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New feature: Render results using gqGrid (pradeshc)
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c-schmitz committed Sep 4, 2014
1 parent 5410f59 commit 4887196
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Showing 3 changed files with 601 additions and 0 deletions.
276 changes: 276 additions & 0 deletions application/controllers/admin/responses.php
Expand Up @@ -311,7 +311,283 @@ public function index($iSurveyID)

function browse($iSurveyID)

$this->getController()->_js_admin_includes(Yii::app()->getConfig('generalscripts') . "jquery/jqGrid/js/i18n/grid.locale-en.js");
$this->getController()->_js_admin_includes(Yii::app()->getConfig('generalscripts') . "jquery/jqGrid/js/jquery.jqGrid.min.js");
$this->getController()->_js_admin_includes(Yii::app()->getConfig('generalscripts') . "jquery/jquery.coookie.js");
// PC. Added this new file.
$this->getController()->_js_admin_includes(Yii::app()->getConfig('adminscripts') . "listresponse.js");

$this->getController()->_css_admin_includes(Yii::app()->getConfig('publicstyleurl') . 'jquery.multiselect.css');
$this->getController()->_css_admin_includes(Yii::app()->getConfig('publicstyleurl') . 'jquery.multiselect.filter.css');
$this->getController()->_css_admin_includes(Yii::app()->getConfig('adminstyleurl') . "displayParticipants.css");
$this->getController()->_css_admin_includes(Yii::app()->getConfig('generalscripts') . "jquery/jqGrid/css/ui.jqgrid.css");
$this->getController()->_css_admin_includes(Yii::app()->getConfig('generalscripts') . "jquery/jqGrid/css/jquery.ui.datepicker.css");

$aData = $this->_getData($iSurveyID);
$aViewUrls = array();
$oBrowseLanguage = new Limesurvey_lang($aData['language']);

// The column model must be built dynamically, since the columns will differ from survey to survey, depending on the questions.
$column_model = array();
// The first few colums are fixed.
$column_model[] = array('name' => 'actions', 'model_name' => 'Actions', 'index' => 'actions', 'sorttype' => 'string', 'sortable' => false, 'width' => '100', 'align' => 'left', 'editable' => false);

// All other columns are based on the questions.

//add token to top of list if survey is not private
if ($aData['surveyinfo']['anonymized'] == "N" && tableExists('tokens_' . $iSurveyID)) //add token to top of list if survey is not private
$column_model[] = array('name' => 'Token', 'index' => 'token', 'sorttype' => 'string', 'sortable' => false, 'width' => '100', 'align' => 'left', 'editable' => false);
$column_model[] = array('name' => 'First name', 'index' => 'firstname', 'sorttype' => 'string', 'sortable' => true, 'width' => '100', 'align' => 'left', 'editable' => false);
$column_model[] = array('name' => 'Last Name', 'index' => 'lastname', 'sorttype' => 'string', 'sortable' => true, 'width' => '100', 'align' => 'left', 'editable' => false);
$column_model[] = array('name' => 'Email', 'index' => 'email', 'sorttype' => 'string', 'sortable' => true, 'width' => '100', 'align' => 'left', 'editable' => false);

$column_model[] = array('name' => 'completed', 'model_name' => 'Completed', 'index' => 'completed', 'sorttype' => 'string', 'sortable' => true, 'width' => '100', 'align' => 'left', 'editable' => false);

// $fields = createFieldMap($iSurveyID, 'full', false, false, $aData['language']);
$fields = createFieldMap($iSurveyID, true, false, $aData['language']);

// foreach ($fields as $fielddetails)
foreach ($fields as $fielddetails)

// print_r($fielddetails);

// Note that in LS 2,00, $fielddetails is an array, in 2.1 it is an object

if ($fielddetails->fieldname == 'lastpage' || $fielddetails->fieldname == 'submitdate')

// no headers for time data
if ($fielddetails->type == 'interview_time')
if ($fielddetails->type == 'page_time')
if ($fielddetails->type == 'answer_time')

