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[Draft]Additional modes for PathArray
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WandererFan committed May 23, 2020
1 parent f90a88c commit ff323eb
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Showing 3 changed files with 176 additions and 100 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/Mod/Draft/
Expand Up @@ -1235,7 +1235,6 @@ def getNormal(shape):
return None
return n

def getRotation(v1, v2=FreeCAD.Vector(0, 0, 1)):
"""Get the rotation Quaternion between 2 vectors."""
if ( > 0.999999) or ( < -0.999999):
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Mod/Draft/draftmake/
Expand Up @@ -27,10 +27,12 @@
# \brief This module provides the code for Draft make_path_array function.

import FreeCAD as App
import FreeCADGui as Gui

import draftutils.utils as utils
import draftutils.gui_utils as gui_utils

from draftutils.translate import _tr, translate
from draftobjects.patharray import PathArray

from draftviewproviders.view_draftlink import ViewProviderDraftLink
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273 changes: 174 additions & 99 deletions src/Mod/Draft/draftobjects/
Expand Up @@ -26,67 +26,92 @@
# \ingroup DRAFT
# \brief This module provides the object code for the Draft PathArray object.

from PySide.QtCore import QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP
#from PySide.QtCore import _tr

import FreeCAD as App
import DraftVecUtils

from draftutils.utils import get_param
from draftutils.messages import _msg, _wrn
from draftutils.translate import _tr, translate

from draftobjects.draftlink import DraftLink

class PathArray(DraftLink):
"""The Draft Path Array object"""

def __init__(self,obj):
def __init__(self, obj, use_link=False):
self.use_link = use_link
super(PathArray, self).__init__(obj, "PathArray")

#For PathLinkArray, DraftLink.attach creates the link to the Base object.
def attach(self,obj):
_tip = "The base object that must be duplicated"
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkGlobal", "Base",
"Objects", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property", _tip))

_tip = "The path object along which to distribute objects"
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkGlobal", "PathObj",
"Objects", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property", _tip))

_tip = "Selected subobjects (edges) of PathObj"
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkSubListGlobal", "PathSubs",
"Objects", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property", _tip))

_tip = "Number of copies"
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyInteger", "Count",
"Parameters", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property", _tip))

_tip = "Orientation of Base along path"
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool", "Align",
"Parameters", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property", _tip))

_tip = "Alignment of copies"
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyVector", "TangentVector",
"Parameters", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property", _tip))

_tip = "Optional translation vector" # why? placement is not enough?
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyVectorDistance", "Xlate",
"Parameters", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property", _tip))

obj.Count = 2
obj.PathSubs = []
obj.Xlate = App.Vector(0,0,0)
obj.Align = False
obj.TangentVector = App.Vector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
super(PathArray, self).attach(obj)

def setProperties(self,obj):
if not obj:
if hasattr(obj, "PropertiesList"):
pl = obj.PropertiesList
pl = []

if not "Base" in pl:
_tip = _tr("The base object that must be duplicated")
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkGlobal", "Base", "Objects", _tip)

if not "PathObj" in pl:
_tip = _tr("The path object along which to distribute objects")
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkGlobal", "PathObj", "Objects", _tip)

if not "PathSubs" in pl:
_tip = _tr("Selected subobjects (edges) of PathObj")
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLinkSubListGlobal", "PathSubs", "Objects", _tip)
obj.PathSubs = []

if not "Count" in pl:
_tip = _tr("Number of copies")
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyInteger", "Count", "Parameters", _tip)
obj.Count = 2

# copy alignment properties
if not "Align" in pl:
_tip = _tr("Orient the copies along path")
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool", "Align", "Alignment", _tip)
obj.Align = False

if not "AlignMode" in pl:
_tip = _tr("How to orient copies on path")
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyEnumeration","AlignMode","Alignment", _tip)
obj.AlignMode = ['Original','Frenet','Tangent']
obj.AlignMode = 'Original'

if not "Xlate" in pl:
_tip = _tr("Optional translation vector")
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyVectorDistance","Xlate","Alignment", _tip)
obj.Xlate = App.Vector(0,0,0)

if not "TangentVector" in pl:
_tip = _tr("Alignment vector for Tangent mode")
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyVector","TangentVector","Alignment", _tip)
obj.TangentVector = App.Vector(1,0,0)

if not "ForceVertical" in pl:
_tip = _tr("Force Original/Tangent modes to use VerticalVector as Z")
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","ForceVertical","Alignment", _tip)
obj.ForceVertical = False

if not "VerticalVector" in pl:
_tip = _tr("ForceVertical direction")
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyVector","VerticalVector","Alignment", _tip)
obj.VerticalVector = App.Vector(0,0,1)

if self.use_link:
_tip = "Show array element as children object"
"Parameters", QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property", _tip))

