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Adds url encode and decode scripts shortcuts
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Jab2870 committed Sep 26, 2019
1 parent bd847bd commit fee5346
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Showing 6 changed files with 1,109 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion .vimrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -469,7 +469,8 @@ inoremap <C-l> <c-g>u<Esc>[s1z=`]a<c-g>u
iabbrev @@
iabbrev @@@

vnoremap <leader>u :B !urlencode<cr>
vnoremap <leader>U :B !urldecode<cr>
" File Type Specific {{{1
"Make web files fold on indent {{{2
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions bundle/vis/.VimballRecord
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
vis.vba: call delete('/home/jonathan/.dotfiles/vim/.vim/bundle/./vis//plugin/visPlugin.vim')|call delete('/home/jonathan/.dotfiles/vim/.vim/bundle/./vis//autoload/vis.vim')|call delete('/home/jonathan/.dotfiles/vim/.vim/bundle/./vis//plugin/cecutil.vim')|call delete('/home/jonathan/.dotfiles/vim/.vim/bundle/./vis//doc/vis.txt')
285 changes: 285 additions & 0 deletions bundle/vis/autoload/vis.vim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
" vis.vim:
" Function: Perform an Ex command on a visual highlighted block (CTRL-V).
" Version: 20
" Date: Mar 29, 2013
" GetLatestVimScripts: 1066 1 cecutil.vim
" GetLatestVimScripts: 1195 1 :AutoInstall: vis.vim
" Verse: For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving
" to please men? For if I were still pleasing men, I wouldn't be a servant
" of Christ. (Gal 1:10, WEB)
" Author: Charles E. Campbell <NdrchipO@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM> - NOSPAM
" Based on idea of Stefan Roemer <>
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Initialization: {{{1
" Exit quickly when <Vis.vim> has already been loaded or
" when 'compatible' is set
if &cp || exists("g:loaded_vis")
let s:keepcpo = &cpo
let g:loaded_vis = "v20"
set cpo&vim

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" Support Functions: {{{1
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" vis#VisBlockCmd: {{{2
fun! vis#VisBlockCmd(cmd) range
" call Dfunc("vis#VisBlockCmd(cmd<".a:cmd.">")

" retain and re-use same visual mode
sil! keepj norm `<
let curposn = SaveWinPosn(0)
let vmode = visualmode()
" call Decho("vmode<".vmode.">")

call s:SaveUserSettings()

if vmode == 'V'
" call Decho("cmd<".a:cmd.">")
exe "keepj '<,'>".a:cmd

else " handle v and ctrl-v
" Initialize so begcol<endcol for non-v modes
let begcol = s:VirtcolM1("<")
let endcol = s:VirtcolM1(">")
if vmode != 'v'
if begcol > endcol
let begcol = s:VirtcolM1(">")
let endcol = s:VirtcolM1("<")

" Initialize so that begline<endline
let begline = a:firstline
let endline = a:lastline
if begline > endline
let begline = a:lastline
let endline = a:firstline
" call Decho('beg['.begline.','.begcol.'] end['.endline.','.endcol.']')

" =======================
" Modify Selected Region:
" =======================
" 1. delete selected region into register "a
" call Decho("delete selected region into register a")
sil! keepj norm! gv"ad

" 2. put cut-out text at end-of-file
" call Decho("put cut-out text at end-of-file")
keepj $
keepj pu_
let lastline= line("$")
sil! keepj norm! "ap
" call Decho("reg-A<".@a.">")

" 3. apply command to those lines
let curline = line(".")
keepj $
" call Decho("apply command<".a:cmd."> to those lines (curline=".line(".").")")
exe "keepj ". curline.',$'.a:cmd

" 4. visual-block select the modified text in those lines
" call Decho("visual-block select modified text at end-of-file")
exe "keepj ".lastline
exe "keepj norm! 0".vmode."G$\"ad"

" 5. delete excess lines
" call Decho("delete excess lines")
exe "sil! keepj ".lastline.',$d'

" 6. put modified text back into file
" call Decho("put modifed text back into file (beginning=".begline.".".begcol.")")
exe "keepj ".begline
if begcol > 1
exe 'sil! keepj norm! '.begcol."\<bar>\"ap"
elseif begcol == 1
norm! 0"ap
norm! 0"aP

" 7. attempt to restore gv -- this is limited, it will
" select the same size region in the same place as before,
" not necessarily the changed region
let begcol= begcol+1
let endcol= endcol+1
exe "sil keepj ".begline
exe 'sil keepj norm! '.begcol."\<bar>".vmode
exe "sil keepj ".endline
exe 'sil keepj norm! '.endcol."\<bar>\<esc>"
exe "sil keepj ".begline
exe 'sil keepj norm! '.begcol."\<bar>"

call s:RestoreUserSettings()
call RestoreWinPosn(curposn)

" call Dret("vis#VisBlockCmd")

" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" vis#VisBlockSearch: {{{2
fun! vis#VisBlockSearch(...) range
" call Dfunc("vis#VisBlockSearch() a:0=".a:0." lines[".a:firstline.",".a:lastline."]")
let keepic= &ic
set noic

if a:0 >= 1 && strlen(a:1) > 0
let pattern = a:1
let s:pattern = pattern
" call Decho("a:0=".a:0.": pattern<".pattern.">")
elseif exists("s:pattern")
let pattern= s:pattern
let pattern = @/
let s:pattern = pattern
let vmode= visualmode()

" collect search restrictions
let firstline = line("'<")
let lastline = line("'>")
let firstcolm1 = s:VirtcolM1("<")
let lastcolm1 = s:VirtcolM1(">")
" call Decho("1: firstline=".firstline." lastline=".lastline." firstcolm1=".firstcolm1." lastcolm1=".lastcolm1)

if(firstline > lastline)
let firstline = line("'>")
let lastline = line("'<")
if a:0 >= 1
keepj norm! `>
if a:0 >= 1
keepj norm! `<
" call Decho("2: firstline=".firstline." lastline=".lastline." firstcolm1=".firstcolm1." lastcolm1=".lastcolm1)

if vmode != 'v'
if firstcolm1 > lastcolm1
let tmp = firstcolm1
let firstcolm1 = lastcolm1
let lastcolm1 = tmp
" call Decho("3: firstline=".firstline." lastline=".lastline." firstcolm1=".firstcolm1." lastcolm1=".lastcolm1)

let firstlinem1 = firstline - 1
let lastlinep1 = lastline + 1
let firstcol = firstcolm1 + 1
let lastcol = lastcolm1 + 1
let lastcolp1 = lastcol + 1
" call Decho("4: firstline=".firstline." lastline=".lastline." firstcolm1=".firstcolm1." lastcolp1=".lastcolp1)

" construct search string
if vmode == 'V'
let srch= '\%(\%>'.firstlinem1.'l\%<'.lastlinep1.'l\)\&'
" call Decho("V srch: ".srch)
elseif vmode == 'v'
if firstline == lastline || firstline == lastlinep1
let srch= '\%(\%'.firstline.'l\%>'.firstcolm1.'v\%<'.lastcolp1.'v\)\&'
let srch= '\%(\%(\%'.firstline.'l\%>'.firstcolm1.'v\)\|\%(\%'.lastline.'l\%<'.lastcolp1.'v\)\|\%(\%>'.firstline.'l\%<'.lastline.'l\)\)\&'
" call Decho("v srch: ".srch)
let srch= '\%(\%>'.firstlinem1.'l\%>'.firstcolm1.'v\%<'.lastlinep1.'l\%<'.lastcolp1.'v\)\&'
" call Decho("^v srch: ".srch)

" perform search
if a:0 <= 1
" call Decho("Search forward: <".srch.pattern.">")
call search(srch.pattern)
let @/= srch.pattern

elseif a:0 == 2
" call Decho("Search backward: <".srch.pattern.">")
call search(srch.pattern,a:2)
let @/= srch.pattern

" restore ignorecase
let &ic= keepic

" call Dret("vis#VisBlockSearch <".srch.">")
return srch

" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" s:VirtcolM1: usually a virtcol(mark)-1, but due to tabs this can be different {{{2
fun! s:VirtcolM1(mark)
" call Dfunc('s:VirtcolM1("'.a:mark.'")')

if virtcol("'".a:mark) <= 1
" call Dret("s:VirtcolM1 0")
return 0

if &ve == "block"
" Works around a ve=all vs ve=block difference with virtcol().
" Since s:SaveUserSettings() changes ve to ve=all, this small
" ve override only affects vis#VisBlockSearch().
set ve=all
" call Decho("temporarily setting ve=all")

" call Decho("exe norm! `".a:mark."h")
exe "keepj norm! `".a:mark."h"

let vekeep = &ve
let vc = virtcol(".")
let &ve = vekeep

" call Dret("s:VirtcolM1 ".vc)
return vc

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" s:SaveUserSettings: save options which otherwise may interfere {{{2
fun! s:SaveUserSettings()
" call Dfunc("s:SaveUserSettings()")
let s:keep_lz = &lz
let s:keep_fen = &fen
let s:keep_fo = &fo
let s:keep_ic = &ic
let s:keep_magic = &magic
let s:keep_sol = &sol
let s:keep_ve = &ve
let s:keep_ww = &ww
let s:keep_cedit = &cedit
set lz magic nofen noic nosol ve=all ww= fo=nroql2 cedit&

" Save any contents in register a
let s:rega= @a

" call Dret("s:SaveUserSettings")

" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" s:RestoreUserSettings: restore register a and options {{{2
fun! s:RestoreUserSettings()
" call Dfunc("s:RestoreUserSettings()")
let @a = s:rega
let &cedit = s:keep_cedit
let &fen = s:keep_fen
let &fo = s:keep_fo
let &ic = s:keep_ic
let &lz = s:keep_lz
let &sol = s:keep_sol
let &ve = s:keep_ve
let &ww = s:keep_ww
" call Dret("s:RestoreUserSettings")

let &cpo= s:keepcpo
unlet s:keepcpo
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Modelines: {{{1
" vim: fdm=marker

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