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Periodically migrate information from a TheHive server to a LimeSurvey server for confirmed incidents.


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Note: This is primarily for the University of South Carolina Information Security Team. However, if you find some code samples within this repository that may useful for your own projects, you are free to do with it as you may.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Lime Settings
  4. Config files
  5. End User Instructions
  6. Important Information
  7. Common Questions


In a nutshell, the hive2lime script takes cases from TheHive that have been marked as Resolved and transfers some of the cases information to a LimeSurvey response. These responses can be accessed at a later date by the person who resolved the case.


There is no You must copy the entire repo to a destination folder.

  1. sudo git clone
  2. Go through the configuration files and fill out the information.
  3. Set up a cronjob to run based on your interval.

Lime Settings

In order for this script to work, several options need to be enabled on LimeSurvey.

Global Settings

Enable API:

Configuration > Global Settings > Interfaces

  • Set "RPC interface enabled" to JSON-RPC.
Create an API Admin Account:

Configuration > Manage Survey Administrators

  1. Click Add User.
  2. Fill out the username, email, and full name fields.
  3. Click on the lock symbol to "set global permissions for this user."
  4. Enable "Permission to create surveys and view, update and delete surveys from other users."
  5. Enable "Use internal database authentication."
  6. Click Save.

General Survey Settings

Surveys > SURVEY_NAME > Survey Properties > General settings & texts

  • Set "Token-based response persistence" to OFF.
  • Set "Allow multiple responses or update responses with one token" to ON.

Config Files

All configuration options are in the config folder. If they are not here, then you will need to modifiy the script. The config files do not use quotes (""). When editing config files, follow the examples below.


Put all the information for TheHive into the hive.ini file. The URL should be the base url to access TheHive. Do not append a forward slash to the end of it. The username and password are from the api user.

  • url: Base URL to access TheHive (including port and nothing after).
  • user: Username for TheHive API user.
  • password: Password for TheHive API user.

Example hive.ini:

url = https://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
user = apiuser
password = pass


All information for LimeSurvey should go into the lime.ini file.

The [admin_panel] section is for the LimeSurvey API user credentials.

  • user: Username of the LimeSurvey API user.
  • password: Password of the LimeSurvey API user.

The [misc] section is for the BASE URL to access limesurvey as well as the survey id for the active survey.

  • url: Base URL for limesurvey that includes up to index.php.
  • sid: The ID (integer value) for the survey. Can be found on the Survey list page.

The [mysql] section contains information to access limesurveys database for specific insertions.

  • user: Username of the mysql limesurvey user.
  • password: Password of the mysql limesurvey user.
  • database: Name of the database containing limesurvey data (usually just called "limesurvey").

Tokens can be appended to the end of this file in the [tokens] section. Put the username of the person the token corresponds to from TheHive to LimeSurvey. To be clear, the username is from TheHive and the token is from LimeSurvey.

Example lime.ini:

user = apiuser
password = pass

url = https://XXXXX/limesurvey/index.php
sid = 123456

user = mysqluser
password = pass
database = limesurvey

example = gIpPVHa699LgYm1
example2 = aI2kF7af4GL68mR


All miscelaneous information for the script should go in here.

The [script] section is for setting how often you want the script to run and has debugging options.

  • interval: How often you want the script to run (in milliseconds).
  • debug: Whether you want logs or not (true or false). Logs appear in the logs folder.

The [email] section is for sending emails to end users for completion of surveys.

  • smtp: SMTP address to be used for sending emails.
  • sender: The email address of the sender you wish to use.
  • debug: The email address to send error alerts to (for debugging).
  • domain: The domain of the email addresses that will receive the emails.

Example misc.ini:

interval = 86400000
debug = true

smtp =
sender =
debug =
domain =

End User Instructions


Users that resolve cases on the hive should automatically get emails with instructions on how to access their LimeSurvey responses.

In order for the user to recieve emails, their TheHive username must match the username of their email address!

A user must do the following to complete their response:

  1. Click on the link in the email.
  2. Click Load unfinished survey in the navigation bar.
  3. Type in a hive case number that has been resolved (these are listed in the email) into the Saved Name field AND the Password field.
  4. Complete the survey and submit it.

Important Information

The create_json function in the script must be edited in order for it to work on different surveys. Make sure the survey codes line up with your corresponding questions. You can find the survey codes by going into the mysql limesurvey database and describing your limesurvey response table.

def create_json(case, token):
    return {
            # token that represents who the case belongs to
            "token": token,
            # Survey response submission date.
            "submitdate": "",
            # Hive reference id.
            "386328X14X651": case['caseId'],
            # When did you start your investigation?
            "386328X14X646": datetime.fromtimestamp(int(case['startDate'] / 1000)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
            # Time to compromise to discovery
            "386328X15X916other": case['metrics'].get('Dwell Time', ""),
            # Time from open to close
            "386328X15X905": case['metrics'].get("Close Time", ""),
            # Time worked.
            "386328X15X904": case['metrics'].get('Time Worked', "")

Common Questions

I can't access my hive case id after I've submitted the limesurvey response for that case id.

Once you submit a survey repsonse, it gets removed from the mysql limesurvey saved response table which means you can no longer access it through the front-end. To make any changes to a response you've already submitted, you have to log in through the admin panel and edit it in the back-end.

I did not get an email for a case I resolved, can I still complete a response for it in LimeSurvey?

That depends. Many cases that get resolved get filtered out. If you believe that you were supposed to get an email about a certain case, try following the email instructions and use the hive case id in question.

The process of sending emails is done separately from the process of creating responses in LimeSurvey. So, just because you did not receive and email does not mean that the response was not created on your behalf.

If this does not work, then you may manually create your own LimeSurvey response by entering in your token and clicking Continue.

When I go back to the survey response page manually, it doesn't let me enter in another case.

Click the link in the email instead. This will take you to a page that defaults to a new survey response. I believe by default limesurvey puts a cookie on your computer so you go back to the same survey response.

Why is this so complicated?

Blame LimeSurvey.


Periodically migrate information from a TheHive server to a LimeSurvey server for confirmed incidents.








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