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Part: deprecate old JoinFeatures code
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Commented out all the code not essential for recomputing old
JoinFeatures. The rest is left to support opening old projects.
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DeepSOIC committed Jul 29, 2016
1 parent 54c8828 commit ea586e9
Showing 1 changed file with 156 additions and 153 deletions.
309 changes: 156 additions & 153 deletions src/Mod/Part/
Expand Up @@ -23,30 +23,32 @@

import FreeCAD, Part

if FreeCAD.GuiUp:
import FreeCADGui
from PySide import QtCore, QtGui
#if FreeCAD.GuiUp:
# import FreeCADGui
# from PySide import QtCore, QtGui

__title__="JoinFeatures module"
__title__="JoinFeatures module (legacy)"
__author__ = "DeepSOIC"
__url__ = ""

#-------------------------- translation-related code ----------------------------------------
#Thanks, yorik! (see forum thread "A new Part tool is being born... JoinFeatures!"
# )
_fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8
except AttributeError:
def _fromUtf8(s):
return s
_encoding = QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8
def _translate(context, text, disambig):
return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig, _encoding)
except AttributeError:
def _translate(context, text, disambig):
return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig)
#--------------------------/translation-related code ----------------------------------------
__doc__ = "Legacy JoinFeatures module provided for ability to load projects made with \
FreeCAD v0.16. Do not use. Use BOPTools.JoinFeatures instead."

##-------------------------- translation-related code ----------------------------------------
##Thanks, yorik! (see forum thread "A new Part tool is being born... JoinFeatures!"
## )
# _fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8
#except AttributeError:
# def _fromUtf8(s):
# return s
# _encoding = QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8
# def _translate(context, text, disambig):
# return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig, _encoding)
#except AttributeError:
# def _translate(context, text, disambig):
# return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig)
##--------------------------/translation-related code ----------------------------------------

# -------------------------- common stuff --------------------------------------------------
def getParamRefine():
Expand All @@ -71,14 +73,14 @@ def shapeOfMaxVol(compound):
return compound

def makePartJoinFeature(name, mode = 'bypass'):
'''makePartJoinFeature(name, mode = 'bypass'): makes an PartJoinFeature object.'''
obj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::FeaturePython",name)
obj.Mode = mode
obj.Refine = getParamRefine()
return obj
#def makePartJoinFeature(name, mode = 'bypass'):
# '''makePartJoinFeature(name, mode = 'bypass'): makes an PartJoinFeature object.'''
# obj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::FeaturePython",name)
# _PartJoinFeature(obj)
# obj.Mode = mode
# obj.Refine = getParamRefine()
# _ViewProviderPartJoinFeature(obj.ViewObject)
# return obj

class _PartJoinFeature:
"The PartJoinFeature object"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,133 +161,134 @@ def onDelete(self, feature, subelements):
FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Error in onDelete: " + err.message)
return True

def CreateJoinFeature(name, mode):
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.openTransaction("Create "+mode+"ObjectsFeature")
FreeCADGui.doCommand("j = JoinFeatures.makePartJoinFeature(name = '"+name+"', mode = '"+mode+"' )")
FreeCADGui.doCommand("j.Base = App.ActiveDocument."+sel[0].Object.Name)
FreeCADGui.doCommand("j.Tool = App.ActiveDocument."+sel[1].Object.Name)
except Exception as err:
mb = QtGui.QMessageBox()
mb.setText(_translate("Part_JoinFeatures","Computing the result failed with an error: {err}. Click 'Continue' to create the feature anyway, or 'Abort' to cancel.", None)
.format(err= err.message))
mb.setWindowTitle(_translate("Part_JoinFeatures","Bad selection", None))
btnAbort = mb.addButton(QtGui.QMessageBox.StandardButton.Abort)
btnOK = mb.addButton(_translate("Part_JoinFeatures","Continue",None), QtGui.QMessageBox.ButtonRole.ActionRole)


if mb.clickedButton() is btnAbort:


