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Releases: JavadocMD/anim-view

Compatibility release.

09 Jun 18:23
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This version adds support for Java 8 and (if you prefer a bundled JRE) 32-bit Windows. Functionality is otherwise untouched.

There are several versions of the executable available, choose wisely.

  • "win32" and "win64": a Windows executable with a bundled Java Runtime. Just unzip and double-click the .exe to run. Choose the correct bundle for 32- or 64-bit systems. (Many thanks to rrragequit for testing the 32-bit build!)
  • "java7": a cross-platform executable that should run on anywhere as long as you already have Java Runtime version 7 installed.
  • "java8": a cross-platform executable that should run on anywhere as long as you already have Java Runtime version 8 installed.

Vector Graphics now supported.

03 Apr 20:42
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This version adds Inkscape as a supported program. This should extend basic support to other vector graphics programs as well, but they are as yet untested. Photoshop support has been improved to treat top-level Layer Groups as a single frame.

There are two versions of the executable available, choose wisely.

  • "win": a Windows executable with a bundled Java Runtime. Just unzip and double-click the .exe to run. (64-bit support only at the moment.)
  • "java7": a cross-platform executable that should run on any platform as long as you already have Java Runtime version 7 installed.

NOTE: Animation Viewer is not yet compatible with Java 8. It kinda-sorta works but looks awful.

First release version!

29 Mar 20:51
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There are two versions of the executable available, choose wisely.

  • "win": a Windows executable with a bundled Java Runtime. Just unzip and double-click the .exe to run.
  • "java7": a cross-platform executable that should run on any platform as long as you already have Java Runtime version 7 installed.

NOTE: Animation Viewer is not yet compatible with Java 8. It kinda-sorta works but looks awful.