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Arch: Support for IFC footprint representations
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yorikvanhavre committed Sep 7, 2016
1 parent 7d69810 commit c9df54b
Showing 1 changed file with 168 additions and 41 deletions.
209 changes: 168 additions & 41 deletions src/Mod/Arch/
Expand Up @@ -581,12 +581,13 @@ def insert(filename,docname,skip=[],only=[],root=None):
s1 = clone.Shape
if hasattr(s1,"CenterOfMass") and hasattr(s2,"CenterOfMass"):
v = s1.CenterOfMass.sub(s2.CenterOfMass)
r = getRotation(product)
if not r.isNull():
v = v.add(s2.CenterOfMass)
v = v.add(r.multVec(s2.CenterOfMass.negative()))
obj.Placement.Rotation = r
if product.Representation:
r = getRotation(product.Representation.Representations[0].Items[0].MappingTarget)
if not r.isNull():
v = v.add(s2.CenterOfMass)
v = v.add(r.multVec(s2.CenterOfMass.negative()))
obj.Placement.Rotation = r
print "failed to compute placement ",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -692,11 +693,18 @@ def insert(filename,docname,skip=[],only=[],root=None):

# color
if FreeCAD.GuiUp and (pid in colors) and hasattr(obj.ViewObject,"ShapeColor"):
if DEBUG: print " setting color: ",int(colors[pid][0]*255),"/",int(colors[pid][1]*255),"/",int(colors[pid][2]*255)
#if DEBUG: print " setting color: ",int(colors[pid][0]*255),"/",int(colors[pid][1]*255),"/",int(colors[pid][2]*255)
obj.ViewObject.ShapeColor = colors[pid]

# if DEBUG is on, recompute after each shape
if DEBUG: FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute()

# attached 2D elements
if product.Representation:
for r in product.Representation.Representations:
if r.RepresentationIdentifier == "FootPrint":

count += 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -838,23 +846,32 @@ def insert(filename,docname,skip=[],only=[],root=None):

if DEBUG and annotations: print "Creating 2D geometry..."

scaling = getScaling(ifcfile)
#print "scaling factor =",scaling
for annotation in annotations:
aid =
if aid in skip: continue # user given id skip list
if "IfcAnnotation" in SKIP: continue # preferences-set type skip list
if annotation.is_a() in SKIP: continue # preferences-set type skip list
name = "Annotation"
if annotation.Name:
name = annotation.Name.encode("utf8")
if not "annotation" in name.lower():
name = "Annotation " + name
if PREFIX_NUMBERS: name = "ID" + str(aid) + " " + name
shapes2d = []
for repres in annotation.Representation.Representations:
for rep in annotation.Representation.Representations:
if rep.RepresentationIdentifier in ["Annotation","FootPrint","Axis"]:
if shapes2d:
sh = Part.makeCompound(shapes2d)
pc = str(int((float(count)/(len(products)+len(annotations))*100)))+"% "
if DEBUG: print pc,"creating object ",aid," : Annotation with shape: ",sh
o = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Feature",name)
o.Shape = sh
p = getPlacement(annotation.ObjectPlacement,scaling)
if p: # and annotation.is_a("IfcAnnotation"):
o.Placement = p

count += 1

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1598,60 +1615,170 @@ def getRepresentation(ifcfile,context,obj,forcebrep=False,subtraction=False,tess
return productdef,placement,shapetype

def setRepresentation(representation):
# Below are 2D helper functions needed while IfcOpenShell cannot do this itself...

def setRepresentation(representation,scaling=1000):
"""Returns a shape from a 2D IfcShapeRepresentation"""

def getPolyline(ent):
pts = []
for p in ent.Points:
c = p.Coordinates
pts.append(FreeCAD.Vector(c[0],c[1],c[2] if len(c) > 2 else 0))
c = FreeCAD.Vector(c[0],c[1],c[2] if len(c) > 2 else 0)
return Part.makePolygon(pts)

def getCircle(ent):
c = ent.Position.Location.Coordinates
c = FreeCAD.Vector(c[0],c[1],c[2] if len(c) > 2 else 0)
r = ent.Radius
r = ent.Radius*scaling
return Part.makeCircle(r,c)

def getCurveSet(ent):
result = []
for el in ent.Elements:
if el.is_a("IfcPolyline"):
elif el.is_a("IfcCircle"):
elif el.is_a("IfcTrimmedCurve"):
base = el.BasisCurve
t1 = el.Trim1[0].wrappedValue
t2 = el.Trim2[0].wrappedValue
if not el.SenseAgreement:
t1,t2 = t2,t1
if base.is_a("IfcPolyline"):
bc = getPolyline(base)
elif base.is_a("IfcCircle"):
bc = getCircle(base)
e = Part.ArcOfCircle(bc.Curve,math.radians(t1),math.radians(t2)).toShape()
d = base.Position.RefDirection.DirectionRatios
v = FreeCAD.Vector(d[0],d[1],d[2] if len(d) > 2 else 0)
a = -DraftVecUtils.angle(v)
return result

