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abrougher committed May 28, 2013
1 parent 3fc2c72 commit 84ea737
Showing 1 changed file with 12 additions and 7 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -18,14 +18,19 @@ public class AseTriggerTemplate extends AbstractTriggerTemplate {

public AseTriggerTemplate(ISymmetricDialect symmetricDialect) {

String quote = symmetricDialect.getPlatform()
quote = quote == null ? "\"" : quote;

emptyColumnTemplate = "''" ;
stringColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' else '\"' + str_replace(str_replace($(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\",'\\','\\\\'),'\"','\\\"') + '\"' end" ;
numberColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' else ('\"' + convert(varchar,$(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\") + '\"') end" ;
datetimeColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' else ('\"' + str_replace(convert(varchar,$(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\",102),'.','-') + ' ' + convert(varchar,$(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\",108) + '\"') end" ;
clobColumnTemplate = "case when datalength($(origTableAlias).\"$(columnName)\") is null or datalength($(origTableAlias).\"$(columnName)\")=0 then '' else '\"' + str_replace(str_replace(cast($(origTableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" as varchar(16384)),'\\','\\\\'),'\"','\\\"') + '\"' end" ;
blobColumnTemplate = "case when $(origTableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' else '\"' + bintostr(convert(varbinary(16384),$(origTableAlias).\"$(columnName)\")) + '\"' end" ;
imageColumnTemplate = "case when datalength($(origTableAlias).\"$(columnName)\") is null or datalength($(origTableAlias).\"$(columnName)\")=0 then '' else '\"' + bintostr(convert(varbinary(16384),$(origTableAlias).\"$(columnName)\")) + '\"' end" ;
booleanColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" is null then '' when $(tableAlias).\"$(columnName)\" = 1 then '\"1\"' else '\"0\"' end" ;
stringColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias)." + quote + "$(columnName)" + quote + " is null then '' else '\"' + str_replace(str_replace($(tableAlias)." + quote + "$(columnName)" + quote + ",'\\','\\\\'),'\"','\\\"') + '\"' end" ;
numberColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias)." + quote + "$(columnName)" + quote + " is null then '' else ('\"' + convert(varchar,$(tableAlias)." + quote + "$(columnName)" + quote + ") + '\"') end" ;
datetimeColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias)." + quote + "$(columnName)" + quote + " is null then '' else ('\"' + str_replace(convert(varchar,$(tableAlias)." + quote + "$(columnName)" + quote + ",102),'.','-') + ' ' + convert(varchar,$(tableAlias)." + quote + "$(columnName)" + quote + ",108) + '\"') end" ;
clobColumnTemplate = "case when datalength($(origTableAlias)." + quote + "$(columnName)" + quote + ") is null or datalength($(origTableAlias)." + quote + "$(columnName)" + quote + ")=0 then '' else '\"' + str_replace(str_replace(cast($(origTableAlias)." + quote + "$(columnName)" + quote + " as varchar(16384)),'\\','\\\\'),'\"','\\\"') + '\"' end" ;
blobColumnTemplate = "case when $(origTableAlias)." + quote + "$(columnName)" + quote + " is null then '' else '\"' + bintostr(convert(varbinary(16384),$(origTableAlias)." + quote + "$(columnName)" + quote + ")) + '\"' end" ;
imageColumnTemplate = "case when datalength($(origTableAlias)." + quote + "$(columnName)" + quote + ") is null or datalength($(origTableAlias)." + quote + "$(columnName)" + quote + ")=0 then '' else '\"' + bintostr(convert(varbinary(16384),$(origTableAlias)." + quote + "$(columnName)" + quote + ")) + '\"' end" ;
booleanColumnTemplate = "case when $(tableAlias)." + quote + "$(columnName)" + quote + " is null then '' when $(tableAlias)." + quote + "$(columnName)" + quote + " = 1 then '\"1\"' else '\"0\"' end" ;
triggerConcatCharacter = "+" ;
newTriggerValue = "inserted" ;
oldTriggerValue = "deleted" ;
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