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#Simple Web Server

import ""


sws is a simple HTTP server backend to use in making web servers in Go.

The package is built around the net/http package, but adds the ability to use regular expressons for URL pattern matching.

As well, you can specify functions for the server to call when a 404 not found, or a 500 internal error are encountered, allowing for easy implementation of customized error pages.

Additionally, sws has built in static file serving. For any request that does not match to a pattern, the server attempts to serve the file from the directory specified in the server's StaticDir variable. In the default server, this variable defaults to static/ in the programs current working directory. By default, static files are served with a header setting the cache max age to 1 week, however this cache value can be changed by setting the server's StaticFileCacheParam, or using the SetStaticFileCacheMaxAge() method.



var DefaultServer = NewServer()


####func Handle

func Handle(pattern string, handler http.Handler)

Adds a route to handle the given pattern using the given handler, to the DefaultServer.

####func HandleFunc

func HandleFunc(pattern string, handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request))

Adds a route to handle the given pattern using the given handler function, to the DefaultServer.

####func Run

func Run(addr string) error

Runs the DefaultServer on the given address string.

####func SetNotFoundHandler

func SetNotFoundHandler(handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request))

Sets the DefaultServer's NotFoundHandler to the given function.

####func SetInternalErrorHandler

func SetInternalErrorHandler(handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, error))

Sets the DefaultServer's InternalErrorHandler to the given function.

####func ParseParams

func ParseParams(r *http.Request) map[string]string

Attempts to parse the form parameters of the given request object into an easy to use map. If a paremeter has multiple values, only the first is populated into the map.

####func DefaultNotFound

func DefaultNotFound(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)

A simple handler function for when resources are not found. Sends a plaintext "404 Not Found" response with appropriate headers.

####func DefaultInternalError

func DefaultInternalError(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, err error)

A simple handler function for when an error occurs in the server. Sends a plaintext "500 Internal Server Error" along with the result of err.Error() response, along with the appropriate headers.



type SimpleWebServer struct {
	NotFoundHandler func (http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)
		//A function to handle when resources are not found
	InternalErrorHandler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, error)
		//A function to handle internal server errors
	StaticDir string
		//The path to the directory from which static files are to be served
	StaticFileCacheParam string
		//The value which is to be set for the header's 'Cache-Control:' parameter for static files
	//contains other unexported fields

####func NewServer

func NewServer() *SimpleWebServer

Instantiates and returns a pointer to a new SimpleWebServer object with all the default values set.

####func (*SimpleWebServer) Handle

func (s *SimpleWebServer) Handle(pattern string, handler http.Handler)

Adds a route to the server's Router to handle the given patern using the given handler.

####func (*SimpleWebServer) HandleFunc

func (s *SimpleWebServer) HandleFunc(pattern string, handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request))

Adds a route to the server's Router to handle the given patern using the given handler function.

####func (*SimpleWebServer) Run

func (s *SimpleWebServer) Run(addr string) error

Runs the server on the TCP network address addr

####func (*SimpleWebServer) SetStaticFileCacheMaxAge

func (s *SimpleWebServer) SetStaticFileCacheMaxAge(age int)

A convenience method to set the StaticFileCacheParam of the server to a maximum age of age, in seconds


A simplified Go web server package







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