#def CreateJoinFeature(name, mode):
# sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()
# FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.openTransaction("Create "+mode+"ObjectsFeature")
# FreeCADGui.addModule("JoinFeatures")
# FreeCADGui.doCommand("j = JoinFeatures.makePartJoinFeature(name = '"+name+"', mode = '"+mode+"' )")
# FreeCADGui.doCommand("j.Base = App.ActiveDocument."+sel[0].Object.Name)
# FreeCADGui.doCommand("j.Tool = App.ActiveDocument."+sel[1].Object.Name)
# try:
# FreeCADGui.doCommand("j.Proxy.execute(j)")
# FreeCADGui.doCommand("j.purgeTouched()")
# except Exception as err:
# mb = QtGui.QMessageBox()
# mb.setIcon(mb.Icon.Warning)
# mb.setText(_translate("Part_JoinFeatures","Computing the result failed with an error: {err}. Click 'Continue' to create the feature anyway, or 'Abort' to cancel.", None)
# .format(err= err.message))
# mb.setWindowTitle(_translate("Part_JoinFeatures","Bad selection", None))
# btnAbort = mb.addButton(QtGui.QMessageBox.StandardButton.Abort)
# btnOK = mb.addButton(_translate("Part_JoinFeatures","Continue",None), QtGui.QMessageBox.ButtonRole.ActionRole)
# mb.setDefaultButton(btnOK)
# mb.exec_()
# if mb.clickedButton() is btnAbort:
# FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.abortTransaction()
# return
# FreeCADGui.doCommand("j.Base.ViewObject.hide()")
# FreeCADGui.doCommand("j.Tool.ViewObject.hide()")
# FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.commitTransaction()

def getIconPath(icon_dot_svg):
return ":/icons/" + icon_dot_svg

# -------------------------- /common stuff --------------------------------------------------

# -------------------------- ConnectObjectsFeature --------------------------------------------------

class _CommandConnectFeature:
"Command to create PartJoinFeature in Connect mode"
def GetResources(self):
return {'Pixmap' : getIconPath("Part_JoinConnect.svg"),
'MenuText': QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Part_ConnectFeature","Connect objects"),
'Accel': "",
'ToolTip': QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Part_ConnectFeature","Fuses objects, taking care to preserve voids.")}

def Activated(self):
if len(FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()) == 2 :
CreateJoinFeature(name = "Connect", mode = "Connect")
mb = QtGui.QMessageBox()
mb.setText(_translate("Part_JoinFeatures", "Two solids need to be selected, first!", None))
mb.setWindowTitle(_translate("Part_JoinFeatures","Bad selection", None))

def IsActive(self):
if FreeCAD.ActiveDocument:
return True
return False


# -------------------------- /ConnectObjectsFeature --------------------------------------------------

# -------------------------- EmbedFeature --------------------------------------------------

class _CommandEmbedFeature:
"Command to create PartJoinFeature in Embed mode"
def GetResources(self):
return {'Pixmap' : getIconPath("Part_JoinEmbed.svg"),
'MenuText': QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Part_EmbedFeature","Embed object"),
'Accel': "",
'ToolTip': QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Part_EmbedFeature","Fuses one object into another, taking care to preserve voids.")}

def Activated(self):
if len(FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()) == 2 :
CreateJoinFeature(name = "Embed", mode = "Embed")
mb = QtGui.QMessageBox()
mb.setText(_translate("Part_JoinFeatures","Select base object, then the object to embed, and invoke this tool.", None))
mb.setWindowTitle(_translate("Part_JoinFeatures","Bad selection", None))

def IsActive(self):
if FreeCAD.ActiveDocument:
return True
return False


# -------------------------- /EmbedFeature --------------------------------------------------

# -------------------------- CutoutFeature --------------------------------------------------

class _CommandCutoutFeature:
"Command to create PartJoinFeature in Cutout mode"
def GetResources(self):
return {'Pixmap' : getIconPath("Part_JoinCutout.svg"),
'MenuText': QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Part_CutoutFeature","Cutout for object"),
'Accel': "",
'ToolTip': QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Part_CutoutFeature","Makes a cutout in one object to fit another object.")}

