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Clojure wrapper for the jsch SSH Library.

For the legal stuff please see LICENSE.

== What does it do ==

Clossher is a wrapper for the jsch SSH library, it allows to used most of the
SSH functions. It can execute code on a remote host, copy files forth and back
or open shell sessions - to allow executing multiple commands in a session that
'remember' their state (usefull for using su or things that require

== Nice to know ==

Since the underlaying jsch library is native java code clossher will work
entirely platform indipendant.

== Requirements ==

You will need the jsch jar file, currently this is tested with version 0.1.42.
The jar file can be fetched from: Most of the
credit should go there, the wrapper just makes it nice and clojureish, trying to
hide most of the javaness in the SSH stuff.

== Known issues ==

* Using exec after working with a shell-session does not work well.
* sftp does not work with directories, sorry it seems to be a limitation of the
  underlaying library, but I'm thinking about a workaround.

== Last words ==

If you've any questions, requests, suggestions feel free to drop me a mail at

Also I'd like to thank the #clojure channel, who always proved to be a very good
source for help, espcially _ato for a example how to best deal with sessions.

== Examples ==

This example shows how to use the sftp commands, connect to a host move around
the directory structure, execute commands and trainfair files.

  (use 'net.licenser.ssh)
  (use 'net.licenser.ssh.sftp)
  (with-session "user" "pass" "host"
      (sftp-lcd "D:/test")
      (sftp-cd "/tmp")
      (sftp-put "2.txt")
      (println (sftp-pwd))
      (println (sftp-lpwd))
      (sftp-exec "echo `hostname` > 2.txt")
      (sftp-lcd "D:/")
      (println (sftp-pwd))
      (println (sftp-lpwd))
      (sftp-get "/tmp/2.txt")))

This example demostrates how the shell works, that the shell keeps 'track' of
what happend.

  (use 'net.licenser.ssh)
  (use '

  (with-session "user" "pass" "host"
      (println (shell-read-all))
      (println (shell-exec "exec bash"))
      (println (shell-exec "export PS1=\"\\h:\\w# \""))
      (println (shell-exec "ls"))))


Clojure SSH Library, wrapping the jsch pure Java SSH implementation



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