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JIROjs is a jQuery plugin that allows you to make responsive javascript. Respond to width, height, scroll or something custom. JIROjs handles initialisation, ordering and execution of custom JavaScript in response to all or one of these.

  • Flexible yet powerful
  • A great accompaniment to css media queries
  • Responsive web design has never been so easy
  • The free and open source JIROjs makes any responsive design a joy to implement

Only ~5.5KB when minified and ~2KB minified and gzipped!

###Demos Horizontal menu to drop down. (To Do)
Side menu that follows when scrolled. (To Do)
Text that scales up for bigger divs. (To Do)

How to use me

JIROjs is a jquery plugin and initialising it is simple.

Insert after jQuery like this:

<!-- jQuery -->
	<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery-x.x.x.min.js"></script>
<!-- jiro -->
	<script type="text/javascript" src="jiro-1.1.1.min.js"></script>

Make sure the objects being used have been loaded by the browser.

After that you can use one of three simple methods to achieve the results you want.


####Switch method



This lets you run a function when the property (default is width) goes over or under the given 'break point'.

default event:'resize'
Allows you to specify the event that triggers execution of the function argument. Always a string.


function displayWidth(){
	return function(event){
		var $this=this;

Note the use of 'this' to refer to the target element specified in the jQuery selector.

default prop:'width'
Allows you to set which property is monitored for triggering of under and over breakpoints. This is a string representing a function that returns a number. The function has to be a child of the jQuery function. For example 'width' represents $.fn.wdth(). If you want to use a custom function you can, you just have to make it a child of $.fn.jiro.custom e.g.

	return $(this).width()/2;

Also the use of 'this' to refers to the target element specified in the jQuery selector.

default capture:window
Allows you to set which element to capture the events on. Default is window (for now). This is a catch all default. It is recommended to have this set at the lowest possible element like the element you are targeting. This is not always possible as events like 'resize' always originate at the window level (and events bubble up, not down).

This is useful if you want to capture the scroll of a div, for example. In that case you can set capture to that element and avoid unnecessary calls.

Also accepts 'this', which makes this the same as the target specified in the jQuery selector.

####Continuous method


Lets you add a function to run continuously between two breakpoints. Or one or no breakpoints.

(Same as switch plus):

default not set
Allows you to specify an upper limit for the function to operate at.



The function will not continue to be triggered when property is above 580.

default not set
Allows you to specify a lower limit for the function to operate at.



The function will not continue to be triggered when property is below 460.

####Step method


Lets you change to a range of different values at different breakpoints for a specified property.

Same as switch

###css method


Behaves exactly the same as jQuery's css method, but saves the original state of the properties that are changed. For more ways to uses this method to set css properties look up jQuery's css method documentation.

###css restore method


Restores all the css properties, that have been set with the jiro css method, to the values they were before being changed.

###Upcoming features breakpoints sync'ed with CSS @media trickel down resize event-wormholes!?(instead of bubbeling up)


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