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A plugin that helps you build the Kotlin Multiplatform Project and Deploy the output to Android and iOS Project. It currently supports the Android AAR and iOS XCFramework which can be used for Cocoapods or SPM.


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A plugin that helps you build the Kotlin Multiplatform Project and Deploy the output. It currently supports the Android AAR and iOS XCFramework which can be used for Cocoapods and Swift Package Management.


This plugin mainly provides three features for Kotlin Multiplatform project:

  1. Build the KMM project for both Android and iOS artifacts
  2. Config the Maven Publish tasks for Android artifacts which is AAR and iOS artifacts which is XCFrameworks
  3. Deploy the iOS artifacts which is XCFramework to the remote Podspec module or SPM module

Build the Project

For developers who are trying the KMM first time, it may be confused for them on how to build the Android and iOS artifacts. Kotlin Multiplatform plugins produced so many tasks and does not provide a guide on how to build the project. Thus, this plugin provides several tasks that clearly show you how to produce the artifacts for Android and iOS.

  1. Build the debug/release version of Android AAR and iOS XCFramework for Multiplatform Module
./gradlew buildKMMDebug
./gradlew buildKMMRelease
  1. Build both debug and release version of Android AAR and iOS XCFramework for Multiplatform Module
./gradlew buildKMM
  1. Build just Android AAR or iOS XCFramework or JVM Jar for Multiplatform Module
./gradlew buildKMMAARs
./gradlew buildKMMXCFrameworks
./gradlew buildKMMJvmJar

After the build tasks finished, you can find the corresponding artifacts at:

  1. Android: /build/outputs/aar/***.aar
  2. iOS CocoaPods: /build/cocoapods/publish/
  3. iOS XCFrameworks: /build/XCFrameworks/
  4. Jvm Jar: /build/lib/***.jar

Config the Maven Publish for Artifacts


After we get the AAR output of the KMM, we need to deploy it to a remote repository so that our main project can import and apply it. The normal way it to deploy it to a remote Maven repository. Thus, this plugin will automatically create some useful maven publish tasks for output aars.

./gradlew publishKMMAndroidPublicationToMavenLocal
./gradlew publishKMMAndroidPublicationToMavenRepository

Under the group kmmdeploy, there is also a task which will trigger publishKMMAndroidPublicationToMavenRepository for convenient

./gradlew publishAAR


Start from version 2.0.0, this plugin add support for SPM. It will configure the maven publish tasks for the zip file of XCFrameworks.

./gradlew publishKMMSpmPublicationToMavenLocal
./gradlew publishKMMSpmPublicationToMavenRepository

Under the group kmmdeploy, there is also a task which will trigger publishKMMSpmPublicationToMavenRepository for convenient

./gradlew publishXCFrameworks


Start from version 2.2.0, this plugin add support for JVM. It will configure the maven publish tasks for the output of Jvm Jar.

./gradlew publishKMMJvmPublicationToMavenLocal
./gradlew publishKMMJvmPublicationToMavenRepository

Under the group kmmdeploy, there is also a task which will trigger publishKMMJvmPublicationToMavenRepository for convenient

./gradlew publishJvmJar

Note: the plugin will publish the source code for all targets by default, set 'publishSources' to false if you do not need that.

Deploy the Artifacts

For iOS artifacts, this plugin supports three ways to deploy:

Local Directory

If you are at the developing stage and want to debug the current code. Then you can deploy it locally. It just copies the output which is XCFramework to an output directory at the root directory. You will have the freedom on how to use that artifact.

./gradlew copyXCFrameworkToProject


It also supports the cocoapods way to deploy artifacts:

  1. Create an remote git repo to hold the Podspec file and XCFramework
  2. Add this repo as a submodule as the KMM project
git submodule add
  1. Run the tasks produced by this plugin to deploy the latest output to that submodule
./gradlew deployKMMiOSCocoapods


As mentioned before, since version 2.0.0, this plugin supports the Swift Package Management. It will create the zip file of the XCFramework and Package.swift file which contains the package information. Then it will publish the zip file to maven when you run deploy task.

To use it, you just need to configure the remote repository url for zip file:

kmmDeploy {

The Url after spm is the remote repository that will keep the zip file. It will take the first repository in Maven Publish configuration by default.

Then run the deploy task to create the Package.swift file and publish the zip file to remote repository

./gradlew deployKMMiOSSpm

Deploy Android Artifacts

The deploy task will trigger the maven publish tasks for Android AAR configured at before. Furthermore, it will copy the artifacts to root folder of the project so that you can use it for local development.