_tip = _tr("Show array element as children object")
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","ExpandArray", "Parameters", _tip)
obj.ExpandArray = False

super(PathArray, self).attach(obj)

def linkSetup(self,obj):
super(PathArray, self).linkSetup(obj)
Expand All @@ -95,27 +120,32 @@ def execute(self,obj):
import Part
import DraftGeomUtils
if obj.Base and obj.PathObj:
pl = obj.Placement
pl = obj.Placement #placement of whole pathArray
if obj.PathSubs:
w = self.getWireFromSubs(obj)
elif (hasattr(obj.PathObj.Shape,'Wires') and obj.PathObj.Shape.Wires):
w = obj.PathObj.Shape.Wires[0]
elif obj.PathObj.Shape.Edges:
w = Part.Wire(obj.PathObj.Shape.Edges)
App.Console.PrintLog ("_PathArray.createGeometry: path " + obj.PathObj.Name + " has no edges\n")
Gui.Console.PrintLog ("PathArray.execute: path " + obj.PathObj.Name + " has no edges\n")
if (hasattr(obj, "TangentVector")) and (obj.Align):
if (hasattr(obj, "TangentVector")) and (obj.AlignMode == "Tangent") and (obj.Align):
basePlacement = obj.Base.Shape.Placement
baseRotation = basePlacement.Rotation
stdX = App.Vector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
preRotation = App.Rotation(stdX, obj.TangentVector) #make rotation from X to TangentVector
netRotation = baseRotation.multiply(preRotation)
stdX = App.Vector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) #default TangentVector
if (not DraftVecUtils.equals(stdX, obj.TangentVector)):
preRotation = App.Rotation(stdX, obj.TangentVector) #make rotation from X to TangentVector
netRotation = baseRotation.multiply(preRotation)
netRotation = baseRotation
base = calculatePlacementsOnPath(
netRotation,w,obj.Count,obj.Xlate,obj.Align, obj.AlignMode,
obj.ForceVertical, obj.VerticalVector)
base = calculatePlacementsOnPath(
obj.Base.Shape.Placement.Rotation,w,obj.Count,obj.Xlate,obj.Align, obj.AlignMode,
obj.ForceVertical, obj.VerticalVector)
return super(PathArray, self).buildShape(obj, pl, base)

def getWireFromSubs(self,obj):
Expand All @@ -129,34 +159,34 @@ def getWireFromSubs(self,obj):
return Part.Wire(sl)

def pathArray(self,shape,pathwire,count,xlate,align):
'''Distribute shapes along a path.'''
import Part

placements = calculatePlacementsOnPath(
shape.Placement.Rotation, pathwire, count, xlate, align)

base = []

for placement in placements:
ns = shape.copy()
ns.Placement = placement


return (Part.makeCompound(base))
def onDocumentRestored(self, obj):

if self.use_link:
if obj.Shape.isNull():
if getattr(obj,'PlacementList',None):

_PathArray = PathArray

def calculatePlacementsOnPath(shapeRotation, pathwire, count, xlate, align):
def calculatePlacementsOnPath(shapeRotation, pathwire, count, xlate, align,
mode = 'Original', forceNormal=False, normalOverride=None):
"""Calculates the placements of a shape along a given path so that each copy will be distributed evenly"""
import Part
import DraftGeomUtils

closedpath = DraftGeomUtils.isReallyClosed(pathwire)

normal = DraftGeomUtils.getNormal(pathwire)
if (forceNormal):
if not normalOverride is None:
normal = normalOverride

path = Part.__sortEdges__(pathwire.Edges)
ends = []
cdist = 0
Expand All @@ -170,14 +200,14 @@ def calculatePlacementsOnPath(shapeRotation, pathwire, count, xlate, align):
# place the start shape
pt = path[0].Vertexes[0].Point
shapeRotation, path[0], 0, pt, xlate, align, normal))
shapeRotation, path[0], 0, pt, xlate, align, normal, mode, forceNormal))

# closed path doesn't need shape on last vertex
if not(closedpath):
# place the end shape
pt = path[-1].Vertexes[-1].Point
shapeRotation, path[-1], path[-1].Length, pt, xlate, align, normal))
shapeRotation, path[-1], path[-1].Length, pt, xlate, align, normal, mode, forceNormal))

if count < 3:
return placements
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,55 +236,100 @@ def calculatePlacementsOnPath(shapeRotation, pathwire, count, xlate, align):
pt = path[iend].valueAt(getParameterFromV0(path[iend], offset))

shapeRotation, path[iend], offset, pt, xlate, align, normal))
shapeRotation, path[iend], offset, pt, xlate, align, normal, mode, forceNormal))

travel += step

return placements

def calculatePlacement(globalRotation, edge, offset, RefPt, xlate, align, normal=None):
"""Orient shape to tangent at parm offset along edge."""
def calculatePlacement(globalRotation, edge, offset, RefPt, xlate, align, normal=None,
mode = 'Original', overrideNormal=False):
"""Orient shape to a local coord system (tangent, normal, binormal) at parameter offset (normally length)"""
import functools
# start with null Placement point so translate goes to right place.
# (previous version)
# start with null Placement point so _tr goes to right place.
placement = App.Placement()
# preserve global orientation
placement.Rotation = globalRotation

placement.move(RefPt + xlate)

if not align:
return placement

nullv = App.Vector(0, 0, 0)

# get a local coord system (tangent, normal, binormal) at parameter offset (normally length)
t = edge.tangentAt(getParameterFromV0(edge, offset))
defNormal = App.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
if not normal is None:
defNormal = normal

n = edge.normalAt(getParameterFromV0(edge, offset))
b = (t.cross(n))
# no normal defined here
except App.Base.FreeCADError:
n = nullv
b = nullv
"Draft PathArray.orientShape - Cannot calculate Path normal.\n")

priority = "ZXY" #the default. Doesn't seem to affect results.
newRot = App.Rotation(t, n, b, priority)
t = edge.tangentAt(getParameterFromV0(edge, offset))
_msg("Draft CalculatePlacement - Cannot calculate Path tangent. Copy not aligned\n")
return placement

#Original mode is the historic "Align" for old (v0.18) documents. It is not
#really the Fernat alignment. Uses the normal parameter from getNormal (or the
#default) as a constant - it does not calculate curve normal.
#X is curve tangent, Y is normal parameter, Z is (X x Y)

#Tangent mode is similar to Original, but includes a pre-rotation (in execute) to
#align the Base object's X to the TangentVector, then X follows curve tangent,
#normal input parameter is the Z component.

#If the ForceVertical option is applied, the normal parameter from getNormal is
#ignored, and X is curve tangent, Z is VerticalVector, Y is (X x Z)

#Frenet mode orients the copies to a coordinate system along the path.
# X is tangent to curve, Y is curve normal, Z is curve binormal.
# if normal can not be computed (ex a straight line), the default is used.

if (mode == 'Original') or (mode == 'Tangent'):
if normal is None:
n = defNormal
n = normal
b = t.cross(n)
except: # weird special case. tangent & normal parallel
b = nullv
_msg("PathArray computePlacement - parallel tangent, normal. Copy not aligned\n")
return placement
if overrideNormal:
priority = "XZY"
newRot = App.Rotation(t, b, n, priority); #t/x, b/y, n/z
priority = "XZY" #must follow X, try to follow Z, Y is what it is
newRot = App.Rotation(t, n, b, priority);
elif mode == 'Frenet':
n = edge.normalAt(getParameterFromV0(edge, offset))
except Gui.Base.FreeCADError: # no/infinite normals here
n = defNormal
_msg("PathArray computePlacement - Cannot calculate Path normal, using default\n")
b = t.cross(n)
b = nullv
_msg("Draft PathArray.orientShape - Cannot calculate Path biNormal. Copy not aligned\n")
return placement
priority = "XZY"
newRot = App.Rotation(t, n, b, priority); #t/x, n/y, b/z
_msg(_tr("AlignMode {} is not implemented".format(mode)))
return placement

#have valid t, n, b
newGRot = newRot.multiply(globalRotation)

placement.Rotation = newGRot
return placement

def getParameterFromV0(edge, offset):
"""return parameter at distance offset from edge.Vertexes[0]
sb method in Part.TopoShapeEdge???"""
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