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SnoopPrecompile -> PrecompileTools #359

SnoopPrecompile -> PrecompileTools

SnoopPrecompile -> PrecompileTools #359

Triggered via pull request May 9, 2023 13:47
Status Success
Total duration 15m 42s


on: pull_request
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9 warnings
Node.js 12 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 16: actions/checkout@v2. For more information see:
Documentation: ../../../.julia/packages/Documenter/H5y27/src/Utilities/Utilities.jl#L34
4 docstrings not included in the manual: CSV.Column CSV.CSV CSV.isvaliddelim :: Tuple{Any} CSV.checkvaliddelim :: Tuple{Any} These are docstrings in the checked modules (configured with the modules keyword) that are not included in @docs or @autodocs blocks.
Julia 1.6 - ubuntu-latest - x64 - pull_request
Node.js 12 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/cache@v1, codecov/codecov-action@v1. For more information see:
Julia nightly - ubuntu-latest - x64 - pull_request
Node.js 12 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/cache@v1, codecov/codecov-action@v1. For more information see:
Julia nightly - ubuntu-latest - x86 - pull_request
Node.js 12 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/cache@v1, codecov/codecov-action@v1. For more information see:
Julia 1.6 - ubuntu-latest - x86 - pull_request
Node.js 12 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/cache@v1, codecov/codecov-action@v1. For more information see:
Julia 1 - ubuntu-latest - x64 - pull_request
Node.js 12 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/cache@v1, codecov/codecov-action@v1. For more information see:
Julia 1 - ubuntu-latest - x86 - pull_request
Node.js 12 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/cache@v1, codecov/codecov-action@v1. For more information see:
Julia 1 - windows-latest - x64 - pull_request
Node.js 12 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 16: actions/checkout@v2, actions/cache@v1, codecov/codecov-action@v1. For more information see: