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This project explores adding an interoperability layer for Java 8 streams to Scala.

Overview of Java 8 Streams

Java 8 has added streams, a type of high-level parallelizable iterator that supports closure-based processing. The stream API, residing at java.util.streams, presents a set of interfaces for generic (object-based) streams plus streams manually specialized for primitive doubles, longs, or ints. A stream is created using a single generator method. Zero or more intermediate operations may be requested by calling methods. Finally, a terminal operation will run, possibly traversing the entire stream, that computes some sort of result or produces a side-effect. Side-effects are discouraged, as parallelized streams make few guarantees about order of processing.

Streams are implemented using Spliterators, a type of iterator that can partition itself into multiple pieces for parallel processing. Although in principle this can be done with any Iterator, it is generally more efficient to implement the partitioning at a lower level. By using or not using the partitioning capability of Spliterators, streams can effectively work either in parallel or serial.

Streams have many fewer built-in operations than do even the most limited of the Scala collections.

Generating operations for Stream are static methods of the Stream class and include

  • concat (equivalent to Scala ++ but as a static method)
  • empty (same as Scala empty on companion object)
  • generate (same as Scala Iterator.continually)
  • iterate (same as Scala Iterator.iterate)
  • of (same as Scala apply on companion object--both single and varargs forms)

plus there is a builder method to create a Stream.Builder (which works much like Scala builders).

Intermediate operations, which have a new stream as a result type and perform their operations lazily, include

  • distinct (same as Scala distinct)
  • filter (same as Scala filter)
  • flatMap (same as Scala flatMap)
  • flatMapToDouble (manually specialized flatMap)
  • flatMapToInt (manually specialized flatMap)
  • flatMapToLong (manually specialized flatMap)
  • map (same as Scala map)
  • mapToDouble (manually specialized map)
  • mapToInt (manually specialized map)
  • mapToLong (manually specialized map)
  • peek (no direct equivalent--runs a side effect as the stream is consumed)
  • skip (same as Scala drop)
  • sorted (two variants, equivalent to Scala sort and sortWith)

Terminal operations, which eagerly (but perhaps incompletely) evaluate include

  • allMatch (same as Scala forall)
  • anyMatch (same as Scala exists)
  • collect (two forms; similar in principle to Scala's aggregate)
  • count (same as Scala size, but returns a long)
  • findAny (similar to Scala headOption, but may be any element)
  • findFirst (same as Scala headOption)
  • forEach (similar to Scala foreach, but explicitly has "anything goes" order)
  • forEachOrdered (similar to Scala foreach, but guarantees processing in natural order)
  • max (would be called maxWith in Scala)
  • min (would be called minWith in Scala)
  • noneMatch (equivalent to Scala !exists)
  • reduce (three forms, one the same as Scala reduceOption, and two like fold)
  • toArray (two forms, essentially the same as Scala toArray)

Streams also have methods to switch between parallel and sequential processing, and between ordered and unordered representations.


Scala iteroperability with Java 8 Streams should accomplish five goals.

  1. Seamlessly use Java 8 Streams as in Java 8, but with the syntactic advantages of Scala.
  2. Easily use Java 8 Streams as a Scala collection (perhaps behind an asScala guard).
  3. Provide the full set of Scala collections methods transparently and with minimal runtime penalty on top of Java 8 Streams. May or may not be the same as 2.
  4. Generate Spliterators for Scala collections that are compatible with Java 8 Streams and can be used in Java or Scala. In particular, this will enable all of Scala's collections to run operations in parallel.
  5. Reduce the specialization burden for Object vs. double, int, or long.
  6. Provide ancillary interoperability for Java 8 Optional and PrimitiveIterator, which are used by streams.

Special care must be taken to avoid superfluous boxing of Array-based streams. Note that java.lang.Arrays contains a profusion of manually specialized methods to accomplish this in Java.


Goal 1 -- Use Java 8 Streams within Scala

This should not require any extra tooling; basic Scala-Java compatibility should suffice. However, comprehensive unit tests should be written to make sure they do suffice.

Goal 2 -- Present Java 8 Streams as a Scala collection

An implicit value class can be used to add an asScala method to each Stream class. This method can instantiate a wrapper class that implements the Scala methods in terms of the Java ones (extending TraversableOnce, most likely).

To be determined: do we wrap only Stream, requiring calls to boxed to work with IntStream etc., or do we wrap directly? What do we do about the lack of specialization in Scala collections?

Goal 3 -- Scala collections transparently and with low overhead on Java 8 Streams

Implementing Scala methods in terms of Java 8 Stream methods should not require any state. Thus, a value class should be able to implement the Scala methods, possibly with type classes to provide specialized functionality for Double etc. specialized versions.

Note that to keep the JVM from having to do too much work, the value classes should @inline as many methods as practical, and the library should (as usual) be compiled with -optimize. The inlining burden can quickly grow beyond the JVM's capability to handle.

Goal 4 -- Spliterators for Scala collections

This is one of the most challenging goals to achieve since in many cases acceptable performance requires an implementation that has access to private methods.

Adding the functionality using implicit conversion would reduce the intersection with the rest of the library, though it would need to be determined to what extent pattern matching would be needed to figure out the underlying type of the collection. By making key methods private[collection] instead of private, adequate safety should be maintained while still allowing the implicit conversion strategy to work.

Goal 5 -- Reduced burden for manual specialization

Should investigate replacing the profusion of manually defined methods in Java with Scala specialized variants that defer to type class selected implementations. Note that Java does not allow you to abstract over type of stream, despite all four interfaces having nearly-identical method names (e.g. map on IntStream maps from Int to Int, and there is a mapToObj instead of the mapToInt on object Stream).

This may be too awkward to succeed, but inspiration can be taken from Spire.

Goal 6 -- Compatibility for java.util.Optional and java.util.PrimitiveIterator

Neither Optional nor PrimitiveIterator have particularly engaging interfaces.

PrimitiveIterator adds one method, forEachRemaining with a T_CONS type, and the specialized variants .OfInt etc. specify manually specified subinterfaces of Consumer to perform the operation, plus they provide e.g. nextInt to get the next int (for .OfInt). Unless we can provide specialized Scala iterators, there is little point customizing anything here save to provide a mapping from collections typed with [Int] so that we can use them as a source for IntStream.

Optional follows the same pattern of specialization as Stream itself. Providing conversions to and from Scala Option are probably adequate.

However, if the pattern for converting manually specialized implementations into Scala @specialized ones works particularly smoothly, we may wish to consider using the same strategy to specialize parts of the Scala library, and then provide more robust interoperability. (This is probably best deferred for 2.13, however.)


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