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A simple expression evaluator that doesn't use OOP.

How does it work?

  • It converts the given expression from the infix form to it's postfix form using the Shunting-Yard Algorithm
  • Using the postfix form of the expression, it follows this algorithm to get the result:
    • Create a stack to store operands (or values).
    • Scan the postfix expression and do the following steps for each element.
      • If the element is a number, push it into the stack
      • If the element is an operator, pop operands for the operator from stack. Evaluate the operator and push the result back to the stack
    • When the scan is ended, the number in the stack is the final answer.

What operations does it support ?

  • Paranthesis: You can use ( and ) for the general purposes.
  • Operators: +, -, /, *, <>, =, <=, >=, or, and, xor, not, mod, \ - = is ONLY for comparsion.
  • Functions: all functions from here.
  • You can use real, integer or logical constants. (E.g: 1.14 + 3.36 - 2 or false)
  • You can use variables and/or set values for certain variables(pi, e, etc).

How to use ?

  • Compile the source with a compiler that supports at least c++11 (works on both Windows and Linux).
  • Run the program and insert the expression, e.g: (1 + (2 * 3) - 2) / 5 and it will return the answer 1.


  • Changelog 1.1
    • Added support for new operators (<>, =, <=, >=, or, and, xor, not, mod, \).
    • Added support for variables and predefined variables
    • Added support for logical constants (true, false).
    • Added debug informations and rules.
  • Changelog 1.2
    • Added support for all the functions found here (except DivRem - will be added in next update)
    • Fixed an error that made some functions that contain numbers in the name to not be recognized.
    • Deleted some useless comments.
  • Changelog 1.3
    • Added support for function DivRem found here.
    • Changed the Result stack from type long double to std::string so it can support changing the value of a variable after it was defined.
    • Fixed a bug with the not operator, had to change it's precedance.


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