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Module Info Compiler

A tool for compiling for Java alone.

It can easily compile for your Java 8 project to fit JPMS without complicated module path configuration.

It can be used as a dependency library, as a command line tool, or as a Gradle plugin.

It only parses the syntax of without checking the actual module, so it compiles without configuring the module path.

This tool does not depend on javac, it can run on Java 8 or higher, and you can configure the major version of the target class file.


Gradle Plugin

Using the plugins:

Groovy DSL:

plugins {
  id "org.glavo.compile-module-info-plugin" version "2.0"

Kotlin DSL:

plugins {
  id("org.glavo.compile-module-info-plugin") version "2.0"

It takes over compiling, so you can easily mix in your Java 8 project.

You can also do some configuration like this:

tasks.named<org.glavo.mic.tasks.CompileModuleInfo>("compileModuleInfo") {
    targetCompatibility     = 9             // Optional, defaults to 9
    encoding                = "UTF-8"       // Optional, defaults to UTF-8
    moduleVersion           = "1.0.0"       // Optional
    moduleMainClass         = "simple.Main" // Optional

Here is a sample project: Glavo/compile-module-info-sample

Use as a CLI tool

Download the jar from the release page, run it with java -jar module-info-compiler.jar.

The parameters it accepts are as follows:

Usage: gmic [-target <target compatibility>] [-main-class <module main class>] [-module-version <module version>] <source file> <target file>

Added as a Maven dependency

This tool has been published on Maven Central, you can add dependencies to it like this:



