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benchmark ⏱️
benchmark :stopwatch:
breaking ❌
breaking :x:
This change may break things
bug 🐛
bug :bug:
Something isn't working
compatibility 🤝
compatibility :handshake:
Integration with other packages
conversion 🔄
conversion :arrows_counterclockwise:
Conversion between types
Pull requests that update a dependency file
discussion 🗣️
discussion :speaking_head:
Requires human input
documentation 📖
documentation :book:
Documentation and manual
duplicate 2️⃣
duplicate :two:
This issue or pull request already exists
extension ⬆️
extension :arrow_up:
Extension of an existing feature
external 📤
external :outbox_tray:
Related to external packages
feature ➕
feature :heavy_plus_sign:
A new feature
fix 🤕
fix :face_with_head_bandage:
Fix to a problem that is not too serious
good first issue 🐤
good first issue :baby_chick:
Good for newcomers
help wanted ❓
help wanted :question:
Further assistance is requested
invalid 🚫
invalid :no_entry_sign:
This doesn't seem right
meta 🔍
meta :mag:
Meta discussion or collection of several issues
performance 🐎
performance :racehorse:
More efficient code
plots 🎨
plots :art:
Related to plotting
refactoring 🔧
refactoring :wrench:
Internal code changes, typically no impact on API
regression 🐌
regression :snail:
Performance or quality degradation
robustness 💪
robustness :muscle:
Tests and checks
simplification 👶
simplification :baby:
Simplifies code
usability 🖱️
usability :computer_mouse:
Simplifies the usage or interface
wontfix 🔕
wontfix :no_bell:
This will not be worked on