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Frontend Masters

The training platform for web app engineering skills – from front-end to full-stack! πŸš€


  1. front-end-handbook-2024 front-end-handbook-2024 Public

    A guide to modern front-end web development / engineering.

    HTML 594 36

  2. front-end-handbook-2019 front-end-handbook-2019 Public

    [Book] 2019 edition of our front-end development handbook

    HTML 4.1k 474

  3. learning-roadmap learning-roadmap Public

    The Front-End Developer Learning Roadmap by Frontend Masters

    HTML 994 121

  4. bootcamp bootcamp Public

    Frontend Masters Bootcamp

    HTML 684 478

  5. ios-issues ios-issues Public

    Repository for managing publicly reported issues with the Frontend Masters iOS App

    8 2

  6. android-issues android-issues Public

    Repository for managing publicly reported issues with the Frontend Masters Android App

    5 1


Showing 10 of 66 repositories