$question = $fielddetails['question'];
if ($fielddetails['type'] != "|")
if (isset($fielddetails['subquestion']) && $fielddetails['subquestion'] != '')
$question .=' (' . $fielddetails['subquestion'] . ')';
if (isset($fielddetails['subquestion1']) && isset($fielddetails['subquestion2']))
$question .=' (' . $fielddetails['subquestion1'] . ':' . $fielddetails['subquestion2'] . ')';
if (isset($fielddetails['scale_id']))
$question .='[' . $fielddetails['scale'] . ']';
$column_model[] = array('name' => $question, 'index' => $fielddetails['fieldname'], 'sorttype' => 'string', 'sortable' => true, 'width' => '25', 'align' => 'left', 'editable' => false);
if ($fielddetails['aid'] !== 'filecount')
$qidattributes = getQuestionAttributeValues($fielddetails['qid']);
for ($i = 0; $i < $qidattributes['max_num_of_files']; $i++)
if ($qidattributes['show_title'] == 1)
$fnames[] = array($fielddetails['fieldname'], "File " . ($i + 1) . " - " . $fielddetails['question'] . "(Title)", "type" => "|", "metadata" => "title", "index" => $i);
if ($qidattributes['show_comment'] == 1)
$fnames[] = array($fielddetails['fieldname'], "File " . ($i + 1) . " - " . $fielddetails['question'] . "(Comment)", "type" => "|", "metadata" => "comment", "index" => $i);
$fnames[] = array($fielddetails['fieldname'], "File " . ($i + 1) . " - " . $fielddetails['question'] . "(File name)", "type" => "|", "metadata" => "name", "index" => $i);
$fnames[] = array($fielddetails['fieldname'], "File " . ($i + 1) . " - " . $fielddetails['question'] . "(File size)", "type" => "|", "metadata" => "size", "index" => $i);
//$fnames[] = array($fielddetails['fieldname'], "File ".($i+1)." - ".$fielddetails['question']."(extension)", "type"=>"|", "metadata"=>"ext", "index"=>$i);
$fnames[] = array($fielddetails['fieldname'], "File count");

// if ( ($fielddetails['fieldname'] == 'id') || ($fielddetails['fieldname'] == 'startlanguage') ) {
// Combine title and aid to provide a unique column header.
if ( empty($fielddetails->title) ) {
$fielddetails->title = $fielddetails->fieldname;
if ( !empty($fielddetails->aid) ) {
$fielddetails->title = $fielddetails->title . '_' . $fielddetails->aid;

$fnames[] = array($fielddetails->fieldname, $fielddetails->title);

$column_model[] = array('name' => $fielddetails->title, 'model_name' => strip_tags(FlattenText(substr($fielddetails->text, 0, 32), true)), 'index' => $fielddetails->title, 'sorttype' => 'string', 'sortable' => true, 'width' => '100', 'align' => 'left', 'editable' => false, 'title' => strip_tags(FlattenText($fielddetails->text)) );


// print_r($column_model);

$column_model_txt = ls_json_encode($column_model);

$column_names = array();
foreach ($column_model as $column) {
// $column_name = stripTagsFull($column['model_name']);
// $column_name = substr($column['model_name'], 0, 32);
// $column_names[] = FlattenText($column['model_name'],true) ;
$column_names[] = $column['model_name'];

$column_names_txt = ls_json_encode($column_names);


$aData['issuperadmin'] = false;
if (Yii::app()->session['USER_RIGHT_SUPERADMIN'] == 1)
$aData['issuperadmin'] = true;
$aData['surveyid'] = $iSurveyID;
$aData['column_model_txt'] = $column_model_txt;
$aData['column_names_txt'] = $column_names_txt;

$this->_renderWrappedTemplate('responses', 'listResponses_view', $aData);


* Returns survey responses in json format for a given survey
* @access public
* @return void
public function getResponses_json($iSurveyID)

$aData = $this->_getData($iSurveyID);

$aViewUrls = array();
$oBrowseLanguage = new Limesurvey_lang($aData['language']);

$sImageURL = Yii::app()->getConfig('adminimageurl');

$fnames = array();
//add token to top of list if survey is not private
if ($aData['surveyinfo']['anonymized'] == "N" && tableExists('tokens_' . $iSurveyID)) //add token to top of list if survey is not private
$fnames[] = array("token", "Token", $clang->gT("Token ID"), 0);
$fnames[] = array("firstname", "First name", $clang->gT("First name"), 0);
$fnames[] = array("lastname", "Last name", $clang->gT("Last name"), 0);
$fnames[] = array("email", "Email", $clang->gT("Email"), 0);