./gradlew deployKMMAndroid

Deploy Jvm Artifacts

The deploy task will trigger the maven publish tasks for Jvm Jar configured at before. Furthermore, it will copy the artifacts to root folder of the project so that you can use it for local development.

./gradlew deployKMMJvm

Deploy All Artifacts

Lastly, this plugin creates a task that combine all tasks discussed above and does all things at once.

./gradlew deployKMM

This task will build the project for both iOS and Android, config the maven publish task, and copy the artifact to correct directory.

Then, it will create the Package.swift file if you apply SPM support and publish the artifacts to Maven for both Android and iOS.

Getting Started


Since this project use CocoaPods and Maven for Artifacts deployment of Kotlin Multiplatform project, the project that want to use this plugin must apply kotlin("native.cocoapods"), maven-publish, and kotlin("multiplatform") plugins.

plugins {

Notice that: Start from Version 1.3.0, Cocoapods plugin is not required to be applied. If you still want to build XCFramework, you can configure the project as follows:

kotlin {

    val iosTargets = listOf(iosX64(), iosArm64(), iosSimulatorArm64())

    val xcf = XCFramework()
    iosTargets.forEach {
        it.binaries.framework {
            baseName = "shared"

Note that, you must specify the baseName for frameworks like above. Otherwise, you will get an error.

Apply Plugin

Since this plugin has be uploaded to the Center Gradle Portal, you can just apply it without adding depending repository.

Current version is 2.3.0

plugins {
    id("io.github.kevinnzou.kmmdeploy") version "2.3.0"

Setup Maven Publish Repo

If you want to publish the AAR output to remote Maven repository, then you need to setup the Maven Repository.

publishing {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url = uri("[input your repository url]")
            credentials { }

Setup Cocoapods

As mentioned before, since version 1.3.0, it is not required to use cocoapods plugin.

If you want to use cocoapods as dependency for iOS deploy, then you need to configure the necessary fields to make it deployable with Cocoapods.

kotlin {
    // ...

    cocoapods {
        summary = "Some description for the Shared Module"
        homepage = ""
        source = "{:git=> '' }"
        version = project.version.toString()
        ios.deploymentTarget = "14.1"
        podfile = project.file("../iosApp/Podfile")
        framework {
            baseName = "shared"

Config Plugin Properties

This plugin provides an extension for config the properties:

interface KmmDeployExtension {
    * Version for artifacts published to Maven
    * Use gradle version by default
   val version: Property<String>

    * ArtifactId for Android artifacts published to Maven
    * Use "kmm-android" by default
   val androidArtifactId: Property<String>

    * whether to include the source code in published artifacts
    * Use true by default
   val publishSources: Property<Boolean>

    * The name of the submodule that manages the Podspec file and XCFramework
    * If you do not want to use submodule, please don't specify this property
   val podspecRepoName: Property<String>

    * The name of the output directory for artifacts of Android and iOS
    * Use "KMMOutputs" by default
   val outputDirectory: Property<String>

    * ArtifactId for Jvm artifacts published to Maven
    * Use "kmm-spm" by default
   val jvmArtifactId: Property<String>

    * ArtifactId for iOS artifacts published to Maven
    * Use "kmm-spm" by default
   val spmArtifactId: Property<String>

    * The Name of the Zip file of XCFrameworks
    * Use "$name-xcframework-$version" by default
   val xcFrameworkZipName: Property<String>

    * Whether need SPM Support
    * Use false by default
   val useSpm: Property<Boolean>

    * The url of the repository that store the zip file of XCFrameworks
    * which will be used to fill the url filed of Package.swift files
    * Use the url of the first repository in maven-publish extension by default
   val spmUrl: Property<String>

    * Need SPM Support
   fun Project.spm(url: String? = null) {
      url?.apply { spmUrl.set(url) }

Example configuration will look like:

kmmDeploy {

Local Development

This plugin also supports local development


After you finished development, you can just call copyAndroidAAR task which will build the android aar and copy it to the root directory of the project.

./gradlew copyAndroidAAR

Assume your android project is at the same directory with KMM project, then you can depend on the KMM Aar produced at last step like that:

dependencies {


For iOS, we provide both cocoapods and SPM way. You can just call copyXCFramework task which will build the iOS artifact, zip it, and copy it to the root project. It will also produce the podfile if you apply cocoapods plugin. With these outputs, you can directly move the produced XCFramework to Xcode and use it locally.

./gradlew copyXCFramework


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