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Wallet DB

David Burkett edited this page May 19, 2019 · 4 revisions

The wallet uses a RocksDB database, located by default at %userprofile%\.GrinPP\MAINNET\WALLET.

As of 0.4.0, there are 6 tables(column families) used by the Grin++ wallet:


Each user has a single entry in the SEED table.

KEY: username


Field Bytes
Version 1
Init. Vector 16
Salt 8
AES encrypted seed VAR

PLANNED CHANGES: This table will be replaced with a separate seed file, making manual backups much easier.


Each user has a single entry in the metadata table.

KEY: Hex(Blake2b(username))


Field Type Description
Version u8 Indicates the serialization format. Current version is 0.
Next Tx Id u32 Starts at 0 and increments with each transaction sent/received.
Refresh Height u64 UNUSED. Replaced by restore index.
Restore Index u64 Index of last output MMR leaf scanned for outputs owned by the wallet.


Currently, only 1 "account" is used. That is, all addresses are derived from the parent KeyChainPath of m/0/0. However, this table was designed to support multiple "accounts" (parent KeyChainPaths) per user in the future.

KEY: Hex(Blake2b(username)) | ParentKeyChainPath

VALUE: KeyChainPath to use when deriving the next child address. Example: 'm/0/7/1'


Stores secret information used when building a slate.

KEY: Hex(Blake2b(username)) | slate UUID


Field Type Description
Version u8 Indicates the serialization format. Current version is 0.
Blinding Factor u8[32] Blinding factor XOR'd with blake2b(masterSeed+slate UUID+"blind")
Nonce u8[32] Nonce XOR'd with blake2b(masterSeed+slate UUID+"nonce")


An in-progress, confirmed, or canceled wallet transaction.

KEY: Hex(Blake2b(username)) | WalletTxId

VALUE: Encrypted using AES-256(See 'Encryption' section below) using "WALLET_TX" as the AES256 key.

Field Type Description
Version u8 Indicates the serialization format. Current version is 1.
Wallet Tx Id u32 Wallet-generated identifier for the transaction.
Type/Status u8 Values: Coinbase(0), Sent(1), Received(2), SendCanceled(3), RcvCanceled(4), SendPending(5), RcvPending(6), Finalized(7)
Slate Id Opt(UUID) UUID of the slate used to build this transaction.
Slate Msg Opt(str) Slate message. Version >= 1 only.
Creation Time i64 Timestamp transaction was created
Confirmation Time i64 Timestamp transaction was confirmed. 0 if not yet confirmed.
Confirmed Height u64 Block height when transaction was confirmed. 0 if not yet confirmed.
Amount Credited u64 Number of nanogrins the transaction adds to the wallet balance.
Amount Debited u64 Number of nanogrins the transaction deducts from the wallet balance.
FeeKnown u8 1 if fee is known. 0 if unknown.
Fee Opt(u64) The fee that was included as part of the transaction.
Transaction Opt(VAR) If the transaction is known, this will contain the full Transaction using the protocol's serialization format.

PLANNED CHANGES: Split Type/Status into a separate type (Coinbase, Send, Receive) and status (Confirmed, Canceled, Started, Finalized).


One entry for each output belonging to the wallet.

KEY: Hex(Blake2b(username)) | KeyChainPath | Optional("_" | MMRIndex)

VALUE: Encrypted using AES-256(See 'Encryption' section below) using "OUTPUT" as the AES256 key.

Field Type Description
Version u8 Indicates the encryption/serialization format. Current version is 0.
KeyChainPath str BIP32 path to the address used to generate the address. Example: m/0/0/7
Blinding Factor u8[32] Blinding factor used when generating the output.
Output Output in the protocol serialization format (features+commit+rangeproof)
Amount u64 Transaction amount in nanogrins.
MMR Index u64 MMR index of the output. 0 if not yet confirmed.
Block Height u64 Block the output was included in.


The values in the TX and OUTPUT tables are serialized in the below specified formats, but are stored encrypted using the following format:

Field Type Description
Version u8 Indicates the encryption/serialization format. Current version is 0.
IV u8[16] Randomly generated initialization vector.
Encrypted data vec Data encrypted using AES256 with blake2b(masterSeed+nonce) as the key.