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A software library for developing and performing state of the art tensor network calculations.

Welcome to the ITensor organization

This is the ITensor organization. This organization revolves around the Julia and C++ versions of the ITensor library for performing tensor network calculations, along with related Julia and C++ libraries.

The main developers are Matt Fishman and Miles Stoudenmire, please reach out to either of us for questions, comments, issues, or suggestions (or raise issues on a particular repository).


  1. ITensors.jl ITensors.jl Public

    A Julia library for efficient tensor computations and tensor network calculations

    Julia 485 116

  2. ITensor ITensor Public

    A C++ library for efficient tensor network calculations

    C++ 361 160

  3. ITensorTDVP.jl ITensorTDVP.jl Public

    Time dependent variational principle (TDVP) of MPS based on ITensors.jl.

    Julia 43 11

  4. ITensorInfiniteMPS.jl ITensorInfiniteMPS.jl Public

    A package for working with infinite matrix product states (MPS) with ITensor.

    Mathematica 29 19

  5. ITensorBenchmarks.jl ITensorBenchmarks.jl Public

    Run benchmarks comparing ITensors.jl to C++ ITensor.

    Julia 4 2

  6. ITensorNetworkAD.jl ITensorNetworkAD.jl Public

    Tools for using AD to optimize tensor networks, built on top of ITensor and AutoHOOT.

    Julia 15 2


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