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1.2 First Steps (v2.2)

Fushimi edited this page Jan 21, 2015 · 1 revision

Fetching the necessary files

In order to manipulate the utility, we will need access to it’s folder. So we will download the files as a zip folder;`HUB: Click the [zip] link instead of the download buton` or GitHub: Go to this repository’s master branch and download it as a zip folder.. Download it to a handy location because we will upload this folder later on.

Configuring Server Manager

Now that we have downloaded our zip, and have it extracted, we will need to go to the folder, and open Settings.ini We will have this:

readmedisplay=1;	//If you dont want the readme to be shown, set this to '0'.
startuponload=1;	//Automatically startup worlds that were online when the instance of SM was closed.
twinchilds=0;		//Set to the number of childs allowed per game.

mode="-safe";	// Change this to either -trusted or -ultrasafe, although none of 'em are recommended.
invisible=0;	// Set this flag to 1 to make your hosted games invisible.
once=0;		// This adds the "-once" option to your hosted game, wich automatically shuts it down when the last player logs out.
close=1;	// Set this flag to 1 to close the child copy of Dream Daemon when the game is shutted down.
logself=1;	// Set this to 0 to not save any logs of your world.

filename="Server Manager";

We will need to configure the following settings:

password="YourPassword"; // Type in a password that you see fit in.
startuponload=1; // Set to 0 if you do not want to automatically host the saved games that were alive at save-time.

mode="-safe"; // All the games will be hosted as -safe. "-trusted" or "-ultrasafe" are not recommended, but viable.
close=1;    //Turn this to 0 if you do not want to close DreamDaemon's childs when they are shutdown.

As long as you change the password setting, the rest is up to you. Save as you are done editing the desired settings, and close the file. There’s two scenarios, but both are the same exact thing, I will assume you are doing this over a shell server.

1. Upload the folder you extracted to your shell normally.

2. Now place your desired games' folder within Server Manager’s.

3. Host Server Manager as if it were a game.

# If you are using a shell, unless it is byondpanel you will be handling this via SHH, PuTTy for example.
# You will have to host this as invisible, or private at least.

4. Connect to Server Manager and enter your password, it will now allow you to navigate through the Panel.

5. Here, you will see three pairs of buttons, which are as follows:

# Add Game: Adds a new game to SMHS.
# Remove Game: Removes a game from SMHS.
# Delete Game: Shutdowns the specified world.
# Set Schedule: Sets up an Update schedule for the specified game.
# Start Game: Starts up a new server for the selected game.
# Reboot Game: Reboots a server for the selected game.

6. Click on the Add Game button and read carefully, here’s the explanation:

# If the popup message on SM wasn't enough, here's the explanation for each element.
# Port: This is the port your game is going to be hosted on. Enter 0 to assign an available port automatically.
# Name: This is the name of your DMB and RSC files, and also used as the name of your game. Example: "SuppaChat" = "SuppaChat.DMB" & "SuppaChat.RSC"  |  "Suppa Chat" = "Suppa Chat.DMB" & "Suppa Chat.RSC"
# Path: The location of your .dmb and .rsc files excluding the file. Also exclude a trailing slash.
#Path example:  "SuppaChat" = "SuppaChat/[Name].dmb">>>  Where [Name] is the name we entered before.
#Another:  "SuppaChat/newversion" = "SuppaChat/newversion/[Name].dmb"

7. Now that you are done, let’s put your game online so others may play it, and we can enjoy! Click on the [Start Game] button, at the output over the bottom you will see relevant information about whether or not the server was started successfully.