$fields = createFieldMap($iSurveyID, true, false, $aData['language']);

foreach ($fields as $q)
if ($q->fieldname == 'lastpage' ||
$q->fieldname == 'submitdate' ||
$q->fieldname == 'token')

$question = $q->text;
if (!is_a($q, 'QuestionModule') || !$q->fileUpload())
if (isset($q->sq) && $q->sq != '')
$question .=' (' . $q->sq . ')';
if (isset($q->sq1) && isset($q->sq2))
$question .=' (' . $q->sq1 . ':' . $q->sq2 . ')';
if (isset($q->scale))
$question .='[' . $q->scale . ']';
$fnames[] = array($q->fieldname, $question);
if ($q->aid !== 'filecount')
$qidattributes = $q->getAttributeValues();

for ($i = 0; $i < $qidattributes['max_num_of_files']; $i++)
if ($qidattributes['show_title'] == 1)
$fnames[] = array($q->fieldname, "File " . ($i + 1) . " - " . $q->text . "(Title)", "title", $i);

if ($qidattributes['show_comment'] == 1)
$fnames[] = array($q->fieldname, "File " . ($i + 1) . " - " . $q->text . "(Comment)", "comment", $i);

$fnames[] = array($q->fieldname, "File " . ($i + 1) . " - " . $q->text . "(File name)", "name", $i);
$fnames[] = array($q->fieldname, "File " . ($i + 1) . " - " . $q->text . "(File size)", "size", $i);
$fnames[] = array($q->fieldname, "File count");

// Get the survey responses
$dtresult = Survey_dynamic::model($iSurveyID)->findAllAsArray();

$aSurveyEntries = new stdClass();
$aSurveyEntries->page = 1;

$all_rows = array();
foreach ($dtresult as $row) {

// BUG: For some reason, the $action_html is placed outside the json string! //
$action_html = "<a href='" . Yii::app()->createUrl("admin/responses/view/surveyid/$surveyid/id/{$row['id']}") . "'><img src='" . $sImageURL . "/token_viewanswer.png' alt='" . $clang->gT('View response details') . "'/></a>";
if (hasSurveyPermission($surveyid, 'responses', 'update')) {
$action_html .= "<a href='" . Yii::app()->createUrl("admin/dataentry/editdata/subaction/edit/surveyid/{$surveyid}/id/{$row['id']}") . "'><img src='" . $sImageURL . "/edit_16.png' alt='" . $clang->gT('Edit this response') . "'/></a>";
if (hasFileUploadQuestion($surveyid)) {
$action_html .= "<a><img id='downloadfile_" . $row['id'] . "' src='" . $sImageURL . "/down.png' alt='" . $clang->gT('Download all files in this response as a zip file') . "' class='downloadfile'/></a>";
if (hasSurveyPermission($surveyid, 'responses', 'delete')) {
$action_html .= "<a><img id='deleteresponse_" . $row['id'] . "' src='" . $sImageURL . "/token_delete.png' alt='" . $clang->gT('Delete this response') . "' class='deleteresponse'/></a>";

$aSurveyEntry = array();

$aSurveyEntry[] = '<!--a-->' . $action_html;
$aSurveyEntry[] = empty($row['submitdate'])?'N':'Y';
$aSurveyEntry[] = $row['id'];
$aSurveyEntry[] = $row['startlanguage'];
$aSurveyEntry[] = $row[$fnames[2][0]];
$aSurveyEntry[] = $row[$fnames[3][0]];

foreach ($row as $row_index => $row_value) {

// Ignore these fields
if (in_array($row_index, array('id', 'submitdate', 'lastpage', 'startlanguage', 'startdate', 'datestamp'))) {

$aSurveyEntry[] = $row_value;


$all_rows[] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'cell' => $aSurveyEntry);


