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Fixed issue #6905: Additional token attributes are displayed by field…
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…name when browsing tokens
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c-schmitz committed Nov 22, 2012
1 parent 5bb63b2 commit d098566
Showing 1 changed file with 14 additions and 20 deletions.
34 changes: 14 additions & 20 deletions application/views/admin/token/browse.php
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
$uidNames = array();
/* Build the options for additional languages */
// Build the options for additional languages
$j = 1;
$getlangvalues = getLanguageData(false,Yii::app()->session['adminlang']);
if (Yii::app()->session['adminlang'] != 'auto')
Expand All @@ -17,27 +16,22 @@
$langnames = implode(";", $lname);
/* Build the columnNames for the extra attributes */
/* and, build the columnModel */
// Build the columnNames for the extra attributes
// and, build the columnModel
$names = array_keys(getTokenFieldsAndNames($surveyid, true));
$attributes = getAttributeFieldNames($surveyid);
$attributes = getTokenFieldsAndNames($surveyid,true);
if (count($attributes) > 0)
foreach ($names as $name)
foreach ($attributes as $sFieldname=>$aData)
$attnames[] = '"' . $name . '"';
$uidNames[] = '{ "name":"' . $sFieldname . '", "index":"' . $sFieldname . '", "sorttype":"string", "sortable": true, "align":"center", "editable":true, "width":75}';
foreach ($attributes as $row)
$uidNames[] = '{ "name":"' . $row . '", "index":"' . $row . '", "sorttype":"string", "sortable": true, "align":"center", "editable":true, "width":75}';
$columnNames = implode(',', $attnames); //Add to the end of the standard list of columnNames
$columnNames = "";
/* Build the javasript variables to pass to the jqGrid */

// Build the javasript variables to pass to the jqGrid
<script type="text/javascript">
var sRecordText = '<?php $clang->eT("View {0} - {1} of {2}",'js');?>';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,7 +76,7 @@
var sBounceProcessingURL = "<?php echo Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl('admin/tokens/bounceprocessing/surveyid/' . $surveyid); ?>";
var participantlinkUrl="<?php echo Yii::app()->getController()->createUrl("admin/participants/displayParticipants/searchurl/survey||equal||".$surveyid); ?>";
var searchtypes = ["<?php $clang->eT("Equals") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Contains") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Not equal") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Not contains") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Greater than") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Less than") ?>"]
var colNames = ["ID","<?php $clang->eT("Action") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("First name") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Last name") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Email address") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Email status") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Token") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Language") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Invitation sent?") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Reminder sent?") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Reminder count") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Completed?") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Uses left") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Valid from") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Valid until") ?>",<?php echo $columnNames; ?>];
var colNames = ["ID","<?php $clang->eT("Action") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("First name") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Last name") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Email address") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Email status") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Token") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Language") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Invitation sent?") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Reminder sent?") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Reminder count") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Completed?") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Uses left") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Valid from") ?>","<?php $clang->eT("Valid until") ?>"<?php if (count($columnNames)) echo ','.$columnNames; ?>];
var colModels = [
{ "name":"tid", "index":"tid", "width":30, "align":"center", "sorttype":"int", "sortable": true, "editable":false, "hidden":false},
{ "name":"action", "index":"action", "sorttype":"string", "sortable": false, "width":100, "align":"center", "editable":false},
Expand All @@ -98,8 +92,8 @@
{ "name":"completed", "index":"completed","align":"center", "sorttype":"int", "sortable": true,"width":80,"editable":true},
{ "name":"usesleft", "index":"usesleft","align":"center", "sorttype":"int", "sortable": true,"width":80,"editable":true},
{ "name":"validfrom", "index":"validfrom","align":"center", "sorttype":"int", "sortable": true,"width":160,"editable":true},
{ "name":"validuntil", "index":"validuntil","align":"center", "sorttype":"int", "sortable": true,"width":160,"editable":true},
<?php echo implode(",\n", $uidNames); ?>];
{ "name":"validuntil", "index":"validuntil","align":"center", "sorttype":"int", "sortable": true,"width":160,"editable":true}
<?php if (count($uidNames)) echo ','.implode(",\n", $uidNames); ?>];
for(i=0; i<document.forms.length; i++)
Expand Down

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