result = []
if representation.is_a("IfcShapeRepresentation"):
for item in representation.Items:
if item.is_a("IfcGeometricCurveSet"):
for el in item.Elements:
if el.is_a("IfcPolyline"):
elif el.is_a("IfcCircle"):
elif el.is_a("IfcTrimmedCurve"):
base = el.BasisCurve
t1 = el.Trim1[0].wrappedValue
t2 = el.Trim2[0].wrappedValue
if not el.SenseAgreement:
t1,t2 = t2,t1
if base.is_a("IfcPolyline"):
bc = getPolyline(base)
elif base.is_a("IfcCircle"):
bc = getCircle(base)
e = Part.ArcOfCircle(bc.Curve,math.radians(t1),math.radians(t2)).toShape()
d = base.Position.RefDirection.DirectionRatios
v = FreeCAD.Vector(d[0],d[1],d[2] if len(d) > 2 else 0)
a = -DraftVecUtils.angle(v)
if item.is_a() in ["IfcGeometricCurveSet","IfcGeometricSet"]:
result = getCurveSet(item)
elif item.is_a("IfcMappedItem"):
preresult = setRepresentation(item.MappingSource.MappedRepresentation,scaling)
pla = getPlacement(item.MappingSource.MappingOrigin,scaling)
rot = getRotation(item.MappingTarget)
if pla:
if rot.Angle:
pla.Rotation = rot
for r in preresult:
#r.Placement = pla
result = preresult
return result

def getRotation(entity):
"returns a FreeCAD rotation from an IfcProduct with a IfcMappedItem representation"
rmap = entity.Representation.Representations[0].Items[0].MappingTarget
u = FreeCAD.Vector(rmap.Axis1.DirectionRatios)
v = FreeCAD.Vector(rmap.Axis2.DirectionRatios)
w = FreeCAD.Vector(rmap.Axis3.DirectionRatios)
u = FreeCAD.Vector(entity.Axis1.DirectionRatios)
v = FreeCAD.Vector(entity.Axis2.DirectionRatios)
w = FreeCAD.Vector(entity.Axis3.DirectionRatios)
except AttributeError:
return FreeCAD.Rotation()
import WorkingPlane
p = WorkingPlane.plane(u=u,v=v,w=w)
return p.getRotation().Rotation

def getPlacement(entity,scaling=1000):
"returns a placement from the given entity"

if not entity:
return None
import DraftVecUtils
pl = None
if entity.is_a("IfcAxis2Placement3D"):
x = getVector(entity.RefDirection,scaling)
z = getVector(entity.Axis,scaling)
if x and z:
y = z.cross(x)
m = DraftVecUtils.getPlaneRotation(x,y,z)
pl = FreeCAD.Placement(m)
pl = FreeCAD.Placement()
loc = getVector(entity.Location,scaling)
if loc:
elif entity.is_a("IfcLocalPlacement"):
pl = getPlacement(entity.PlacementRelTo,1) # original placement
relpl = getPlacement(entity.RelativePlacement,1) # relative transf
if pl and relpl:
pl = pl.multiply(relpl)
elif relpl:
pl = relpl
elif entity.is_a("IfcCartesianPoint"):
loc = getVector(entity,scaling)
pl = FreeCAD.Placement()
if pl:
pl.Base = FreeCAD.Vector(pl.Base).multiply(scaling)
return pl

def getVector(entity,scaling=1000):
"returns a vector from the given entity"

if not entity:
return None
v = None
if entity.is_a("IfcDirection"):
if len(entity.DirectionRatios) == 3:
v= FreeCAD.Vector(tuple(entity.DirectionRatios))
v = FreeCAD.Vector(tuple(entity.DirectionRatios+[0]))
elif entity.is_a("IfcCartesianPoint"):
if len(entity.Coordinates) == 3:
v = FreeCAD.Vector(tuple(entity.Coordinates))
v = FreeCAD.Vector(tuple(entity.Coordinates+[0]))
#if v:
# v.multiply(scaling)
return v

def getScaling(ifcfile):
"returns a scaling factor from file units to mm"

def getUnit(unit):
if unit.Name == "METRE":
if unit.Prefix == "KILO":
return 1000000.0
elif unit.Prefix == "HECTO":
return 100000.0
elif unit.Prefix == "DECA":
return 10000.0
elif not unit.Prefix:
return 1000.0
elif unit.Prefix == "DECI":
return 100.0
elif unit.Prefix == "CENTI":
return 10.0
return 1.0

ua = ifcfile.by_type("IfcUnitAssignment")
if not ua:
return 1.0
ua = ua[0]
for u in ua.Units:
if u.UnitType == "LENGTHUNIT":
if u.is_a("IfcConversionBasedUnit"):
f = getUnit(u.ConversionFactor.UnitComponent)
return f * u.ConversionFactor.ValueComponent.wrappedValue
elif u.is_a("IfcSIUnit") or u.is_a("IfcUnit"):
return getUnit(u)
return 1.0

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