Starting January 2021, CTO, co-Founder at teale.
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Software Development Microservices | Event-Sourcing | Command Query Responsibility Segregation (aka CQRS) | Event-Driven Architectures | Resilient Architecture
Programming Node.js | Typescrypt | Svelte | Rust | WebAssembly | Go | Load Testing
Databases MongoDB | PostgreSQL | Redis
Infrastructure Terraform | Kubernetes | KNative | Google Cloud Platform (aka GCP) | Amazon Web Services (aka AWS) | Customer Managed Encryption Key | Vault
Security End-to-end encryption | Data Privacy by Design | RGPD at scale | Encryption Algorithms
Standards | Open API 3.0 | JSON Schema
- ex-CTO Chauffeur-Privé / Kapten
- ex-Software Engineering Director Fastbooking
- ex-founder, CTO Innitiative Nano / everCAD
- PhD Physics University Paris Sud 11