def Activated(self):
if len(FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()) == 2 :
CreateJoinFeature(name = "Cutout", mode = "Cutout")
mb = QtGui.QMessageBox()
mb.setText(_translate("Part_JoinFeatures","Select the object to make a cutout in, then the object that should fit into the cutout, and invoke this tool.", None))
mb.setWindowTitle(_translate("Part_JoinFeatures","Bad selection", None))

def IsActive(self):
if FreeCAD.ActiveDocument:
return True
return False


# -------------------------- /CutoutFeature --------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------- ConnectObjectsFeature --------------------------------------------------
#class _CommandConnectFeature:
# "Command to create PartJoinFeature in Connect mode"
# def GetResources(self):
# return {'Pixmap' : getIconPath("Part_JoinConnect.svg"),
# 'MenuText': QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Part_ConnectFeature","Connect objects"),
# 'Accel': "",
# 'ToolTip': QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Part_ConnectFeature","Fuses objects, taking care to preserve voids.")}
# def Activated(self):
# if len(FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()) == 2 :
# CreateJoinFeature(name = "Connect", mode = "Connect")
# else:
# mb = QtGui.QMessageBox()
# mb.setIcon(mb.Icon.Warning)
# mb.setText(_translate("Part_JoinFeatures", "Two solids need to be selected, first!", None))
# mb.setWindowTitle(_translate("Part_JoinFeatures","Bad selection", None))
# mb.exec_()
# def IsActive(self):
# if FreeCAD.ActiveDocument:
# return True
# else:
# return False
## -------------------------- /ConnectObjectsFeature --------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------- EmbedFeature --------------------------------------------------
#class _CommandEmbedFeature:
# "Command to create PartJoinFeature in Embed mode"
# def GetResources(self):
# return {'Pixmap' : getIconPath("Part_JoinEmbed.svg"),
# 'MenuText': QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Part_EmbedFeature","Embed object"),
# 'Accel': "",
# 'ToolTip': QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Part_EmbedFeature","Fuses one object into another, taking care to preserve voids.")}
# def Activated(self):
# if len(FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()) == 2 :
# CreateJoinFeature(name = "Embed", mode = "Embed")
# else:
# mb = QtGui.QMessageBox()
# mb.setIcon(mb.Icon.Warning)
# mb.setText(_translate("Part_JoinFeatures","Select base object, then the object to embed, and invoke this tool.", None))
# mb.setWindowTitle(_translate("Part_JoinFeatures","Bad selection", None))
# mb.exec_()
# def IsActive(self):
# if FreeCAD.ActiveDocument:
# return True
# else:
# return False
## -------------------------- /EmbedFeature --------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------- CutoutFeature --------------------------------------------------
#class _CommandCutoutFeature:
# "Command to create PartJoinFeature in Cutout mode"
# def GetResources(self):
# return {'Pixmap' : getIconPath("Part_JoinCutout.svg"),
# 'MenuText': QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Part_CutoutFeature","Cutout for object"),
# 'Accel': "",
# 'ToolTip': QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Part_CutoutFeature","Makes a cutout in one object to fit another object.")}
# def Activated(self):
# if len(FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()) == 2 :
# CreateJoinFeature(name = "Cutout", mode = "Cutout")
# else:
# mb = QtGui.QMessageBox()
# mb.setIcon(mb.Icon.Warning)
# mb.setText(_translate("Part_JoinFeatures","Select the object to make a cutout in, then the object that should fit into the cutout, and invoke this tool.", None))
# mb.setWindowTitle(_translate("Part_JoinFeatures","Bad selection", None))
# mb.exec_()
# def IsActive(self):
# if FreeCAD.ActiveDocument:
# return True
# else:
# return False
## -------------------------- /CutoutFeature --------------------------------------------------

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