$aSurveyEntries->rows = $all_rows;

echo ls_json_encode($aSurveyEntries);


function oldbrowse($iSurveyID)
$aData = $this->_getData($iSurveyID);
Expand Down
67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions application/views/admin/responses/listResponses_view.php
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
<script type='text/javascript'>
var strdeleteconfirm='<?php $clang->eT('Do you really want to delete this response?', 'js'); ?>';
var strDeleteAllConfirm='<?php $clang->eT('Do you really want to delete all marked responses?', 'js'); ?>';
var noFilesSelectedForDeletion = '<?php $clang->eT('Please select at least one file for deletion', 'js'); ?>';
var noFilesSelectedForDnld = '<?php $clang->eT('Please select at least one file for download', 'js'); ?>';

<br />
<script type='text/javascript'>
var getuserurl = '<?php echo $this->createUrl('admin/survey/ajaxgetusers'); ?>';
var ownerediturl = '<?php echo $this->createUrl('admin/survey/ajaxowneredit'); ?>';
var delmsg ='<?php $clang->eT("Are you sure you want to delete these surveys?",'js');?>';
var sCaption ='<?php $clang->eT("Survey Respones",'js');?>';
var sSelectColumns ='<?php $clang->eT("Select columns",'js');?>';
var sRecordText = '<?php $clang->eT("View {0} - {1} of {2}",'js');?>';
var sPageText = '<?php $clang->eT("Page {0} of {1}",'js');?>';
var sLoadText = '<?php $clang->eT("Loading...",'js');?>';
var sDelTitle = '<?php $clang->eT("Delete selected response(s)",'js');?>';
var sDelCaption = '<?php $clang->eT("Delete",'js');?>';
var sSearchCaption = '<?php $clang->eT("Filter...",'js');?>';
var sOperator1= '<?php $clang->eT("equal",'js');?>';
var sOperator2= '<?php $clang->eT("not equal",'js');?>';
var sOperator3= '<?php $clang->eT("less",'js');?>';
var sOperator4= '<?php $clang->eT("less or equal",'js');?>';
var sOperator5= '<?php $clang->eT("greater",'js');?>';
var sOperator6= '<?php $clang->eT("greater or equal",'js');?>';
var sOperator7= '<?php $clang->eT("begins with",'js');?>';
var sOperator8= '<?php $clang->eT("does not begin with",'js');?>';
var sOperator9= '<?php $clang->eT("is in",'js');?>';
var sOperator10= '<?php $clang->eT("is not in",'js');?>';
var sOperator11= '<?php $clang->eT("ends with",'js');?>';
var sOperator12= '<?php $clang->eT("does not end with",'js');?>';
var sOperator13= '<?php $clang->eT("contains",'js');?>';
var sOperator14= '<?php $clang->eT("does not contain",'js');?>';
var sFind= '<?php $clang->eT("Filter",'js');?>';
var sReset= '<?php $clang->eT("Reset",'js');?>';
var sSelectColumns= '<?php $clang->eT("Select columns",'js');?>';
var sSubmit= '<?php $clang->eT("Save",'js');?>';

var sCancel = '<?php $clang->eT("Cancel",'js');?>';
var sSearchTitle ='<?php $clang->eT("Filter responses",'js');?>';
var sRefreshTitle ='<?php $clang->eT("Reload responses list",'js');?>';
var delBtnCaption ='<?php $clang->eT("Save",'js');?>';
var sEmptyRecords ='<?php $clang->eT("There are currently no responses.",'js');?>';
var jsonUrl = "<?php echo Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl('/admin/responses/getResponses_json/surveyid/'.$surveyid); ?>";
//var sConfirmationExpireMessage='<?php $clang->eT("Are you sure you want to expire these surveys?",'js');?>';
//var sConfirmationArchiveMessage='<?php $clang->eT("This function creates a ZIP archive of several survey archives and can take some time - please be patient! Do you want to continue?",'js');?>';
// var editUrl = "<?php echo $this->createUrl('/admin/survey/editSurvey_json'); ?>";
var colNames = <?php echo $column_names_txt; ?>;
var colModels = <?php echo $column_model_txt; ?>;


<table id="displayresponses"></table> <div id="pager"></div>

<select id='gs_completed_select' style='display: none'>
<option value=''><?php $clang->eT("Any") ?></option>
<option value='Y'><?php $clang->eT("Yes") ?></option>
<option value='N'><?php $clang->eT("No") ?></option>

<div id='gs_no_filter'>&nbsp;</div>

<br />

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