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Event Setting Up a Network

GaryA edited this page Oct 21, 2016 · 2 revisions

AntLog 3 can be run on a single machine, but it really gives a benefit over AntLog 2 when it is run on a local area network.

Using Existing Wi-Fi

If the event venue has an accessible wi-fi network it should be very easy to set up AntLog as a server accessible by any other devices connected to the network.

First, connect the AntLog PC to the wi-fi network.
Start Xampp (C:\xampp\xampp_start.exe) Open AntLog in a web browser (http://localhost) AntLog shows the IP address of its server in the top-left corner of the page in the form

Other users will now be able to access AntLog via the IP address (

Note that this may not work on "public" wi-fi networks due to their security settings. Often these wireless access points are configured so that the devices connected to them cannot "see" each other.

Using Your Own Router

If the event venue doesn't provide wi-fi you can use your own wi-fi router to provide a local network. You don't need a broadband internet connection or even a phone line. You only need to supply power to the router and it will provide a local area network (but no internet access). You will need to set the router up to broadcast its SSID and tell everyone the security password/key so that they can connect to it.

Follow the instructions above to find the IP address of the AntLog server.

Using a PC as a Wireless Access Point

How To Geek provide step-by-step instructions to set up a Windows 7 or 8 PC as a Wireless Access Point. Alternatively, you could choose to use the open source VirtualRouter app. Both of these solutions allow you to choose the SSID and password for people to sign into the network with. This article gives details of both methods. It also makes it clear that the command prompt must be run as administrator, and explains how to do so.

A PC won't provide such a good network as a proper wi-fi router but it's probably a "good enough" solution and requires less hardware.

Follow the instructions above to find the IP address of the AntLog server.