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A collection of utility functions for redux applications. These helpers can help reduce boilerplate when accomplishing common redux tasks. Designed to be used in tandem with redux-actions.

The key helpers in this library are:

  • setState(path): set a value in state when an action is dispatched.
  • unsetState(path): clear a value in state when an action is dispatched.
  • selectorForSlice(path): create a select function that can be used to create nested selectors for a path.
import { setState, selectorForSlice } from '@launchpadlab/lp-redux-utils'
import { createAction, handleActions } from 'redux-actions'

// Generic setter from redux-actions
const setUser = createAction('SET_USER')

const reducer = handleActions(
    // Set a value in state when the action is dispatched
    [setUser]: setState('stuff.user'),

// Create selectors for nested values
const select = selectorForSlice('stuff')
const userSelector = select('user')

// userSelector(state) -> <value at stuff.user>


Documentation and usage info can be found in


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