offset)
iLine = iChord.asLine()
oLine = oChord.asLine()
cornerEdge = Part.Shape([iLine, oLine])

# construct a shape representing the cut made by the bone
vt0 = FreeCAD.Vector( 0, self.toolRadius, 0)
vt1 = FreeCAD.Vector(length, self.toolRadius, 0)
vb0 = FreeCAD.Vector( 0, -self.toolRadius, 0)
vb1 = FreeCAD.Vector(length, -self.toolRadius, 0)
vm2 = FreeCAD.Vector(length + self.toolRadius, 0, 0)

boneBot = Part.Line(vb1, vb0)
boneTop = Part.Line(vt0, vt1)
boneFlat = Part.Line(vb0, vt0)
# what we actually want is an Arc - but findIntersect only returns the coincident if one exists
# which really sucks because that's the one we're probably not interested in ....
#boneArc = Part.Arc(vt1, vm2, vb1)
boneArc = Part.Circle(FreeCAD.Vector(length, 0, 0), FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,1), self.toolRadius)
boneWire = Part.Shape([boneTop,boneArc,boneBot])
boneWire.rotate(FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,0), FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,1), boneAngle * 180 / math.pi)
self.boneShapes = [cornerEdge, boneWire]

bones.extend(self.smoothChordCommands(obj, inChord, boneInChord, Part.Edge(iLine), boneWire, corner, smooth & Smooth.In, (1., 0., 0.)))
bones.extend(self.smoothChordCommands(obj, boneOutChord, outChord, Part.Edge(oLine), boneWire, corner, smooth & Smooth.Out, (0., 1., 0.)))
return bones

def dogboneAngle(self, obj, inChord, outChord):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -469,16 +518,19 @@ def boneCommands(self, obj, enabled, inChord, outChord, smooth):

def insertBone(self, boneId, obj, inChord, outChord, commands, smooth):
debugPrint(">----------------------------------- %d --------------------------------------" % boneId)
self.boneShapes = []
loc = (inChord.End.x, inChord.End.y)
blacklisted, inaccessible = self.boneIsBlacklisted(obj, boneId, loc)
enabled = not blacklisted
self.bones.append((boneId, loc, enabled, inaccessible))

if debugDogbone and boneId != 2:
self.boneId = boneId
if debugDogbone and boneId == 0:
bones = self.boneCommands(obj, False, inChord, outChord, smooth)
bones = self.boneCommands(obj, enabled, inChord, outChord, smooth)
self.shapes[boneId] = self.boneShapes
debugPrint("<----------------------------------- %d --------------------------------------" % boneId)
return boneId + 1, bones[-1]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -664,6 +716,15 @@ def setFields(self):

if hasattr(self.obj.Proxy, "shapes"):
print("showing shapes attribute")
for shapes in self.obj.Proxy.shapes.itervalues():
for shape in shapes:
print("no shapes attribute found")

def open(self):
self.s = SelObserver()
# install the function mode resident
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -753,11 +814,15 @@ def Activated(self):
if len(selection) != 1:
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(translate("Dogbone_Dressup", "Please select one path object\n"))
if not selection[0].isDerivedFrom("Path::Feature"):
baseObject = selection[0]
if not baseObject.isDerivedFrom("Path::Feature"):
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(translate("Dogbone_Dressup", "The selected object is not a path\n"))
if selection[0].isDerivedFrom("Path::FeatureCompoundPython"):
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(translate("Dogbone_Dressup", "Please select a Path object"))
if baseObject.isDerivedFrom("Path::FeatureCompoundPython"):
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(translate("Dogbone_Dressup", "Please select a Profile or Dogbone Dressup object"))
if not hasattr(baseObject, "Side"):
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError(translate("Dogbone_Dressup", "Please select a Profile or Dogbone Dressup object"))

# everything ok!
Expand All @@ -766,7 +831,7 @@ def Activated(self):
FreeCADGui.doCommand('obj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Path::FeaturePython", "DogboneDressup")')
FreeCADGui.doCommand('dbo = PathScripts.DogboneDressup.ObjectDressup(obj)')
FreeCADGui.doCommand('obj.Base = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.' + selection[0].Name)
FreeCADGui.doCommand('obj.Base = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.' + baseObject.Name)
FreeCADGui.doCommand('Gui.ActiveDocument.getObject(obj.Base.Name).Visibility = False')
Expand Down

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