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Olaf Faaland edited this page Jul 25, 2019 · 3 revisions

The Lustre Monitoring Tool is divided into three parts.

The lmt-server-agent package contains Cerebro metric plugins that run on Lustre servers. Their job is to read Lustre /proc and /sys values and push the data into the Cerebro monitoring network.

The lmt-server package contains a Cerebro monitor plugin that pulls data from the Cerebro monitoring network, and (optionally) pushes it into the MySQL/MariaDB database. It also contains the ltop client and other utilities for administering LMT.

The lmt-gui project is obsolete and is no longer maintained.

The database is optional - required only for storing historical data.

Generally people configure one database per "Lustre cluster", where each Lustre cluster has one or more file systems participating in the same Cerebro monitoring network. Although it is possible to have a site-wide database for all Lustre file systems, this is not commonly done.

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